October 10, 2012 John W John W's previous articles
An elephant in the room: homosexuality in priesthood and religious life
show a factor that we need to be willing to discuss:
the growing percentage of gay priests and religious
This is not to say people with a gay orientation are "acting out".
Nor is it denying that throughout the church's history gay people
have been heroic and saintly members of the church
But the figures show that in many countries, the majority of priests and
religious are gay. In many countries the majority of candidates entering
seminaries and novitiates are gay. The figures show that this gay percentage is
As Donald Cozzens says in books below, this factor makes it less likely that heterosexual candidates will join or
remain in a group that is predominantly gay. It can be a contributing
factor to why some
heterosexual priests and religious choose to live alone
This issue is a major reason for lack of vocations in the western world....yet
it doesn't get a mention in articles on "lack of vocations"
If the present trend continues, the vast majority or priests and religious will
be gay. This issue is not confined to any one diocese or congregation or nation.
It is an issue for the whole church, the whole world.
What can any one diocese, congregation or nation do?
First step is to at least be willing to face the issue, be willing to discuss
Denying there's a problem is like denying a sickness....it just gets worse
Much material on this topic is in the excellent books The
Changing Face of the Priesthood and "Freeing
Celibacy" by retired seminary rector Donald Cozzens.
(See the many comments/reviews at these links)
One possible option for dioceses and congregations: develop extended
communities, made up of priests/religious and lay people (single and
married). Such communities would have a majority of heterosexual members -
providing a healthier atmosphere for community living, vocations, ministry etc
See: Homosexuality and Roman Catholic Priests
Too many priests preaching the truth, but living a lie
- re Cardinal Keith O'Brien case
See: 2013-03-05 Homosexuality and the Church crisis
See: 2013-03-05 Catholic Church's issue is homosexuality, not pedophilia
See: 2012-08-29 Same sex-marriage and anal sex
In Google put "homosexuality priesthood" for many articles on this topic