2013-03-04     John W                                John W's previous articles

"Our vestments are pompous" 

In an interview of August last year, Cardinal Carlo Martini said   

"The Church is tired, in prosperous Europe and in America. Our culture is out of date; our Churches are big; our religious houses are empty, and the Churches bureaucratic apparatus is growing, and our rites and our vestments are pompous"

Two types of vestments to consider here: liturgical and non-liturgical

Liturgical:  The Old Testament required sacred vestments for liturgical worship. The New Testament - no mention of liturgical vestments. In fact Christian liturgical vestments only began around the fourth/fifth century.
Martini's words imply that liturgical vestments have got out of hand. 
They need to be more simple. In fact, in this time of shame and sorrow re child abuse, it would be good, as a sign of sorrow, for priests/bishops/cardinals/pope at Mass to wear just an alb and stole....to abandon the chasuble for "a year of sorrow". Make that a purple stole

Non-liturgical:  how can the wearing of liturgical vestments 24/7 be justified?  Cardinals, bishops dressed up liturgically at all meetings and functions....a change (of clothing!) is needed!

One thinks of China where leaders used to dress like this, but now they dress like this. Chinese leaders long ago modernized their clothing

Isn't it time that Catholic Church leaders did the same?

What do you think?  And what would Martini say to (some) (young) priests who are caught up in the game of ever-more elaborate vestments?
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Vestments controversy of English Reformation

Vatican stuck in monarchical past


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