2011-12-01 Bamboo and the new translation
A well known bishop criticized the pope for not sticking to the party line.
A full account is found in Galatians 2.11-14.
Pope's name was Peter. Bishop's name was Paul
Today we are in a similar situation.
Many of us feel "Peter" has strayed from the vision of Vatican II
We want to be loyal to "Peter" - it's in our DNA.
We sincerely pray for him every day.
But we find ourselves alarmed at the way the Barque is sailing
What to do?
Just let things go?
Go along with whatever "Peter" wants?
We can't help asking:
"What does Jesus want?"
Did Jesus want Peter to stop eating with "pagans"?
Does Jesus want us to go back to a Latin Mass with the priest not facing the
Does Jesus want the cardinals to go around wearing their Superman capes?
At a time when the church should be in penitent mode after so many scandals?
What to do?
Step One - pray.
One way I've been
praying about this for the past few years
Step Two - keep informed about what's going on.
Avoid the "dumbing down" syndrome (...so many people...even good
priests...are still not aware of the big picture)
Step Three - respectfully, courageously, wisely speak up about the situation
- as Paul did to Peter
Step Four - keep eating with "pagans".
Respectfully, charitably, courageously decline to depart from the vision of
Vatican II
One way: the Asian way, the bamboo way: bend with the wind, but then go back
into position.
Filipino Benedictine, Father Anscar Chupungco gives some hints, between the
lines, in
this seminal artical