2013-04-28 John
W John W's previous
Bangladesh tragedy and Fair Trade and me
- a reflection after reading
for the West, disaster for Bangladesh
Doesn't concern me?
If I live in the developed world it very much concerns me.....from the tea and
coffee I drink to the clothes I wear to the shops where I buy things to the
companies I have shares in, to the terrorism that fills our daily news.....in
fact, my concern or lack thereof will change/continue a situation that is as
evil as slavery
For over 1,500 years most people, including Christians, were unable or unwilling to do anything about slavery. About 200 years ago some people, mainly Protestant Christians, started speaking up against slavery. And ("legal") slavery was eventually abolished
For hundreds of years most people, including Christians, were unable or unwilling to do anything about un-fair trade. In recent decades some people, mainly Christians, have been speaking up against un-fair trade. Please God un-fair trade will eventually be abolished
Why didn't more people, especially
Christians, particularly Catholics, act earlier to abolish slavery?
Most appropriate answer is a red face, despite scholars efforts to deflect the
Why don't more people, especially Christians, particularly Catholics, do more to
abolish un-fair trade?
How many dioceses/parishes/schools have/support a Fair Trade shop?
How many ordinary people are even aware of the un-fair trade situation?
How many ordinary people are aware of the link between "Bargains for the
West" and disaster for Bangladesh?
Un-fairness in trade is one of the main reasons for resentment/anger against the
developed world,
one of the main breeding grounds for international terrorism.
A practical way for ordinary people to fight terrorism and to prevent
Bangladesh-type disasters is to work for the abolition of un-fair trade
practical things we can do:
1. Support Fair Trade shops and Fair Trade products.
- in these places in the US
- in these places in Hong
- in these places in the UK
(scroll down for the list)
- at these Oxfam stores in
- at on line Fair Trade shopping
Stay informed:
- Wikipedia article re
Fair Trade
- a
Fair Trade directory
- Slavery
When Pope Francis speaks about "going out" and "getting involved in the world" ....the Fair Trade issue is the sort of thing he has in mind.
Comments welcome here