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Forgiveness Leads to Freedom: Short Biblical Reflections from Asia (Kindle Edition).    See this Amazon link 


       Daniel Daring 

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The Gates of Death Shall Not Prevail


He is a Catholic priest working with prisoners in one of the Asian cities. I had a privilege to spend two days with him and listen to his sharing. In the prison, he meets many adherents of Islam and helps them in any way he can, including getting them the Koran. I have yet to hear news about a Muslim imam giving a copy of the Bible to a Christian prisoner. Yet, recently he began to doubt whether he should continue doing it. ``Does reading of this book not lead to violent fundamentalism?'', was his question. In the 14th century - perhaps in 1391 - a Christian emperor, Manuel II Paleologus, was convinced that it does, that Mohammed commanded `` to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'' Is violence compatible with the nature of God?

 The Confession of Faith

 By the time the writing of Matthew's Gospel was completed, Peter was dead, being crucified for the faith he has so bravely professed today in the Gospel: ``You are the Christ, the Son of the living God''. The profession took place in the district of Caesarea Philippi. The city had a temple dedicated to the cult of Caesar, which was built by Herod the Cruel (not the Great), and further beautified by his son, Philip. There, in the vicinity of that temple, Jesus of Nazareth asked his disciples, simple fishermen, who people thought he was. It is in such a place that the revelation took place. ``Blessed are you, Simon Bar- Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven'' (Matt 16:17 ).

 Although being blessed, Peter, and other disciples had yet to learn the meaning of the phrase: the Christ and the Son of God. The world had and has many christs" and many sons of different gods, promising to save and demanding worship. What is the difference between them and Jesus? What is the difference between Caesar and Jesus? It is all about violent versus non-violent divinity. ``Though he was in the form of God, he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross'' (Phil 2:6-8). Peter and the other disciples had to learn that difference before they could preach the Gospel. Therefore, Jesus ``strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ'' (Matt 16:20). He is not a violent 'christ' who comes to kill and destroy, like the Roman Emperor or the members of the ISIS, but the crucified Christ, who comes to save from the demonic power of violence.

 ``You are the Christ, the Son of the living God'' is the confession of faith on which Jesus builds up his Church. It is simple, easy to remember, and easy to utter. Yet it takes whole of life to learn its content and very often we learn it the hard way, by failing and betraying Jesus. Peter who is being blessed now, in a few moment will be called ``Satan'' for not being able to accept the way of the Cross (Matt 16:28). Yet, when he finally learned the content of the confession of faith that he uttered at Caesarea, he preached the crucified Jesus as Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36), and this proclamation opened ``the kingdom of heaven'' to three thousand people (Acts 2:41). Peters confession of faith has been keeping ``heaven'' open till the present, so that those who believe should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16).

 The Gates of Death   

 In his book, ``The Lost History of Christianity'', Philip Jenkins writes: ``across the Middle East, Christian communities vanished one after the other, like lights being switched off''. Today, we can add to this the lights being switched off for the vanishing Iraqi Christian community. The gates of death seem to be prevailing over the Church in the Middle East, an area which once was a thriving and fervent Christian community that traces its roots to the apostles of Jesus. In Europe, people know about the Holocaust (1939-45) in which more than 4 million innocent Jews perished. Yet, the West does not know or it does not want to know about the Holocaust experienced by Christians that has begun with the rise of Islam to power. It is not just one event, but a series of events through centuries, in which hundreds of millions of innocent Christians have died.

Jesus promises that the ``gates of Hades'' will not prevail over the Church. According to the popular belief, Hades was the place of the dead. The gates of Hades kept them from the realm of those alive. Yet, there was one whom those ``gates'' could not held in its power. Each Sunday we proclaim Jesus' victory over death. This promise is extended to the whole Church. The Church is built from the living stones, from those who confess the faith of Peter and follow Jesus on the way of the Cross towards the resurrection. Death, particularly the violent death that sheds the blood of  innocent victims, is the enemy of God (1 Cor 15:26 ). Sin is its sting, (1 Cor 15:56) and all those who kill and destroy are at the service of sin, but their victims, the martyrs ``shall shine forever like the brightness of the sky above and like the stars'' (Daniel 12:3). For those who believe in Jesus, life does not end but changes. Those who die in Christ are clothed with immortality (1 Cor 15:53). Peter, Paul, other apostles and many first Christians died violently for their belief, and yet the Church is still with us, the Roman Empire, however, is gone.

 John Paul II was talking about two lungs of Christianity: the Latin rite and the Eastern Churches. Today, the Eastern Churches seem to be overpowered by the gates of death, yet the day of their resurrection is coming. As death could not held Jesus in its power, so it will not be able to hold His Church in the East in its power. The night of their tribulation will not last long. The dawn of a new day is about to rise and the blood of their martyrs will give rise to new flourishing communities of Christian believers in the East.


 It is said that this year in Gaza, at the end of Ramadan, when mosques were destroyed, a priest offered his parish church to the Muslims for their worship. I would like to see an imam offering the Christians a mosque for worship. The world has many different prophets and messiahs, but there is only one, in which any one can be saved. Peter made it clear: ``And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved'' (Acts 4:12 ). This is the confession of faith that can withstand the gates of death. The crucified Jesus is the Christ and the Son of the living God. In Him there is no violence, because violence is incompatible with the nature of the true and living God. Jesus has always led people to believe in Him through deeds of love and compassion, not through violence or threats. His love to the end has broken the spell of sin and death over all who believe in Him. That is the mystery that made Paul utter one of the most beautiful prayers in our Bible: ``Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways'' (Rom 11:33).

 Let me finish with this reflection with a prayer:

 Truly, Lord, unsearchable are your judgements and inscrutable are your ways. Open the eyes of the nations and people to see in your Son, Jesus, the only Saviour of their lives and the only Way to you, Father. Do not allow the gates of death to overcome your Church in the Middle East. Bring Her back to life and make it flourish again that in every corner of the world and in each nation Your Holy Name may be praised through Jesus Christ, Your Only and True Son. Amen.
