Darlene's previous articles Darlene's background 2013-04-07 Darlene Starrs, Canada blogger The Vatican's Mystic |
recall that Father Richard Rohr recently wrote a
book about the “Church Needing Mystics”.
Indeed, Pope Francis appears to be exactly that, a “mystic”.
Briefly, a “mystic” is someone who is immersed in the “mystery”
of Christ. In truth, all of us, who
are baptized into the mystery of the Father/Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit, ought
to be “mystics” to some degree. This
is why
“mystic” is someone who, as
Francis’s focus of ministry is the poor. The
entire Church has been beckoned by Pope Francis to concern itself with the
mission to the poor. While, this
must certainly be of primary importance, I am also reminded of the beatitude
which says, “blessed are the poor in spirit, for the
Material poverty, alone, does not, necessarily define “being poor”, in the eyes of God.
poor in spirit”, is recognizing, that “we” are nothing, without God.
God is our identity and “we” are totally dependent on Him for
had this discussion with some people at an Easter dinner on Sunday.
A conversation broke out at the table regarding our new pope, and his
message of living “poorly” and serving the “poor”.
I shared that it was a very telling reality for me, when, I sat on the
bed, in my Father’s nursing home room, and noted that after a life time of
work and accumulating certain things, like a home and a car, that Dad, ended his
life, with a few pictures, a few games, and a small ghetto blaster.
No matter, how few things, we may have in life, even that is not poverty,
unless, we do not have the three things, that St. Paul says remains, faith,
hope, and love.
Whether a person is materially rich or poor, we all, are called to live “poor in spirit”. Our total dependency must be on God, who dwells in us, as faith, hope, and love!
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