Dec 27, 2018 to Jan 25, 2019: My trip to Malaysia, to visit the families of prisoners in HK and to do publicity to slow down the flow of drug mules from Malaysia to HK. As recorded in my daily blog at
Miscellaneous photos from Malaysia trip
Thu Dec 27
Today I'm due to go to Malaysia. Due back HK January 25 Please
God. In Malaysia I hope to visit 20+ families of young Malaysians in prison in
HK for drug trafficking. Grateful for a prayer each day please. From today, I
will use this poster, or a better version of it:
And I will use these professionally prepared items kindly prepared for my
Malaysia trip by the "No More Mules" team: here
and here
and here
and here!
Fri Dec 28
Hello from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia where I arrived last night
from HK. This is my third trip to Malaysia, this time using my holiday time so I
can stay longer .... to visit families of young Malaysian drug mules in HK and
to do publicity to try to stop the flow of mules - 23 of them in the final 9
months of 2018. A 4-person media team from HK is with me, and we will be working
with local media to produce much publicity to stop the flow of mules - in the
same way that intense publicity helped stop the flow of mules from places like
Tanzania and Venezuela. Jesus, please bless this trip
(as you so wonderfully blessed previous trips), bless all who made the trip
possible, all who will be met during the coming weeks .... and the kind people
who are praying for the trip.
Hello again from Malaysia. Yesterday here in Kuala Lumpur I
attended a long meeting with my 4 HK media friends and 2 local KL media friends.
Please God their coming reports will do much to slow down the flow of young drug
mules from Malaysia to HK (...23 in the past 9 months). After the meeting, and
after considerable frustration with a poor sim card bought on arrival at KL the
night before, I went to a local shopping centre and got a new card which is now
giving excellent service. Then I spent quite a while using W/Ap and ordinary
phone calls to line up some visits in the coming days to families of prisoners
in HK. Followed by a long wait at a nearby train station to buy tickets for
coming days. "Travellers need patience" is always true ....and was
certainly true on arrival at KL airport two nights ago when immigration
processing took 2 hours! FYI - the best
sim card to get in KL is "Hotlink" gives a service as fast as
broadband in HK!
Sun Dec 30
Yesterday here in Kuala Lumpur I spent much time preparing for the coming weeks of meeting families ... starting early tomorrow morning with a trip to another city for two days ... where I'm due to meet four families. The hotel where I'm staying in KL is near a major shopping centre which makes many things easy ...e.g. yesterday I needed to do quite a bit of printing ... and there's an excellent printing shop at the centre. But one thing I need to be careful of - since there is such a large Indian population in Malaysia - is talking about cricket! ...with the current 5-day test between India and Australia in Melbourne due to finish today! For the sake of diplomacy, I'm hoping the test will finish in a draw!
Mon Dec 31
Hello again from Malaysia,
from the town of Ipoh about 2 and a half hours by train north of Kuala Lumpur.
On arrival here yesterday I had a lunch meeting with the father of one young
Malaysian in prison in HK ... together with the younger brother of a second
young Malaysian in a HK prison. Today I'm due to meet with two more families.
During yesterday's meal I received a W/App message from the "No More
Mules" team in HK with these most encouraging statistics from their FB
"boost" campaign aimed at Malaysia - check the number of people
Tues Jan 1
Yesterday in the city of Ipoh, two and half hours by train north
of Kuala Lumpur, I visited two more families of young Malaysians in prison on
drug trafficking charges. The two whose families I visited yesterday are
pleading "not guilty". The two whose families I met on Sunday are
pleading "guilty". God bless them all, and their families. Last night
I returned to Kuala Lumpur where I hope to see more families over the coming
at entrance of lift in hotel where I'm staying in Ipoh:
"No dogs or durians allowed"!
Wed Jan 2
Hello again from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. My computer
is having the same problem as it had when here in June last year: it keeps
wanting to use "Koala Lumpur". I can't bear
it. Yesterday was a quiet day during which I spent some time at a church near my
hotel, asking the Lord's blessing on 2019. This was after lunch ... and church
was not empty.... many people paying visits for prayer .... giving the Lord
special time on a special day. After the church I went to a train station to buy
tickets for another over-night trip. Then at a cafe I spent quite a bit of time
phoning families to arrange visit times over the next week or so. Good sleep
last night ... always a peaceful sleep when you have your washing done and dry!
(and see
Yesterday I had a
laundry lunch: while my washing was in a machine at a "laundry
hub" near my hotel, I had lunch at an adjacent canteen. As an English
teacher ... and clothes washer ... I noticed that the word "laundry"
contains the word "dry" ... and "laund" comes from a word
meaning "wash" .... so I wish to propose that "laundry"
means "wash and dry", not just "wash" as the dictionaries
Thu Jan 3
Long but very, very worthwhile day yesterday here in Kuala
Lumpur: 8 (!) hour meeting with local media team, the first two hours also
attended by some special people. Media team hoping to release first report on
January 14. Please God it will do much good on many fronts.
Many thanks "No More Mules" team in HK for this good news - 46,000
viewers in Malaysia reached:
Yesterday here in KL I spent two hours at a golf club ....not
playing golf but having a meeting ...which, I suppose you could say, was all
about how to help people stay on the ....fairway
(and not go to prison)!
Fri Jan 4
Yesterday here in Malaysia I spent the morning at the
desk (... many phone calls needed to arrange meetings with families), then I
went to a prison to arrange a visit for next week, then I went to town about two
hours by train from KL where I met the family of a prisoner in HK .... all the
while checking messages from HK for news about Bishop Michael Yeung .... which
made it difficult for me to be happy about the many good things that happened
during the day.
Be careful when you get into a train in Malaysia. Many/most
of the KL line trains have their three central carriages showing a sign
"ladies only".
Sat Sat 5
Yesterday I met two more families of prisoners in HK, but both
visits involved quite a lot of travelling ... so that I arrived back in Kuala
Lumpur very late .... so late in fact that I postponed my nightly shower till
this morning...likewise the nightly Ming Pao recording job. But the visits were
most worthwhile, on several fronts, and I'm most grateful to the Good Lord for
all his blessings yesterday
Sun Jan 6
Yesterday in Kuala Lumpur I met with another family of a prisoner
in HK. I am encouraging the families to get to know each other and to support
each other. WhatsApp is a great help for this! But yesterday, more than once, I
had trouble saying "Kuala Lumpur" in English. Now my problem is not
using "Koala" but "Kowloon". Several times yesterday I said
"Kowloon Sentral" instead of "Kuala Lumpur Sentral" (a main
train station)!
Mon Jan 7
Over the past 50 years I have met many families carrying big
crosses, but yesterday I met one that would be near the top of the list. Their
son being in prison in HK is just one of their crosses. May Jesus' cross give
them courage to keep going day by day. Yesterday I also met two other
families, also suffering from a son in prison in HK. Please God this website's
anti-drug campaign can reduce the number of suffering families.
Yesterday I visited a church just after the weekly Chinese Mass had finished. It
was lovely to see the joy of the people as they left the church. Maybe I need to
put that better: I don't mean to say they were happy that church was over! I
mean they had the happiness of people who have just been to a party. Hundreds of
them. Many families. People of all ages. I said to myself "this community
is alive"!
Tues Jan 8
Yesterday here in Kuala Lumpur I met with another family of a
prisoner in HK. Said prisoner saw a FB advertisement looking for couriers to
deliver parcels overseas ... "two nights, three days, R5,000" ... and,
being short of money, took the job ... and is now facing about 3,600 nights ...
and the same number of days ... in a HK prison. Following the meeting I went to
a nearby Chinese church and enjoyed a chat with the local Chinese priest, asking
him to support the campaign to warn young Malaysians not to be fooled by FB
advertisements. About two thirds of the Malaysians in prison in HK are Chinese,
the rest are mostly Indians
Wed Jan 9
Last night here in Malaysia I had a lovely meal gathering at the
home of a prisoner in HK ... in the town where I am staying overnight ....due to
meet two or three more families tomorrow night. My taxi driver from the local
railway station to my hotel was a grandmother of 10 .... which immediately
brought back memories of January last year in Rio, South America, when a
grandmother taxi driver took me to the wrong airport (Rio has 2 international
airports ... and they are 45 minutes apart). No problem yesterday ... with the
help of Google we arrived at the correct hotel .... in fact I had time to have a
swim in the hotel pool before the home gathering.
Yesterday afternoon on the train to the town where I stayed last
night I played two games of online Chess ... and lost both games....thanks to
the fact that in the middle of both games the train (a very fast and modern one
I must add) went through a very long tunnel ... which caused my internet
connection to fail ... and I was timed out!
Thu Jan 10
Yesterday morning at the town where I stayed the past two nights
I went to the local church for a prayer and a chat with the local priest and
some of his parishioners, asking them to help the anti-drug campaign. Last
night I met two very special families of prisoners in HK, one after another, and
through the help of the second family was able to locate a third family who had
lost contact with their son ...they didn't know where he was. Now they know he
is safe, although in detention. Today I will phone his prison in HK to give
welfare officers his family's number so he can phone them. I hope to visit his
family, in another part of Malaysia, before I go back to HK. This is not
uncommon these days - prisoners can't remember their family phone numbers. Last
night's contact was made using FB posts. Thank you
Jesus for a special night!
Many thanks HK "No More Mules" team for another
successful FB boost:
days as when I got a train to the place where I've stayed the past two nights,
seated next to me was a Muslim man, aged about 40. He was wearing Muslim gear, I
was wearing my cross. I hesitated to chat with him because it can be an offence
in Malaysia for a foreign priest to chat to a local Muslim (especially in his
home). So I just shook hands and told him my name was John, and no more. In fact
he could not speak much English so communication could not get very far anyway.
But about half way through the journey he took out his camera and took a selfie
with me. I didn't object. Then I got a passenger across the aisle to take a
photo of the two of us. No objections, in fact soon after he asked me to W/Ap
him my photo .... and then after we left the train he sent me several "bye
bye, see you again" messages. A simple, friendly man. God bless him!
Fri Jan 11
Hello again from Kuala Lumpur where I arrived back last night
after two nights in Malaysia's second largest city George
Town about four and a half hours by train from KL. Lovely train trip ...
non-stop lush green tree land ... just like many parts of Australia or China or
Africa or South America. Electric train not as fast as the bullets in China, but
travelled at about 120 kph most of the way with 8 stops.
In GT I was able to meet four families, the last one yesterday for lunch was extra special: family had lost contact with 21 year old son for four months, had no idea where he was ... and he had not been able to contact them because he couldn't remember family mobile numbers. HK Customs confiscate detained people's phones and for security reasons take eternity to give prisoners any number from a confiscated phone. Nor did the boy write to family because he didn't remember their full address ...he has very little education. Father had put "missing person" post on FB in November which someone from another family in GT helped find two nights ago. Father had been crying every night wondering what had happened to his son. Yesterday I sent message to a welfare officer at the son's prison to give him the mobile numbers of his father and mother. And I gave mail address of prison to the father. Please God by phone and mail the son and parents will be in contact before Lunar New Year.
Father was so happy to know his son was safe that he paid for lunch yesterday and then drove me to Butterworth Station for train to KL. Police and immigration department had told the father that according to their records the son had not left the country ... which raises two prospects: bureaucratic inefficiency or a false passport. The false passport possibility might explain why the Malaysian Consulate in HK had not told the family that the son was in HK. Consulates are always informed by HK CSD/police/Customs when a foreigner is put in detention. Jesus please bless the four families in GT, especially family No. 4!
Malaysia once belonged to the UK, and in George
Town, capital of Penang, where I've just spent the past two nights, there
used to be a large British military base. Which explains why so many streets
have English names ... just like HK!
Sat Sat 12
On January 3 when I tried to visit an African inmate in a prison
about one hour south of Kuala Lumpur, I was told "not today because she has
already had visit today...come back on the 10th" which I said (showing
an official my diary) "I'm due to be in Penang on the 10th ... can I come
on the 11th?" ... to which he said "ok". But yesterday
mid-morning when I again went to the prison I was told "no visits is Friday (Muslim holiday)" which I said "but you
said I could come on the 11th" which he replied "No I
didn't". But then I was given a pass to enter the prison to put my case to
senior officers ....same dialogue, same result. So I offered up the experience
as a prayer that the woman would not only be spared the death penalty but also
be acquitted.
When I went back to the main entrance it was pleasing to see about a dozen male prisoners who had just been released ...met by relieved relatives and friends ... a happy moment ....except for one poor guy about 40 years old who looked like he had one foot in the grave ... no one met him and he was quite disoriented. So I helped him get something to eat and drink and then took him on my own donkey, I mean in my own taxi to the train station where I was going .... then paid a driver to take him to the hospital in his home town about one hour away (he was too ill to travel by public transport). A case of advanced HIV. Jesus, please heal him!
I then took a train to a place further down the line where I met two families of prisoners in HK - one at 3pm and one at 5pm. Both families are cooperating with local and HK media to warn people about the danger of drug trafficking to HK ... which should help the inmates get a discount when they are sentenced please God.
When Chinese people in HK answer the phone they say "Wei".
But when Chinese people in Malaysia answer the phone they say ....
Sun Jan 13
After a long and busy week - including a trip to Penang - I had a
slow day yesterday .... had a good sleep-in, did my washing at a nearby laundry
shop, caught up on email and w/ap messages, went to a nearby church to charge my
spiritual battery, had a long walk to charge my physical battery, and last night
worked the phone again to try to line up a last round of family visits. So far
I've met 16 families, but I'm hoping that figure will grow. Tomorrow the Star
Media group here in Malaysia is due to publish the first of several reports on
the issue of young Malaysian drug mules being arrested in HK. Reports are the
work of the Star's award-winning R.AGE
team ... God bless them!
Mon Jan 14
Yesterday, after an early morning Mass in my hotel room in Kuala
Lumpur, in order to have enough time to do what I needed to do during the day, I
got a taxi from KL to Malacca where, after a visit to the church of St Francis
Xavier (who worked in Malacca long ago) I checked into a nearby hotel for an
overnight stay, and then got another taxi to a remote part of the town to visit
the family of a young prisoner in HK who could not remember the family's phone
numbers ... just their address. Thank you Lord the family was home (Sunday a
good day to visit!) and much sharing took place. I will inform the prisoner's
welfare staff of the family numbers ... and I informed the family of the
prisoner's address (their letters had been returned because of wrong
Then my faithful taxi driver took me about 30
minutes to another town to meet the family of another prisoner in HK .... who
never went to school and could not remember his family's address or complete
phone number. We eventually met the family after a long saga (see
below!). Family had lost contact with the son ... did not know he was in HK
("how could he travel, he doesn't have a passport?" was one of their
early statements). Family now have his complete address and I'll ask someone to
hand in an IDD card to him so he can make a call.
Really, this business of helping prisoners make contact with their families is not the job of HK CSD or its chaplains, but the responsibility of the consulates/embassies. But the Malaysian Consulate in HK has, as far as I know, visited only one prisoner in the past two years (compared with the Indonesian consulate which visits every prisoner every month!)
Today the first of several reports by the R.AGE team of Malaysia's Star Media Group is due to be published at this link - warning young Malaysians about the danger of drug trafficking to HK ... and, later, pushing the Malaysian government to tighten security at KL airport ... and get consulates/embassies to care to prisoners!
in a town about 30 mins from Malacca I tried to make contact with the family of
a young prisoner in HK who could not remember his family's address ... and who
also gave me an incomplete phone number (... he never went to school ... can
write only a few characters). Phone contact was eventually made, but then his
parents would not believe who I was and they requested me to meet them at a
local police station (in case I was a crook trying to get money from them!). So
I met them at the police station, but only after my faithful taxi driver and I
explained our story in complete and arduous detail to five (!) different sets of
police before reaching the top man who finally took the momentous decision to
phone the family and assure them we were genuine. The guards at the front gate
sent us to the G/F office who sent us to the 1/F office who sent us to the 4/F
office on the way to which we were questioned, albeit in a friendly way, by an
officer on the stairs between 2/F and 3/F! Then, even before police on 4/F
phoned the family, who should show up on the 4/F but the father! Great rejoicing
by taxi driver and myself. We then joined father and his wife for a drink at a
nearby canteen. All ended well!
When my taxi entered Malacca on Sunday morning, it happened to
pass the church of St Francis Xavier, close to which I had intentionally booked
an overnight hotel. So I said to the driver "no need to go to the hotel,
I'll get off here thanks" .... and I spent the first half hour of my
Malacca visit at the church. The visit went extra well ... despite incomplete
contact information, but with the help of an extraordinarily gifted taxi driver
(who even had CSD experience!), I was able to locate two families who had
little or no contact with their daughter/son in prison in HK. Score could have
been 0/2 or 1/2 but it was 2/2. So, yesterday before leaving Malacca, my final
hour was spent at the Church as a thank you for so many blessings and in prayer
for a range of intentions. On Sunday morning I sort of said "reporting for
duty"; yesterday the feeling was "thank you for mission
On the way back to my hotel in Kuala Lumpur late yesterday afternoon I stopped at a certain place to try to get some information to help inmates in HK who have appeals pending.
Wed Jan 16
After several hours "at the desk" yesterday morning, I
spent a long afternoon and part of the evening with a team of local Malaysian
reporters ... helping prepare their report on the issue of young Malaysian drug
mules going to prison in HK. Report part one was originally due to be published
yesterday but publishing date has been put back for a number of reasons.
You've heard of Uber but have you heard of Grab?!
(Google "grab driver Malaysia"!)
If anyone thinks I've been exaggerating the problem of security, or lack
thereof, at Kuala Lumpur airport, please check the article below. The problem is
huge ... and has been so for a long time. My hope is that coming media coverage
of the problem will move the new Malaysian government to clean up KL airport as
soon as possible.
aircrew drug trafficking to Australia
(no problem at KL airport ... "drugs welcome"?! See my
handout these days in KL)
KFC in KL has the most beautiful "potato bowl".
Available in HK, Australia and other places?!
Fri Jan 18
In HK my alarm is usually set for 6.20am. But here in Malaysia
I've just been waking up when it's dawn. (Disclaimer: dawn in Malaysia these
days is around 7.15am!). Over the past few days I've spent much time
processing photos taken with the families I've met ... so that when I get back
to HK I can please God print and post those photos to the prisoners in HK ...
such photos usually being a source of joy, albeit with sadness, for the inmates.
Near the hotel where I am staying are a number of blind
people. But the footpaths of the area are at different levels for different
shops and people often use the footpath to park their motorbikes. So, even for
sighted people, walking is not simple. Which makes me think that the area's
blind people must be among the most skilful unsighted people in the world!
Sat Jan 19
In mid 2017 Malaysia's population was about 31 million, of which
about 60% were Malay, about 20% were Chinese and about 10% were Indian. Chinese
used to be the majority ... but now only 20% because of the exodus of Chinese to
Singapore and other places ... and a low Chinese birth rate ... and a high Malay
birth rate. Of the recent Malaysian drug mules in prison in HK, about 30 are
Chinese and about 10 are Indian. No Malays as far as I know. Which means the
international drug trafficking problem in Malaysia is a Chinese-Indian problem
.... which has Nigerian finger prints all over it.
Not only Malaysia has this problem!
Sun Jan 20
Today I'm hoping to meet some more families of young Malaysian prisoners in HK for drug trafficking. And if I'm able to encourage the families to spread the message "Don't take drugs to HK" by social media as well as among relatives/friends ... i.e. take part in the anti-drug campaign, then when their sons/daughters are sentenced in HK I can write a support letter to say that both they and their families took part in the campaign ... and ... if they have a kind judge, they will be given a discount from their sentence ... 3, 6, or even 12 months for campaign help.
Mon Jan 21
Yesterday morning I went to Kuala Lumpur cathedral where I
attended Mass "from the pew" ... a good experience for a priest ... to
experience Mass from the other side of the fence ... especially when the liturgy
is all over the place and the sermon is long, boring and off the topic ...
should make me try harder to do a better job from the altar area.
After Mass I mixed with some very friendly and concerned Nigerians who were most
supportive of the anti-drug campaign. Then a meeting with some families of
prisoners in HK .... encouraging them not only to support each other but to work
together to get information that might help the prisoners in HK when they go to
By this time my phone said I already had covered 10,000 steps (... I had walked
to the cathedral) but I brought up another 10,000 in the afternoon when I went
"fishing" for some of the Big Fish who have put people in prison in
HK. And only now do I reflect that such fishing might have influenced my meal
last night at a local shopping centre: a salmon steak salad!
Mass in KL cathedral yesterday I was behind a Filipino couple with their 12
month (?) baby son and 5 (?) year old son. 5 year old totally restless and
totally disconnected from all the prayers/readings/songs etc. But there was one
part of the Mass where he became an active participant: he had the job of
putting the family's donation into the offering bag when it was passed around!
Tues Jan 22
Yesterday here in Kuala Lumpur I attended a most important
meeting with a local politician and family members of some young Malaysian
prisoners in HK. The politician is doing a wonderful job trying to get
assistance for all Malaysian prisoners on a number of fronts. Such co-operation
by the families will please God also help qualify the prisoners for a discount
from their sentences ... on the grounds of "assistance to authorities"
as well as help for my anti-drug campaign. The politician is also working with
the Star Media team in the preparation of their report on the issue of young
Malaysians being recruited as drug mules. Report part one due to be released
very soon!
Sign on overhead screen before Mass began at Kuala Lumpur
cathedral last Sunday morning: "God is calling you
... but not on your phone. Please put phone on silent"!
Wed Jan 23
After a visit to a nearby church yesterday morning, I took a
train to where some "Big Fish" sometimes swim ..... no luck. Then I
went some nearby districts, meeting quite a number of African groups who were
very friendly and most supportive of my campaign ... and again no luck. But
during the course of the afternoon I did get one valuable piece of information
which should be of assistance to some prisoners facing a case in the HK Court of
Appeal in the next few months.
While here in Kuala Lumpur I've been doing some laundry at
a "laundry hub" every 4-5 days ... while having lunch at a
canteen across the road. I believe it's important to watch
as well as to wash your
Thu Jan 24
Yesterday here in Kuala Lumpur was a quiet day for me - catching
up on email and other jobs associated with this trip to Malaysia which is coming
to a close. I'm due to return to HK tomorrow night please God. Yesterday morning
I went to a nearby church - see
In the church which I've been visiting in Kuala Lumpur, I
am sometimes distracted by this sight! It looks like Jesus is using a
Fri Jan 25
Tonight please God I will be back in HK after more than 3 weeks
in Malaysia visiting families of prisoners in HK and doing publicity to warn
people in Malaysia about the danger of drug trafficking. Yesterday I paid a
final visit to a nearby church to thank the Lord for all the blessings of this
trip, to ask a blessing on everyone I've met on this trip ... and a blessing on
all who made the trip possible.
Surprise, surprise ... guess where it came from?!
haul worth HK$57m found in air cargo
For breakfast in Kuala Lumpur I've been having my usual HK
menu: an orange, an apple and some oatmeal with milk. But a few days ago I made
a remarkable discovery in a 7-11 shop, and I will be looking for same in HK
since it is so good for health!
Sat Jan 26
Hello from HK where I arrived safely last night after flight from Kuala Lumpur. Thank you Jesus for the trip to Malaysia. Lord, please bless all whom I met on the trip and all who made the trip possible and anyone who helped in any way .... especially the local KL Star Media R.AGE team with whom I spent so much time over the past month. Even yesterday the team was at hotel for my packing up and train trip to airport .... for final reflection interview about the trip. Team's report, part one, now due to be released after Lunar New Year. Report is not just about my trip but about the whole drug trafficking issue in Malaysia. Please God the report will do much good on many fronts.
another case (no pun
intended) of drugs on flight from Malaysia to Australia
of my time in Malaysia was spent with Chinese families ... and 30% of Malaysia's
population is Chinese ... with Chinese shops/restaurants everywhere ... so, much
in common with HK. But more than once in Malaysia I had trouble using Cantonese
since the local Cantonese is not quite the same as that in HK .... and my
Cantonese is not exactly perfect. I remember one day using Cantonese to ask a
Chinese lady something and she replied "I don't speak English"!
Senior's moment: when I first arrived in Malaysia last
month I thought I had forgotten a cable to use between my little voice recorder
and my computer. Only after failing to find a cable for some time did I remember
that the recorder plugs directly into the computer USB socket. Don't need cable,
just need better memory!