2013 Articles - March -                          Conclave articles


March 31

Pope listens to preacher calling for simpler church  
Pope & preacher old friends

Pope's lovely talk after Stations

Pope's Easter services hint at Vatican reform

Easter Triduum reflections Questions from a Ewe

Importance of the empty tomb Ron Rolheiser OMI

UK MPs letter to Pope: end compulsory celibacy

March 30

YouTube song for today:
An Unreserved Love 

How good is this!
Pope's talk to priests at Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday morning

Pope washes young inmates feet at Holy Thursday Mass

Video of foot washing

Audio (Italian) of the Mass

Francis may end fear and the oppression in the Church

Before conclave:
Card Cardinal Bergoglio:  "theological narcissism"

Bishop killed in China by Japanese to be beatifiied?

The Silent Witness

Final thought:  last night as I went for a walk through a market area in Hong Kong where people in their hundreds were enjoying lavish meals, I couldn't help thinking that a majority of people on this planet know little about, or care much about, Good Friday. I thought too how the organisation entrusted with spreading the news about Good Friday - the Church - has lost credibility and relevance for so many people on this planet. So...all  grace and protection to Pope Francis as he tries to reverse this trend!

March 29

Godlessness and Good Friday
Ron Rolheiser OMI

Stations of the Cross Iona Passion Play

Good Friday can seem like the triumph of evil over good.  And in our complicated world, 
evil can often seem to be winning. But Good Friday is not called "Good" for no reason: it's because the Cross shows God's goodness in loving and redeeming us.
See also this beautiful piece from "Proof of Heaven" which shows the real situation of evil in our universe.

See this Twitter   And this:
 Satan's Good Friday party comes to sudden end
So, we don't say "Evil Friday" but "Good Friday"!

Jesus Stabat Mater

March newsletter
Fr Joseph Girzone
When the new pope was elected I immediately got phone calls and email from Catholic and Protestant friends telling me that it was eerie how similar the new pope is to Carlo in THE  HOMELESS BISHOP

Pope Francis & Orthodox relations:
"My brother Andrew"

Pope Francis and the marginalised at Easter

What makes Pope Francis "tick" spiritually?

Fruits of the Council
Two retiring US bishops recall careers animated by Vatican II

I am closer to believing Questions from a Ewe

The Letter of Jude A brother of Jesus

China: anger at pollution

China's concern:  price of progress

Arms treaty: backbone needed
This is the sort of issue Church should be giving attention to.....if not so caught up with internal issues

March 28

Update re Pope's Mass  in prison tonight

Bishop Bill Morris: March 26 Sydney talk

Pope gets up at 4.30 each day for two hours of prayer!

Pope to live in guest house, not in papal apartment
Meals in common dining room

Holy Week live retreat from Bere Island, Ireland.
Times for Holy Thurs, Good Friday, Holy Sat, Easter Sun talks

Audio below is in VOB format...very large...very slow to open....help!
jdwomi@gmail.com (John W)

Not long after speaking of sheep & goats at the Last Judgment,
Jesus prayed for ...the goats:

Love's Freedom (15 mins ABC)
 audio of Rev. Austen Williams,
1956-1984 vicar of 
St Martin-in-the-Fields,
(Home of London Ho Ming Wah  Chinese People's Day Centre).
This recording,  broadcast by ABC on April 3, 1980, 
is one of my favorites. I hope it can be made into a smaller file

March 27

Towards the renewal of the Church under Pope Francis:
A lesson from Jesuit history 01 2013 issues in 16th Century!
e.g. Europeanism

Pope Francis as a young man and as a young Jesuit
He has a Master's Degree in Chemistry!

Why don't more priest-members of ACP  post articles/comments?
This applies to priests  in every country....
Part Two of same article

Francis did not say "the carnival is over"

The Resurrection reveals God  as Redeemer not Rescuer
Ron Rolheiser OMI

March 26

Those who study institutions and examine how they operate will quickly tell you that reform or renewal first requires a radical focus on mission.

These organizational analysts will say that if you truly live your mission, especially if that mission is authentic, the rest will follow and reform will happen as day follows night.

Is this the counterintuitive approach of Pope Francis? Does he understand that through focus outside church structure, reform will occur within? It is too early to say. But he is likely to have the backing of many organization analysts.

After one week, Francis is calling us back to a sharp focus: to live and preach the Gospels. Clearly, he sees at the center of the Gospels calls to mercy, forgiveness, inclusiveness and love.

Are we hearing him? Are the Roman prelates hearing him? If, as the People of God, we refocus on the mission of our church, will we see change occur? If, as the bishop of Rome, as the sign of unity, if Pope Francis keeps a radical focus on mission, will change occur almost naturally? Of course, this remains to be seen. But some very accomplished people who work in the arena of organizational reform would seem to support this approach.

Tom Fox  Imagining a new spring

March 25

Pope's Palm Sunday homily
from which he frequently  departed and during which he announced visit to WYD in Brazil

See-through church symbolizes new pope's challenges reviving the faith in secularized Europe

Francis and Benedict photos
Lovely example of humility  by both men

Argentine Evangelicals happy for Pope Francis

60 Minutes: Loss of Faith

Australia at the forefront in rapidly changing world

Anniversary today of Ida B. Wells, a pioneer  US investigative journalist

Since I'm a prison chaplain I must say Happy Feast Day today to St Dismas!

Today also the anniversary of Caroline Chisholm

March 24

Pope Francis:

A list of what he has done !

A bishop embraced by Rome

Building bridges

Interview with publisher of Cardinal Bergoglio's 2 books:
Service is the Real Power (Twittered by Pope Francis)
Open Mind, Believing Heart
He told us that it was going to be his last work as Archbishop of Buenos Aires. And now we have him as Pope. I think that it will be a blessing for the Church, as it has been a blessing in Buenos Aires

Song based on today's 2nd reading: The Philippians Hymn

YouTube: Patrick Hughes
Born without eyes, now top musician

March 23

In this article on March 18, I speculated that IVE priests in  Hong Kong must be having interesting thoughts about the new pope from their native Argentina. 
Pray Tell in this article reports on Cardinal Bergoglio clash with IVE.
Article also mentions IVE link with "Fr Z's blog"

Pope Francis' current favorite song?
The Carnival is Over (c.f. Pope's words here

On yesterday's menu I linked the Pray Tell story re pope inviting 3,000 poor people to Holy Thursday Mass.
Story was carried by many sites, e.g. this one.  Seems that this Mass was scheduled for St Peter's or St John Lateran ....and this was Plan A.
But then came Plan B: Mass at a prison.  Anyone any info re this change of plans?  Or is it possible to accommodate 3,000 extras at the prison?!

The lion is God  Vincent Donovan
For a person really to believe
 is like a lion going after its prey ....and the lion is God!

Pope Francis:

Greeting to new Archbishop of Canterbury

Reaction of Boff and Kung

Five ballot wonder 

Pope of good promise

Reading papal tea leaves

A "rebuilder"?

Praying in a crisis
Ron Rolheiser OMI

Church opens doors to Islam

March 22

Pope's Holy Thursday Mass: to be held at a prison!
(not at St Peter's!)
And 3,000 of Rome's poor are being invited to attend!  (??)
c.f. The Homeless Bishop
by Joseph Girzone ...at end of story Pope invites Rome's poor for Mass!
 (and see Daily Blog, below)

Pope Francis:

Visit by SJ General

(I remember reading how General lived simply in Japan. Anyone have any info re this? - jw)

Eloquent silence echoes in Asia

It's still an uphill struggle

Unfinished business with poor

Difference one pope can make

Jesuits welcomed back to fold

Questions from a Ewe

Francis dazzled by girl.  Open to change in celibacy rule

Imagining a new spring

Better ecology teaching?

Perfect timing: release of Francis and the Sultan

From hardship to hope: nuns keep the faith

How to strengthen new evangelisation

China: excommunicated bishop ordains new priests ..on 19/3!

March 21

Pope's Installation Mass

Vow to protect the weakest

Simplicity, dignity, beauty

Secular freedom enables Christian hope

As Pope Francis takes office
John Dear SJ is Looking to the example of Abp Oscar Romero
who died 33 years ago this week

March 20

Pope Francis' beautiful homily at Installation Mass,  March 19
- full text
To protect Jesus with Mary, to protect the whole of creation, to protect each person, especially the poorest, to protect ourselves: this is a service  to which all of us are called, so that the star of hope will shine brightly. Let us protect with love all that God has given us!

Reactions to Francis' election 
The Good Oil

If only....
with prediction that new pope would choose "Francis"!
Garry Everett

"Self-reform" has started as Vatican officials catch cabs

Pope blesses guide dog

The Pope of Chaos

2007  Cardinal Bergoglio:  What I would have said at the consistory
So I then told the priests: «If you can, rent a garage and, if you find some willing layman, let him go there! Let him be with those people a bit, do a little catechesis and even give communion if they ask him».  

Lessons from new papacy style, & culture for life Frank Brennan 

March 19

A new Pope  Brendan Hoban
The unexpected and unprecedented retirement of Pope Benedict XVI has thrown a grenade into the centre of the Church, starting a debate about what the Church, with its many problems, needs to do now

Your Holiness, if I may be so bold as to suggest...

Pope greets people one by one

A Jesuit, a Dominican, and a Franciscan were walking along an old road, debating the greatness of their orders. Suddenly, an apparition of the Holy Family appeared in front of them, with Jesus in a manger and Mary and Joseph praying over him. The Franciscan fell on his face, overcome with awe at the sight of God born in such poverty. The Dominican fell to his knees, adoring the beautiful reflection of the Trinity and the Holy Family. The Jesuit walked up to Joseph, put his arm around his shoulder, and said, “So, have you thought about where to send him to school?”

March 18

Photo of Pope in mini-bus, after declining Mercedes

Pope's Sunday Angelus address

Tomorrow's Installation Liturgy

Pope's emphasis on social justice could re-invigorate the Church

Pope will "reshape" the Church

Francis drops first hint that reform may be real

Francis: "Carnival time is over" 

Pope Francis called to restore the Church

Wry Brazilian welcome

Francis' childhood sweetheart

Missionaries involved primarily in direct evangelization have never been more than a handful in Africa. In modern times, in the Catholic Church, there were never more than a thousand of them in the entire world. (p.133)

The nations and cultures of the world are called to be lifted up and fulfilled and transformed in Jesus Christ.  (p. 143)

- in Christianity Rediscovered by Vincent Donovan

March 17

Message for the new pope (Tablet March 16, 2013)
Gerald O'Collins SJ 

Pope Francis: Anglican Ordinariate "quite unnecessary"

Humble pope: change for Asia

Taiwan president to attend pope's installation

Pope's first day at the office

Can Pope restore the faith?

Pope Francis: a man of joy and humility or harsh and unbending?

First impressions of Francis

Purification of Memory in the Spirit of Love: 
an Examination of the Ecclesiology of Nicolas Afanasiev and Joseph Ratzinger
Ambrose Mong OP

New book on US role in Vietnam war: Kill Anything That Moves 
 a powerful review by Tom Fox who served in Vietnam with an NGO 

March 16

Pope invites Rabbi to installation & gets cardinals out of the red !

House that needs putting in order

Benedict's resignation "tactical"

A pope for the world

Francis' election a turning point

Why no Pope Scola Info from "secret" conclave

The major imperatives within mature discipleship
Ron Rolheiser OMI

Pedophile priests in prison
Joseph Girzone

New translation poor translation

Brother Sun Sister Moon At end of this short song, a message from the Cross:
"Rebuild my Church"

March 15

Choice came down to simply the best (compromise) candidate

Pope for a new Reformation

The first Jesuit pope

How Pope Francis will mend a broken Church

A Jesuit learns to live with a Jesuit Pope

Francis a new John XXIII?

He washed a woman's feet!
(which some bishops forbid)

Francis: bad news for  "reform of reform" people
Benedict’s liberation of the traditional Latin Mass and revisions to the new vernacular Mass have not been implemented at all in Cardinal Bergoglio’s own diocese (If it wasn't Lent I'd say Alleluia! jw)

Ratbag end of Traddie spectrum outraged at Francis' election

March 14

Wherefore art Thou Holy Ghost?

What would Jesus say about the Church today?
Church didn't need Papal States; Church should downsize Vatican

What the world needs in the next pope

Vatican can learn about renewal from women religious

An Ides of March pope?! (not quite!)

Conclave: Blind leading the blind Brian Coyne (Catholica)

March 13

ACP leadership team:
Three hopes for new pope

Insignificance & irrelevance of Church of power
Fewer and fewer people think that what happens at the Vatican is important to their lives or faith

Conclave: Eugene Kennedy
 Church 1: Institution
Church 2: Ordinary people

Women of secondary importance

Conclave: Two-horse race may become a bigger field

March 12

Archbishop John Quinn  calls for papal reform
Abp's words very like A Politburo Papacy?

Conclave: Filoni a possibility
Was in HK ten years.  Showed great courage in Iraq

Tainted Pell out of race

Conclave: Cardinal Gracias 

Conclave: Scola the favorite (even though "it's the non-European world, stupid")

At future conclaves, DV there will be Anglican, Lutheran, Uniting Church cardinal-electors!

A lengthy conclave?

March 11

Conclave: Guardian form guide

Next pope did not attend Vat II!

Honoring an abundant and prodigal God Ron Rolheiser OMI
Only Jesus and Mary were fully practicing Catholics. Everyone else, without a single exception, falls short. We are all Cafeteria-Catholics.

Miracles still happen Kevin Walters, UK
The Spirit will surprise if from  the light within we do not hide
(Thank you Kevin. May a miracle happen at the conclave! jw)

"The Vatican must change"

A black Wojtyla

Conclave and celibacy

March 10

Reflection on conclave Abp Mark Coleridge (Brisbane)

Conclave: alliances begin

Benedict gave cardinals a clue John Thavis

Conclave Tuesday (BBC)

Conclave: A Punch List See espy "Mending our nets"
- broken nets lose more fish than they bring it

75th anniversary today of  Fr Marie-Joseph Lagrange
Founder of École Biblique 
The Story of Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange, founder of Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem, is the story of the struggle within the Catholic Church for responsible academic freedom in the tradition of St. Thomas Aquinas

New breed of woman rising

Our priests have become mediocre mediators

Conclave form guide

March 9

Interpreting Vatican II today:  Part Two: The Rupture Approach
Bishop Peter J. Elliott (Melbourne) (Part 1: Question of Continuity)

We need a pope who can handle the truth
Brian Lucas

Wikipedia: a most useful article on Subsidiarity...with the line: "Individual and group initiative is given maximum scope to solve problems". May the new pope believe in Subsidiarity and give back responsibilities to bps conferences

Concalve - Tablet Editorial: The best fit for the job

Benedict's resignation like change of seat in board room

Card Pell on "Dirty Dozen List"

Papal election:  a sinful structural process?

Conclave: Cardinal Napier

Conclave: Vatileaks fear

Curia in firing line

Celibacy's Cross (Tablet)

March 8

International Women's Day site
Cardinals: stop talking to media Curia vs US!   Go US!  Here "Vatican" means "Curia"!
 Curia used to gagging synods. At last someone standing up to them. 
This is big news and could lead to an RC pope (
Reform the Curia)!

Conclave: reflection from Japan
During the reign of  John Paul II,  the downside ... was ..  a diminished respect for cultural diversity and a step backwards toward centralized power in the Church. There was no major progress made on this front under Pope Benedict.

Conclave: view from Middle East
Late-arrival Patriarch hadn't heard about ban on speaking to media?

Church has a Mandela

Questions from a Ewe:
Who will be next pope and does it matter?

Tissa Balasuriya OMI Guardian Obituary

Homosexuality: Born that way? (with many comments...) 

Fridays of Lent - Stations of Cross: The Iona Passion Play Stations

March 7

We're not ready for conclave Cardinal Francis George OMI

How did Peter become Pope? John W Martens
A cheerful piece of writing!

Shape of the Church to come James Hanvey SJ
The papacy is God’s great gift to the church, but it needs to continue to evolve if it is to realize the fullness of its service. It has become too trapped in an ultramontane ecclesiology and a quasi-secular, monarchical exercise of power. While effective and prophetic at its best, it can also be impoverishing for the life of the church

Economies of US & China  in poor condition

March 6

At Martin Mallon's article Reform and Evangelisation
David Timbs
has posted a strong  comment re Australia abuse inquiries

Welsh bishop:  time for radical reform

Lay people can be cardinals!
If the Church is serious about the need for reform of its governance it would do well to revisit the major constitutional reforms established in the 11th cent

Lessons from last dictators Church needs subsidiarity

Conclave suggestions

Conclave: all seats vacant

Australia abuse inquiry: Judge Peter Perfect v Vatican

TV series: The Real Vatican II

The wages of celibacy

Why celibacy?

Real reason pope quit?

March 5

You have to hand it to the man
Brian Coyne (Catholica) commenting on Cardinal Pell's media visibility.
And now yet another interview, this time for Vatican Insider

Also from Vatican Insider:
US cardinals prepare to conclave

Religious communities I had known were communities mainly in name, bound and restricted by fears and artificialities and lack of humanness and absence of common interest
Vincent J. Donovan, p. 106 of  Christianity Rediscovered

On the same page: When I  came in contact with African communities for the first time, 
one of the things I noticed about them was the lack of competition within a community....
The British pyramidal educational system lent itself to the inculcation of individualism and competition
(p. 106-107)

Christians really admire Jesus?
Joseph Girzone
("contains strong language"...)

March 4

Full text of Pope Benedict's talk to Roman clergy last month
Pope's recollections and reflections re Vatican II - contains some amazingly positive and even enthusiastic statements re Vat II 
Questions from a Ewe asks how we feel re church reform:
Am I a victim or an influencer?

World poverty: G8 report card

Only yesterday did I finally  finish  listening to 
Spirituality & the stages of life: One size doesn't fit all
Ron Rolheiser OMI
(YouTube) (Talk given in US Feb 23). Most highly recommended!

This websites Feb statistics
Many thanks to kind readers for checking this site each day!

Cardinal Tagle wants people power for the Church
 Magister noted that  Benedict had appreciated the Filipino’s “balance of vision and doctrinal correctness.”
“Especially striking is the style with which the bishop acts, living simply and mingling among the humblest people, with a great passion for mission and for charity” 

March 3

Revival, Stagnation, Extinction Fr Louis Lougen OMI
Three choices facing any religious group...and the Church as a whole.
Article has special application for time of a new papacy. Will Church revive or stagnate or decline?

Worth re-reading for conclave:
My vision for Church of future Cardinal Franz Konig

The Pope they missed Benedict's faith-in-action legacy

Cardinal Francis George OMI:
When selecting pope, must ask "Can he govern?"

c.f. this 1878 (sic!) interview with Cardinal George!

Honor Benedict's honesty with bolder initiatives
Can any person of any age effectively manage our global church as it continues to be mired in an outdated monarchal governing system?

Obama going to Isreal & Palestine:
A time to act The hurdle: Israeli settlements 

For Chinese readers:
Wu Oi Drug Treatment Centre
A beautiful ministry in HK

March 2

The Mystery that is the Church
Joseph Girzone
Enemies within and without, yet the Church keeps going!

Bangladesh: 30% in dire poverty
This article helps me understand the actions of an imprisoned refugee I met recently. For 16 (!) years he has been coming to HK as a refugee....allowed to stay...arrested for working (refugees not allowed to have employment)... imprisoned, sent back to Bangladesh ....new name/passport...back to HK. I asked him "why do you keep coming here?"  He answered "Because life is hopeless in Bangladesh"

Video conception to birth & more - using latest scanning technology.

A Vatican Spring? Hans Kung

Reform dominates agenda

Frank talk
- selecting pope

Benedict's resignation like John XXIII calling Council

Crimes of Church - not in our name
If leaders had listened, much pain could have been avoided

March 1

A time to work, a time to rest
Reflection on pope's resignation
by Joseph Girzone

Pope Benedict's final address to the cardinals John W (hoping...)

Silence in the House of God: Mea Maxima Culpa - review and reflections by Frank Brennan SJ
Government and governance of the Church have been wanting during the papacy of Benedict

China: letter calling for reform
Like the Catholic Church, voices calling for reform
Her site: www.reachingyou.org 

Anatomy of a papal scandal
Andrew Hamilton
(Eureka St)

Adopt a cardinal
Pray for conclave - yes.
But pray for another Benedict???

A moving new book  which  is helping prevent suicide: 
Life, In Spite of Me by Kristen Jane Anderson