2012-08-10bricks01.jpg (121516 bytes) On the Amaka ga Spiritus front,
the bricks are completed,
I'm now trying to get funds for the construction
Compassionate about the poor    Bill  Mulcahy  (Brisbane)
August 10, 2012   

Does Mary MacKillop inspire you?


Bill's previous articles




Today Wednesday August 8 we celebrated the feast day for Mary MacKillop with a small liturgy at school. What a marvelous role model for all of us to aspire to in regards to compassion, love and empathy. Mary faced many trials, hurdles and hiccups in her path, but eventually God led her to be what He had planned for her.

What were the good works of Mary:

·        She taught the less fortunate children how to read and write

·        She gave homeless children clothing, food and shelter

·        She provided shelter for young girls and unemployed woman

·        She gave comfort to the sick and dying

·        She visited people in jail and hospitals

Above all, Mary taught us about loving and helping others, to have a heart of compassion for those in need, showed us the practical ways that all of us could help by, and for me personally Mary taught me this wonderful saying to live by: “Never see a need without trying to do something about it.”  Mary also said strongly: “We must teach more by example than by word”.

So from now let us all do the following:

- Take time to help someone else

- Never take for granted what we have ourselves

- Take a little time and just share a little love

- Help those in need

- Reach out to the poor

- Make our attitude of justice be our cause

Love Mary of the Cross, look up to her, aspire to demonstrate compassion like her and make this world a much better place for someone else.

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