
  The Journals of Matteo Ricci  1583-1610:
  China in the Sixteenth Century

Amazon has only a few copies of this rare book available.
It's virtually a collector's item

journals.jpg (125788 bytes)   

How the Jesuits were established in Zhaoqing
is described by Ricci himself in the following pages

127  128  130  132  134 

136  138  140  142  144   ("Sciauquin" = Zhaoqing)

146  148  150  152  154  156  158 160  162  164  166  168 

170  172  174  176  178    180   182   184  186   188  190  192   194 196  198

200  202  204  206  208  210  212

(No more pages will be uploaded....just the Zhaoqing story uploaded)