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A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II 
Edited by  Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父        Original articles have "comments welcome here" link

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the example of Pope Francis
in implementing the vision of Vatican II by service of the poor, by a simple life style, by simple liturgy,
by concern for Ecumenism, by concern for climate change, by concern for renewal of the Church
- all underpinned by a rededication to the Bible

The New Translation                                                                                                                "Reform of the reform" agenda

Pope Francis
 - Thank You Holy Spirit!

Imitating Pope Francis

Sunday April 28

My sheep listen to my voice
Darlene Starrs
(Canada Sunday blogger)

Bangladesh tragedy and Fair Trade and me     John W
How many dioceses/parishes/schools  have/support a Fair Trade shop?
When Pope Francis speaks about "going out" and "getting involved in the world" the Fair Trade issue is the sort of thing he has in mind

Papal Embrace
If it's ok for pope to hug children,
what about priests?

Catholics try their hand
at old fashioned evangelization

Pope Francis Continues to Build 
"Poor Church for the Poor"

Mortal Sins

US archbishop's proposal for
power-sharing in the Church

c.f. A politburo papacy

Keeping the faith
 in times of suffering

How do you know if you are a Catholic?  Graham English

Catholic Identity
Peter Wilkinson

Canada attacks "evil" Sri Lanka regime re Commonweatlh meeting 

 Reading Reflection Prayer
Menu for today April 28
In time of hardship,
keep going!
In time of hardship,
"bless his name"
In time of hardship,
remember Heaven!
As a witness to God's love,
do more for others who are in times of hardship
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YouTube: 10 tips for using computer/smartphone/camera

Pope: Vatican Bank change

This week's smile
  Abraham's computer !

Vatican II  Reflection 72
Re Mary: avoid both exaggeration
and narrow-mindedness

John W - Blog - April 28
Pope Francis wants Catholics
to be more outgoing !

Monday April 29

Imitating Pope Francis'
common touch
John W
Popes, bishops, priests and religious with the common touch should not be the exception. They should be the rule  

R.I.P. Bishop Jin of Shanghai
"I am both a serpent and a dove. The government thinks I'm too close to the Vatican, and the Vatican thinks I'm too close to the government. I'm a slippery fish squashed between government control and Vatican demands."

I had the privilege of meeting Bishop Jin on several this one in 1989 and always came away with the feeling "he's a man of the Church" in the best sense  - jw

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 29
"Wavering flame" people 
Good to have daily shower
"Tent making"
"No use praying for blind people to be healed" ?
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G8 to go with Pope to Assisi?

Vatican II  Reflection 73
Document on the Liturgy:
from "Heaven or from man"?

John W - Blog - April 29
A "wavering flame" story

From:  A Vision Betrayed - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542 -1742 
 by Andrew Ross

p.115:  Was then the Jesuit mission to Japan a failure? Was Christianity rejected by the Japanese people as is so often stated? No, the Jesuit mission was not a failure and the Japanese people did not reject Christianity.

Indeed, one can go further and say that the Jesuit mission to Japan, aided to a degree by the Franciscan mission, was one of the most successful in the history of Christianity. 

p. 119:  The Chinese officials noticed that Michele Ruggieri (on his visits to Canton) knew how to behave in a way that other Europeans did not  (..he understood and observed Chinese protocol..)

p.120: ( Ruggieri was like a John the Baptist in preparing the way for Matteo Ricci)

p.131: (What gained acceptance for Ricci by the Chinese scholars was not the scientific gadgets he had (..clocks etc) but Ricci's understanding of Chinese language and culture)

p. 145: The enormous importance of the printed word for spreading the Good News in China (something well understood by Bishop Jin who set up a huge printing venture in Shanghai)

Tuesday April 30

Francis and the Holy Spirit
Martin Mallon 
(Tuesday blogger from Ireland)

A reflection on Pope Francis' homily at April 28 Confirmation Mass: the Holy Spirit is working in our lives and in our world 

Divide a parish into zones
How this was done in one HK parish
John W

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 30
A good prayer before
 or while travelling
Remembering God's presence
helps us calm down
Are we afraid to "speak out"
Church leaders should replace
horses with donkeys!
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Leonardo Boff praises Pope Francis
Francis has brought a "new spring" 
to the global Church

Women's rights at Jerusalem Wall

Victorian sex abuse inquiry slams Church spokesman's comments

Aged care dirty work done dirt cheap

Organs taken from about to be executed prisoners in China: 
Controversy re transplant doctor

Vatican II  Reflection 74
"Where it all comes together"

John W - Blog - April 30
True story: "He did it"

A Vision Betrayed - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542 -1742  by Andrew Ross

p. 146: One of the books Ricci published was taken to Korea and led to the beginning of Christianity in Korea...long before the arrival of any missionaries

(c.f. this article re the history of
 Christianity in Korea)

p.147:  Ricci came to understand that original Confucianism knew of one Creator God.  The ancient Chinese sages had not been polytheists like the Greeks & Romans

This was, in Ricci's view, of the utmost importance for it would seem to indicate that the ancient culture of China still retained traces of the primal revelation of God to his creation in a form unpolluted by poytheism and idolatry. 

This fact, as well as the compatibility of the basic ethics of Confucianism with Christianity, combined to allow him to present Christianity as something that completed what was ancient and true within China's own history and culture

Wednesday April 24

Community or isolation?
Chris McDonnell (UK Wed blogger)
I went to the tomb and rolled back the stone.
Out came the poor and destitute,
the prisoners,  the old and forgotten,
blinking in the sunlight,
all ready for a  new birth

Pope's G8 should be G9? John W
Cardinal Tagle should be added to group

 Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 24
If someone wants to be a good leader, they need the blessing of the Holy Spirit
You Tube: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
St Paul not an easy person to get along with
 Once again: link between healing and faith
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Pope "unblocks"
 Romero beatification

Autistic girl uses computer
 to communicate

Unvested servers at Pope's Mass

Climate change:
Look to Bolivia for inspiration

Vatican II  Reflection 68
Mary is a board manager of Team Life
owned & coached by Jesus 

John W - Blog - April 24
China earthquake ...and corruption

In yesterday's homily, Pope Francis returned to an image that he often uses when he wants to suggest the unmistakable dynamics of the Christian life: that of the community of the Japanese baptized, which, in the seventeenth century, after the expulsion of foreign missionaries, was left without priests for more than two hundred years. "When, after this time, other missionaries returned again" said Francis "they found all the communities still in their place: all baptized, all catechized, all married in Church, and those who were dead, all buried in a Christian way. There is no priest ... Who did this? The baptized!"

In the last few years, the whole pastoral in Buenos Aires was reconfigured to facilitate access to baptism and other sacraments for all, avoiding Pharisee-isms and demands for spiritual or moral pre-requisites not included in canon law. 

In a handbook on baptism published by the Archdiocese when it was led by the Cardinal, Bergoglio reiterated very clearly that "baptism cannot be denied to children of single mothers, of couples united by only civil union, to the children of divorced people now involved in a new union, or of people now distant from the practice of Christian life".  - from this report

hursday April 25

Anzac Day,
Australia and New Zealand 

Anzac Day story:
Fr Ted and the cross he should bear

John W - Blog - April  25
Anzac Day reflection

Getting personal with Anzac Day Philip Harvey (Eureka Street)

Today, Anzac Day, a good day to re-read Bishop Pat Power's 2003 call for peace, when George Bush was in Australia

Pope has called for the Church to "go out, reach out" even though this might involve "accidents". “I prefer a thousand times over a Church of accidents than a sick Church”. 
Searching for a new maturity  by Ron Rolheiser addresses this subject: 

"We lack the maturity to walk amidst the temptations, distractions, and comforts offered by the world without either losing ourselves in them, selling out our message, or unhealthily withdrawing into safe enclaves to huddle in fear, against the world, protected from it, but at the cost of denigrating its goodness, energy, & zest"

Cardinal George Pell - interview re Pope 
"He's got mud on his boots"

Pope's talk April 24 to 70,000

Signs of the Papal Times 
- an Assessment of the New Papacy
Paul Collins

Every Thursday, Daniel Daring's reflection on the Sunday readings,  to help us prepare for Sunday:
This week - Easter 5 (C):
And I saw a new heaven
 and a new earth

The Jewish rabbis have a saying that if only all the Jews would obey God’s commandment to keep the Sabbath holy, by spending it on prayer and reading God’s word, instead of doing their business, then the Messiah would come. We Christians could as well say that if only all of us would obey Jesus’ commandment, ‘love one another as I have loved you,’ then heaven would descend upon the earth


YouTube: Cardinal Bergoglio at 2011 stadium Mass - may such joyful celebrations become more common.  

 Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 25
Good news for blind, deaf,
 lame and dumb 
Ok to clap hands at Mass?
The universe - God's womb
Origin of "over the top"
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Church withdraws subpoena
 to Obama on birth control

Reader: Maybe it's just that it has finally dawned on the hierarchy that about ninety five percent or more of adult Catholics have long rejected the teaching on artificial birth control and do not regard Humanae Vitae as morally binding upon their consciences. This teaching, above all else, has probably caused the greatest crisis of credibility for the Catholic hierarchy equal with the scandal of clerical sexual abuse of children

Gunmen abduct 2 bishops in Syria

Ex-bishop's widow believes Francis will make celibacy optional

 Kevin Spinale, S.J., talks with Peter Eisner, author of The Pope’s Last Crusade: How an American Jesuit Helped Pope Pius XI's Campaign to Stop Hitler. 
   Listen to the interview here.

Vatican  II  Reflection 69
Mary had a little Lamb, and wherever the Lamb went, Mary went too

 Friday April 26
Feast of St Mark
(held over 
from yesterday because of Anzac Day) 

A most interesting article:
The Gospel of Mark

Des O'Donnell OMI:
Notes from
Jesus - An Historical Approximation by Jose Pagola

The mud on Pope Francis' boots
John W
In an article posted on yesterday's menu Cardinal George Pell said that Pope Francis has "mud on his boots after years of work' - a saying that means Francis is not someone who has been stuck in the office, but someone who has got out among the people in the real world, especially among the poor

I wonder how many Christians, how many religious, how many priests, how many bishops "have mud on their boots"?

I wonder how many parishes, schools, religious communities, dioceses have a reputation for "mud on boots" as a result of a continued commitment to and continuous involvement with the poor?

What is my/our reputation for?
  Love of sport/music/fine food/fine wine/restaurants/movies/travel/seminars? of the poor?

As I finished a prison visit yesterday,
I reflected on the friendly welcome given me by the inmates in every section I went to.
Of the several hundred I saw yesterday, maybe one or two were Christians, yet all gave me a welcoming smile as I went round shaking their hands and saying "Jesus bless you".  And I had a grateful and humbling insight into the saying of the Good Shepherd: "my sheep know me"
....because they see me often, at least weekly, and they know I care about them. I have mud on my boots 

Like so many pastorally-minded school principals and parish clergy and heads of hospitals and parish clergy who regularly visit all parts of their schools/parishes/hospitals....rather than just spending their time behind a desk. Boots get no mud from being under a desk all day

Pope Benedict attracted attention for his delicate red shoes.  Pope Francis is attracting attention for mud on his boots

May the papacy of Pope Francis inspire more and more Christians, especially Christian leaders, no matter what color shoes they wear, to get a reputation for "mud on their boots"


Two recent posts by Joseph Girzone:

An alternative to present prisons
The present setup where they just sit around in their cells is ridiculous, and a total waste of money and talent.

And then the Judgment
As we get older it is natural to wonder when God is going to take us home, even though, hopefully we may have many more years before that time comes

Vatican II Reflection 70
Jesus is the sun. Mary is the moon

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 26
Mark a disciple of Peter & Paul
Mark's Gospel has proclaimed God's truth through the ages
Mark's Gospel a persecution time support
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John W - Blog - April 26
Meeting with deaf rubbish collector

Anzac Day:

Record crowds attend services in Australia  This is a most encouraging  development and indicates a deepening appreciation of important values   jw

Catholica comments:  01  02

Tomorrow: article by TASMAD
on women deacons 

Saturday April 27

Women priests? How about a discussion on women deacons?
TADMAN (blogger from Melbourne)
This may or may not be a precursor towards the debate on women priests, but surely it’s a conversation worth having.

c.f. Ministry of Women Deacons
 and Canon 129

Pope Francis and future of
 the Vatican Bank

1931 description of Curia
 has relevance for 2013

Bangladesh building tragedy
Link between poor building standards 
 and demand for cheap goods 

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today April 27
Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Currencies: Hell$ and Heaven$
No one likes being laughed at
Not "to be or not to be"
but "to serve or to be served"
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No 2013 papal visit to Argentina
(but maybe before or after WYD? jw)

Boston marathon bombings:
Cardinal O'Malley's reflections

Vatican II Reflection 71
Mary - one of the world's bravest women

John W - Blog - April 27
Bangladesh tragedy and our shopping

Church to run prisons?
John W
As a full-time prison chaplain I was particularly interested in the article by Joseph Girzone on yesterday's menu:
An alternative to present prisons

Such thinking reminds me of a hope I've had for some time: that the Church would run prisons! In the US and other places there are private prisons, and the Church does a pretty good job at running schools, hospitals and other, why not prisons?

I just checked Google and found this excellent article Should the Church run a prison? which disagrees with the idea of a church-run prison, with words like these:

There is direct contradiction between the most basic, central goals of the church, and the purposes the NSW Government has for prisons.

The basic purpose of the prison system, punishment, is contrary to the goals of the church. 

It is not appropriate for the church to have power over people in the way required by the prison system, whether it be confining people within prison walls, or administering security procedures such as preventing escapes, dealing with confrontation, limiting property, and searching people and cells.

 The role of the prison system within the social, economic, political and legal context means that the church, in taking on the role of prison management, would be taking responsibility for confining many people whom it believes should not be in prison. That is, the church would be participating in an unjust system.

Rather than incarcerating people under an unjust system, it would be more appropriate for the church to support initiatives to reduce the prison population, to develop innovative alternatives to prison, and to advocate justice in the definition and prosecution of crime, and in sentencing practices.

That is, the church has to choose  between becoming part of the system and participating in injustice, or working for radical change.

What do readers think?
Comments welcome

2013-04-09PopeFrancisAtMass.jpg (68152 bytes)
 Humble photo

2013-03-14barefoot-man.jpg (79954 bytes)
Barefoot man in cold and rain
St Peter's Square  2013-03-12
praying for  conclave   

2k013-04-19homeless-Jesus.jpg (29027 bytes)
Homeless Jesus


More bloggers, more tank people,
 wanted  from all parts of the world!
Please email 

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day

Engagements of Pope Francis


Please encourage more people to see 1-10  re Bishop Bill Morris:
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM,
the most recent being talk of March 26, 2013: Reclaiming the Spirit of Vatican II

Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag
1998 ICEL Sacramentary

      Bloggers' archives - current bloggers without ( )

Bakhita   (Hazel C)   Daniel Daring  Inigo Joachim (Brian Lewis)  (Judith Lynch)   Martin Mallon  Chris McDonnell   (Bill Mulcahy
Des O'Donnell)  
TASMAD   (David Timbs)  (Peter Wilkinson)   Harry Winter   John Wotherspoon

Other Archives


16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal
Too Western/European

Fr Hans Küng:      Letter to bishops    Revolution to stop authoritarianism 
Fr Joseph Ratzinger:  Writings on Vat II          Robert Mickens: Vatican Implosion
Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: Of Happy Memory - and Hope?
Robert McNally: Crisis & Criticism in the Church 
Ron Schmit:  1962 Mass a condemnation of Vat II

The new translation of the Mass
Ghastly process, ghastly result

Excellent articles on Mission
by Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

Abortion - a true story

Same-sex marriage and anal sex

Priests 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being ordained to priesthood?

To publish an article on this site  please contact 
Fr John Wotherspoon:  

       Taking a stand      Next pope: load of rubbish
Navigation Aids        Standing up to bullies
Bible plan 2012             Near Death Experiences
John's other site:  

 China Library - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history

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The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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