2012-07-07      The obfuscation  of Vatican II       John W


On today's menu there is an article
DiNoia: "progressivist" reading of Vatican II waning
- implying Vat II needs to be re-interpreted

Also on today's menu is a ghastly article  
"Misunderstandings and irregularities" in post-Vatican II liturgy"
by Mgr Andrew Wadsworth - advocating a return to SSPX-type liturgy,
on the grounds that Vatican II was not properly understood

Last Tuesday's menu had an article by Professor Tracey Rowland
- criticising Vatican II theologians

Last Sunday's menu had an interview with Fr Robert Barron
- a very eloquent explaining away of Vat II

The above four items are samples of what's going to become more common
over the next 15 months as the Vatican tries to uncelebrate the 50th anniversary of
Vatican II

What can we do?

One obvious thing is to re-read the documents of Vatican II for ourselves

Over the past six months,
I have been offering a simple reflection based on the documents of Vatican II

These reflections are quick thoughts...done on the run.
They have ensured I have stuck to my resolution
to re-read the documents of Vatican II in this anniversary year

My original resolution

So far I have re-read the four "Constitutions".
Still to come are the three "Declarations" and nine "Decrees".
Please don't embarrass me by asking what's the difference between
a declaration and a decree!  (I can't remember...).
But I do know there are 16 documents in all... as on this list

May I encourage everyone to re-read the original 16 documents.
They are not light reading. Some of them are out of date.
But most of them, after 50 years, are most relevant to our modern world.

We believe they are voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to and through the Church

Please join me each day in re-reading the documents!

p.s.  A recent reflection: Vatican II's "Declaration of Dialogue"