September 18, 2018: How Security Bureau can save money
As authorised by the Security Bureau, asylum seekers in Hong Kong receive free medical and legal help, help from social workers, and finance for accommodation and food. The average cost for one asylum seeker for one year is more than $50,000.
On top of this is the social and legal cost as asylum seekers get caught up in the world of illegal working, theft and drug trafficking, often because the financial allowance for food and accommodation is not enough to survive on.
I have met thousands of asylum seekers in Hong Kong. Most of them paid big money, sometimes up to HK$50,000 to people smugglers or agencies to get to Hong Kong. If the Hong Kong government would give them $50,000 the vast majority of them would return to their own countries immediately.
A one-off plan that will not be repeated, that will not attract more asylum seekers, that will prevent many social problems in Hong Kong .... and will save the Hong Kong government millions of dollars. What about it SB?!