2012 articles by Daniel Daring


Dec 27: This week, for Holy Family Sunday: Attack on the Family.
This reflection supports the call of bishops in the Philippines and other places for mothers to say no to being migrant workers, despite  economic considerations, since the consequences of migrant working  far outweigh extra finance
The cover of the March 1997 Fortune magazine asks, “Is Your Family Wrecking Your Career?” The answer given to its readers is the new ‘gospel’ of capitalism and corporate world: ‘your career is more important than your family!’

In order to combat the ‘worldly gospel’ of capitalism we have to rediscover the importance of spending time together. A yearly trip to Jerusalem could take five days of journey from Nazareth. It was a time to set aside all the problems of the world. It was a time to pray and to be with close relatives and friends. It was a vacation as well. It was a necessary break, spent together with God and with one another

Dec 25: You are my child Christmas Day reflection
The problem that many churches are facing is that the majority of their members were baptized as children. They seem to know very little about Jesus, and they often live as if God does not matter much. In such cases, the word of God cannot effect His creative and transforming power. Without our willingness to receive Jesus and believe in His name, God’s power will be unable to transform us

Dec 20: Faith is spelled as courage
How to face difficult situations following the example of Mary. It takes courage to believe that no matter who you are, no matter what the circumstances of your life, God works mightily to accomplish his plan in your life

Dec 13: The fruits of Repentance
A taxi driver in US won a $32 million jackpot. He did not opt for the life-style of a millionaire in the US but returned to his hometown in Pakistan, trying to improve the lives of his own people

Dec 6: Advent 2 - Preparing the Way for Jesus
A beautiful reflection. What a contrast between the style of teaching at the beginning of the article and the style at the end!
Highly recommended for parents, teachers and catechists

Nov 29:  Advent 1 - Do not give up
There is something special about those who believe: no matter how badly life treats them they are always hopeful. They are unable to resign their fate to the forces of life. You can spot them in the crowd by the way they walk, without slouching, looking straight in life’s face, and greeting everybody with a smile and an encouraging word. They draw strength from faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord of history knowing that He is coming to deliver them from all sort of troubles

Nov 22: Christ the King
Jesus died preciously because, by proclaiming the kingdom of God, he challenged the political system of his time. If you say, ‘woe to you rich’, and ‘blessed are you poor’, you are undermining the system which is built on inequality; and if you say, ‘love your enemies and do good to those who hate you,’  you are undermining the system which is based on hatred

  Nov 15:  Christian Hope - Mark 13:24-32
There seems to be no solution to our present ecological crisis, inequalities, and the unjust social order.
Yet, what is impossible for us is not impossible to God. God loves  His people so deeply that He will make all things well.  

Nov 8: Offering all your living - Mark 12.38-44
In our world money is a powerful tool to get what you want. It buys power, position, and status. It buys votes and shapes politics. That is nothing new. What is disturbing, however, is that it has entered the spiritual domain, claiming to buy even God’s blessing. The widow is not being contrasted with the scribes who devour widows' houses  or with the rich who donate much out of their abundance, but with the disciples of Jesus who were - and still are - unable to grasp the power and wisdom of the cross. 

Nov 1:  Not like Cain but like Jesus - Mark 12:28-34
 It seems much easier to declare openly our love of God, to burn offerings and give Him sacrifices, than to love our brothers and sisters. Joining together the love of God with the love of neighbor and making the love of neighbor the proof of loving God,  take away any justification for emulating a “Cainian” religiosity

Oct 26: Small and held captives
In a world where the economy has taken a leading role in shaping how we think and make decisions on the domestic and international level, it is difficult to inject some theological discussion about God and His role in the affairs of the world.

Oct 25: Bartimaeus’ Faith in Jesus - Mark 10: 46-52
Peter and demons were told not to reveal Jesus' identity. Bartimaeus  was allowed to proclaim to the whole world his expectant faith in Jesus as the Messiah. Those who wanted Bartimaeus to be quiet were those who were leaving Jericho with Jesus. It's often the case: in order to reach Jesus, you have to bypass the circle of the so-called pious ones,  those who assume that they know you well

Oct 18:  Do not disappoint us, please - Mark 10:35-45
Martin Luther King wrote about his great disappointment with the church and its leadership. "So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an arch-defender of the status quo." Have our churches adapted a lord-leader model of leadership? Where are those leaders who prefer to serve than to be served? 

Oct 11:  Jesus Fails - Mark 10: 17-31
The encounter between Jesus and the  young man is not really about wealth. It is about the challenge of following Jesus

Oct 4:  God's vision and human tragedy - Mark 10: 2-12 
Is it lawful for a man to have a mistress? Many Catholic men in Asia follow that acceptable Asian practice. Is it lawful for a battered wife to sacrifice her life and risk daily physical and psychological torment  to avoid divorce? 

Sep 27:  Charity versus offense - Mark 9: 41-42
Acts of charity make our days bearable. They bring a glow of joy to our faces, because we are able to help others; they put a new hope and courage on the faces of others because they realize that they are not left alone in their trials and sufferings 

Sep 20:  Missing the Point - Mark 9: 30-37
I often think about Mother Teresa  who from the window of  her school in Calcutta saw poverty and misery. She spoke about it with her superior, spiritual director, and her bishop, to no avail. All of them warned her against leaving the convent of the Sisters of Loreto. They considered it either as the devil’s temptation or a mid-life crisis. There were no previous patterns to help her make a decision. The only pattern that she could look up to was that of Jesus

Sep 13: Giving it all for Jesus - Mark 8: 31-35
Story of the monk who brought an end to gladiator fighting !

Sep 6: Breaking the silence -Mark 7.31-37
Silence and Helen Keller

Aug 30: The word or the world - James 1:20 (Sun 22:B)

Aug 23: Sunday Readings Reflection - Joshua's Decision (Sun 21:B)

August 22:  In Remembering there is Salvation
Our whole tradition is in the words 
God was sorry that he had made humans and it grieved  his heart 
God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son
The former was followed by the Flood; the latter by the
In the former, God rejects humanity; in the latter humanity rejects God