Fr Harry E. Winter OMI, USA
2012 articles by Fr Harry
For those interested in Ecumenism
this is a superb article!
Nov 26:
Statement & Vat II
When Vatican II opened in 1962, there was no
participation by any Orthodox bishop; they had turned down the invitation. So
Williebrands went to Moscow in early October and personally invited the Russian
Orthodox to attend. He showed up in
Rome on the morning of Oct. 11 with two Russian Orthodox bishops in tow, and
that broke the deadlock; by the start of the second session, in Sept. 1963,
there were a good number of Orthodox observers. John Paul II took
apologies to a new level in 2000 when he cried out “We forgive and we
ask forgiveness.”
13: Vatican
II and the Holy Spirit
A most interesting history of the link
between Vatican II and the growth
of the Charismatic Movement
(and reason why the Irish took to St
Benedict's Rule more than Italians!)
18: Did
Vat II "reform" the Church?
The first session of Vatican II could not speak of
reforming the Church. But
by the third session, reform was again an acceptable concept, and
was getting a Biblical underpinning with the introduction of the
image of the Church as a Pilgrim People
9: How
to interpret Vatican II
In 1965, the sixteen documents, and the
energy of Vatican II, arose in a certain direction.
But several very important events soon occurred, practically
unforeseen by the Council Fathers, which have affected how we view Vatican
June 15: Seminarians at Vatican II (revised copy, Sep 2012) Supplement to Seminarians at VII (Sep 2012)
13: Marcello Zago, OMI: Bonding
Proclamation, Ecumenism and Dialogue
3 at this link)