Meeting June 10, 2005 at Dynasty Hotel

Present: Vivian, Rosa H, Mr Liu Wei Heng (vice chairman of Zhaoqing  Political & Consultative Conference), John W

Items discussed:

* Government is keen to have Matteo Ricci's original building (near HK ferry pier) rebuilt to original design and turned into a MR Cultural Exchange Centre

* Mr Liu has given green light for an international MR cultural exchange meeting to be held in second half of September this year, in Zhaoqing.  Duration - 3 days;  maximum number of participants - 30.  MR scholars and interested persons need to submit their names to Mr Liu who will assist with visa process if necessary.  Funding is needed to help cover costs of this meeting (c. Y30,000 - Y50,000?)

* On Friday June 17 there will be a follow up meeting for the above four people + invited representatives from Hong Kong and Macau  - to select September date and to share ideas for Sep meeting format