October 24, 2012                   John W             John W's previous articles


Will Synod bit clericalism bullet?


While those in charge of the Barque of Peter continue their don't-rock-the-boat Synod in Rome this week, at the same time in Melbourne the most alarming information about deadly oil spills from the same Barque is emerging at the Victoria sex abuse inquiry

Theme in Rome: steady as she goes, all's well, no icebergs on the horizon, don't let burning issues get on the agenda

Theme in Melbourne: something's rotten in the state of Denmark

Urgent voices are calling out for people on the bridge to confront the
basic cause of the stench: clericalism

Professor Cahill said the Church's "culture of caste clericalism" and its pyramid structure rendered it incapable of the systemic reform needed. The organisational culture was "verging on the pathological".
(in above link to Vic inquiry)

See also: Clericalism the greatest obstacle to evangelization

The Synod itself is an exercise in clericalism.
How many lay people or nuns or brothers have made a presentation at the Synod? ( c.f. Address by one sister and Listen to the Laity)  

In Italy the trial has begun of the cruise captain who let his ship run aground.  In Hong Kong, two ferry captains whose boats collided killing 40 people have been arrested and will be put on trial

How much longer will the Vatican Crew continue to re-arrange deckchairs while the Titanic sinks? 
