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2014-04-06 Daniel Daring
(Comments welcome here)
The Resurrection
and Life
Ezekiel 37:12-14; Romans 8:8-11; John 11:1-45
How would it change your life if you believe in this testimony?
She was sixteen when she promised herself: “I will not believe in God anymore.
It is useless anyway.” And all her problems started. She began to be fearful,
lost her peace, and was unable to sleep. She was afraid that God would punish
her because of the promise of denying Him. She thought that she would die soon.
She ended up in the hospital with a nervous breakdown. One day, someone brought
her to a Bible study group. She heard God’s word preached, but what attracted
her even more was that she heard other people giving testimonies about the power
of God in their lives. For the first time, she felt safe and secure. She
confessed her sin and gave her life to Jesus.
Maybe you are losing hope being overcome by the problems of your life; maybe you are living a double life and do not know how to make things right; maybe you are so selfish that you do not see the needs of others; maybe sin keeps you in bondage and all your attempts to gain freedom have failed; or perhaps, you are spiritually dead, full of bitterness and regrets, finding life meaningless, and wishing you could start everything all over again. The story of Lazarus tells us that there is a way out. Jesus can raise you from the power of sin to a life of meaning and purpose. Jesus can also place in your heart the assurance that there is more to life than this world. We are meant for eternity; we are meant for life that does not know sin, neither suffering, nor death. Jesus is the resurrection and the life for you and me.
The question is: Do you believe this?
He was ordained a priest and, with confidence, went into the ministry. He thought
that he had all the answers and could face any situation. After two years in the
ministry, the confidence was gone. He began to drink, and jump into restless
activism. But it only made his situation worse. One day he attended a prayer
meeting. He sat in the last row so no one would pay attention to him. After a
few inspiring songs and a prayer, an old man stood up. He introduced himself as
a metal worker. The priest thought to himself: “What will this man be able to
tell me?” However, he immediately noticed that the old man spoke about Jesus,
as if he knew him, as if he just recently met him. He thought about his own
preaching, usually copied from what others had written, and he felt ashamed. He
– despite his theological studies – was empty; that metal worker –
spending long hours in a shipyard – was filled with the knowledge of God.
Neither during his studies nor up to that very moment, had he ever heard anyone
speak about Jesus Christ in such personal way.
Faith in Jesus is not about dogmatic statements or theological training. It is about our relationship with the Lord and how this relationship can bring transformation into our lives. You can be a doctor of theology, a biblical scholar, a bishop or a priest, but you can be called an “unbeliever” at the same time. The question is not how much so-called “credentials” you have, but how much you love Him and experience His powerful presence in your life.
To believe in Jesus means to trust in his saving presence in all situations of
your life. It means having confidence and knowledge that tells you, at the
deepest level of your heart, that nothing can separate you from God’s grace:
neither death, nor sickness, nor spiritual princes. This bold trust in God’s
grace will make you content and secure, and will give you the power to serve God
and His people.
If you realize that you do not have this faith in Jesus, ask for it, and be sure that God will give it to you the very moment you raise your hands in prayer. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. May the Holy Spirit give you the grace to experience the power of this proclamation.