2013-05-06 John W John W's previous articles
In each diocese: a Vicar
for the Poor
Recently I met someone involved in a certain
line of work that can't be given publicity. Person said that others
involved in the same work don't have much, if any, contact with each
other. Person is trying to get various groups to come together occasionally for sharing and support
Same problem affects our work for
the poor. Pope Francis has asked Catholics to
do more for the poor. To "go out" more.
But very often, various groups that serve the poor have little contact
with each other.
In a diocese, even in a parish, groups can be doing good things for the
poor that other groups serving the poor are not aware of.
This can result in over-lapping and other issues
Maybe in some countries there is
already a communication structure between groups like Caritas and the
Vincent de Paul Society.
But my experience is that in many places, right hands don't know what left
hands are doing. Sometimes there's a competitive or possessive
spirit that doesn't want to share with others.
This is sadly true of Catholic and "non-Catholic" groups in most
places. Very little contact/co-operation/sharing etc
So...to promote more effective service of the poor in a diocese...maybe there could be some sort of annual (if not more often) gathering of groups that serve the poor. Ideally such gatherings should involve all church and other organizations that serve the poor in the diocese
Which leads on to the thought: from a Catholic point of view, given the Pope's lead, maybe every diocese should have a Vicar for the Poor....who has the responsibility to bring like-minded groups together, as well as the task of promoting more care for the poor
Some dioceses have a Vicar for Social Services, but could there also a more specific role: Vicar for the Poor. Such a person obviously doesn't have to be from the clergy. A lay person with experience in Caritas or St VdP would be ideal. Preferably someone with "mud on their boots" who lives simply, rather than a career professional who lives a life of luxury
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