2012  Articles by Bill Mulcahy  


Oct 9:  Update of Bill's work in Africa  

August 17: Walk for Water
This weekend: annual walk by Bill and his students!

August 10: Does Mary MacKillop inspire you?
Never see a need without trying to do something about it.”  

July 27: What Do You Say (Do) About Poverty?
"Instead of just saying, let's do"

July 13: This is the "reality" for them
Check the moving photos...

June 22: What is the "Real" meaning  of Compassion?

June 8: End Poverty...Build Relationships ...Make it Personal

June 1: Compassion ...will matter

May 18: Poverty! Can we end it????

May 11: Being unwanted

May 4: Reducing poverty

April 27:  Amaka ga Spiritus A plan to help Uganda

April 14:  Comment on yesterday's blog After a choir and a movie

April 13: Making a difference (What equals 8 World Trade Center attacks each day ?)

April 6: Water, water!! - Annie's story

March 30: For every 100 - where do you sit?

March 23: Called to be a "Man Alive" (Part 2)

March 16: Kony 2012....So what's it all about?

March 9: Why should we help the poor?

March 8: Called to be a Man Alive

March 2:  No Heart

Feb 24: Blessed are you

Feb 17: What does Psalm 41 say for us?

Feb 15: Doing the Work of Christ

Feb 10: Parable of the Good Samaritan

Feb 3: A Word about Poverty

Jan 27: Poverty is Real

Jan 20: Pity versus Compassion