June 26, 2018: Memo to HK airport security

These words are being typed on MH135 from Kuala Lumpur (where I've been visiting families of young Malaysians in prison in Hong Kong) to Brisbane (where I'm due to attend 60th Anniversary functions at my old school Iona College).

It's a fact that drug mules continue to be arrested on arrival at Hong Kong airport. Many of them have drugs in their carry-on luggage. This means that their drugs were not detected by security at their departure airports.

If Hong Kong is serious about stopping drug mules from entering the territory, there needs to be a security check of carry-on luggage as soon as passengers leave their planes.

At least this should be done for flights from places where drug mules keep coming from - like Sao Paolo, Addis Ababa .... and Kuala Lumpur.