November 29, 2012:       Daniel Daring        Daniel's previous reflections

Baruch 5:1-9; Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11; Luke 3:1-6

Preparing the way for Jesus – 2nd Sunday of Advent  

Teacher – ‘There is one God, but three divine persons.’ Repeat after     me!
 Children – There is one God, but three divine persons.

         Teacher – Very good. Next one. ‘Remember to honor the holy days of obligation.’ Repeat! Children – Remember to honor the holy days of obligation.

Teacher – Very good. Next one. ‘Keep the prescribed days of fasting.’ Repeat! Children – Keep the prescribed days of fasting.

         Teacher – Very good. Next one. ‘During forbidden days, you shall not make parties.’ Repeat! Children – ‘During forbidden days, you shall not make parties.’  

Who among us does not remember that kind of drill and repetition? We were forced to memorize words and sentences, which we could not understand. It did not have any relevance to us, hoping that the lesson would end soon and we could go and play. Yet, not much has changed since then. Look at children’s behavior in our churches. A priest delivers a powerful, life-inspiring, hell-threatening sermon, and a child plays, or sleeps, or tells his/her mom: “Mummy! Let’s go home now!” And that statement describes exactly what is going on in our churches: BOREDOM. We search for a WAY of life; instead we are given the RULES of life. It is time, then, to listen to the word of God that came to John son of Zechariah in the desert, “Prepare the way for the Lord” (Luke 3:4), and rediscover that Christianity is the Way of Life, not the rules of life.  

The Way of life  

Since its beginning our religion was called the Way. “About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way” – Luke wrote in Acts 19:23; “I persecuted the followers of this Way to their death” – Paul confessed in Acts 22:4, and a few verses later, he added, “However, I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect” (Acts 24:14). A disturbing question circulated in the time of Roman Empire was this: “Are you (Is s/he) a follower of the Way?” And everybody knew what it meant. It referred to those who followed the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, and who believed in their hearts that He is the Lord of glory. It was something new, mysterious, unacceptable and dangerous. As we all know, many of them paid with their lives for following the Way. But we also know that despite its danger, the Way attracted many followers. Are you a follower of the Way or, perhaps, you are a follower of the many ways the world is presenting to you?

Life is a journey. It has its beginning and its destination. We usually do not question its beginning; however, we are often puzzled thinking about its destination. “I do not know what I am doing here on this earth. Sometimes, I wonder whether life has any meaning” – somebody shared with me a few days ago, somebody who by ordinary standards is a very religious person. Bono, the leader of the famous rock band from Dublin, Ireland, has this phrase in one of his songs: “And I still cannot find what I’m looking for.” Lost direction in life and confusion about the world are the main characteristics of this present generation. Not only unbelievers, but also church goers are unable to find what they are looking for; and there are also those who do not even know what they are searching for. Are you a follower of the Way or, perhaps, the Way has lost its appealing impact in your life?  

Prepare the way  

“Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him” (Luke 3:4). Have you ever heard about the Silk Road? It was an ancient road that connected China with Europe. Its history dates from 4000 BC and it extends 8,000 km . It was the major business road of the ancient world and it served as a shipping route for silk, spices and other products till around 1400 AC . Then it disintegrated for hundreds years. This road is being rediscovered today. The Chinese government has allocated a huge sum of money to repair its part of the road and has turned it into a major tourist attraction, and giant corporations are exploring the possibilities to use it again as a major route of transporting goods between East and West. Has your ‘Christian road’ disintegrated as well? Has it lost its appeal?

In this age of confusion, we need to rediscover Christianity as the way of life. We need to rediscover its attractiveness and its benefits for our lives. What are some of its positive aspect? Our faith answers the question about our destiny: we journey towards the fullness of life in God’s presence. Our faith offers simple advice about how to conduct ourselves in this life: live for God’s glory. Most of all, however, our faith is about meeting the person of Jesus Christ, who transforms us. It is the person of Jesus that attracts. He becomes the Way for those who follow Him. Around the principles of His Gospel, they build their lives. What are the benefits of our faith? Just one, but embracing everything: salvation. “And all flesh will see the salvation of our God” (Luke 3:6). Are you discovering the greatness of Christian faith?

To the surprise of many, like the Silk Road, so the ‘Christian road’ tends to attract today many people from different nations and walks of life. Due to efforts of many people, who invest their lives in preparing the Way, new Christian churches are mushrooming in many corners of the world. It seems as if every valley is being filled in, every mountain and hill  made low. The crooked roads are becoming straight, the rough ways smooth (Luke 3:5). How do they do it? They do not provide rules, but try to draw people to Jesus. They share the story of Jesus in such a way that others are captivated by His life and His message, and are able to recognize in Him the Savior of the World.  


Teacher - Once Jesus was going to a village and many people followed him. And there was a woman who was sick for many years. Nobody could help her. But then, she heard about Jesus and decided to ask him for help. When she saw the crowd, she was afraid to ask in public, so she decided to touch him, believing that it would be enough to help her. And you know what happened? The moment she touched Jesus, she got healed. What do you think about this story?

         Jane - Jesus was very good. He always helped others.

         Peter – That woman had a strong faith.

         Mark - I would like to meet with Jesus too. I am also sick and nobody can help me. The doctor told my parents that my blood is different, so I have to be careful. I cannot play like other children.

         Ana – Yes. If Jesus would be here, Mark could touch him and be healed also.

         Teacher – Jesus once said, ask for anything and I will do it for you. And Christians believe that Jesus hears their prayers. Mark. Come here to the front. All of us let us touch Mark, and you, Mark, ask Jesus for your wish.

          Mark – Jesus. I am sick. Can you heal me?  

In his heart, Mark’s teacher was praying fervently: “Lord, hear the prayer of this boy. Let your salvation come upon him. In your mighty name, I pray. Amen.”

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