2013-02-19 John W John W's previous articles
next pope is a European, big disappointment
in Africa, Asia, South America ...again
Once again people in Africa, Asia and South America are getting their hopes up that the next pope might come from their region. If he does come from one of those regions, the "wow" factor will be like that after John Paul II was first elected - a non-Italian!
But the figures probably mean another European since 61 of the 117 voting cardinals are from Europe, even though only 24% of Catholics now live in Europe
so, the disappointment in Africa, Asia and South America will be palpable. Those
three regions already feel they are second class citizens.
c.f. Last year when
the Asian bishops' meeting had to change date for the Vatican Synod
the cardinals think outside the European box?
For this we pray to the Lord!
See: Will next pope come from "global south"?
c.f. Church too Western/European
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