2013-08-02     John W               John W's previous articles


"Reject what is contrary to the Gospel"


On the 15th Sunday of the Year there is the beautiful Opening Prayer:

God our Father, your light of truth guides us to the way of Christ.
May all who follow him reject what is contrary to the gospel

In recent years I have come to understand that "contrary to the gospel" refers to many things within the Church:

- the harsh and unjust treatment of divorced/remarried Catholics

- the harsh and unjust treatment of people like Bishop Bill Morris

- the denial of responsibility by the Vatican and other higher authorities to local bishops and bishops' conferences

- the exclusion of women from diaconate/priesthood

- the denial of freedom of expression to theologians, writers, Catholic media

- a lavish life style that shows little concern for the poor and the environment

- an internal focus that has little interest in Ecumenism

- a  liturgical style/translation that hinders, rather than helps people pray

Apart from the issue of women priests, Pope Francis is practising plenty of rejection re the above items (...and DV he will allow women deacons which might re-open the door to women priests  ...and DV he will also allow a re-assessment of a compulsory priestly celibacy that contradicts the gospel)

God our Father, your light of truth guides us to the way of Christ.
May Pope Francis reject what is contrary to the gospel


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