2013-03-25      John W                John W's previous articles


Pope's Pentecost Plan
(a dream)


Pope Francis yesterday announced that the period from Ascension to Pentecost this year will be a time of special prayer asking the Holy Spirit's blessing on the Church

Francis called on all Catholics to imitate the example of the apostolic group who spent long hours in prayer each day after Jesus' ascension as they awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

All dioceses, parishes, schools and other institutions are being asked by the pope to arrange special Masses and other gatherings in the week of June 12 to June 19 this year

Pope Francis said that the Church is now at a crossroads, with many complicated issues to face and many tensions within the Catholic family.
"At a time like this", he said, "when so much needs to be done about so many issues, we first of all need to beg the Lord's guidance and help".

The pope said he is hoping many millions of Catholics will make the effort to attend daily Mass from June 13 to June 18.  For these days he is asking that special prayers be used at Mass to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the whole Church

Pope Francis hopes that after Pentecost every diocese, parish, school and organisation will develop a strategy for putting into practice the goals of a simpler, humbler, more caring Church

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