2012-09-15                                   John W     John W's previous articles

Remembering Jesus:  Using the name "Jesus"

Uttered aloud, or in the silence of your hearts, the name "Jesus" will alter an atmosphere from one of discord to one of love. It will raise the standard of talk and thought

From God Calling, September 13

When an argument starts within a group....think of Jesus, say his name in your heart....discord will be deleted....and love installed

When rough talk is flowing in a group...think of Jesus, say his name in your heart....and the standard of talk will be upgraded


A previous article mentioned how Hong Kong inmates are remembering Jesus when they go to court, using a special prayer

Yesterday at a detention center I heard of two inmates who in the past week used the prayer in court.  One received a far lighter sentence than he thought possible. The other walked out free from the court...over the moon that his prayers and those of his friends had been so effective

Should add: I always tell the inmates - "if you're innocent, plead innocent. If you're guilty, plead guilty ...and pray for the minimum sentence. Don't expect to walk free if you are guilty, but do expect God to hear your prayer if you ask for the absolute minimum sentence".
- putting into practice Jesus' words: "The truth will set you free"


Bottom line: in court, in argument situation, in rough talk situation:
- remember Jesus, use the name "Jesus" and  receive a download of help

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