2013-09-22      John W                     John W's previous articles

(Comments welcome here)

Pope's prayer and Middle East peace: any link?


In an increasing number of Catholic publications and websites, intercessory prayer is treated as superstition, even something to be joked about

e.g. an article in the latest Tablet So did the Pope's peace vigil 'work'? concludes: So maybe human beings answered their own prayers. People took time out to reflect. And that was enough to increase even posturing politicians' appetite for peace

e.g. a well-know website in Australia often has articles suggesting that "praying for others" is superstitious nonsense

That's on the Catholic side of the fence....where church attendance figures are continuing to decline in so many places

But on the Pentecostal side of the fence there's a different story. Intercessory prayer is regarded as Biblical and effective ....and church attendance figures are continuing to increase in so many places

c.f. my article of August 26:
Two men named Francis and the reason for Pentecostal growth

To deny the reality of intercessory prayer is to deny an ocean of Bible teaching and spirituality history ....and to flatten our own pneumatic tires