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  2013-07-07    Darlene Starrs, Canada blogger


What Would I Do, If I Were Pope, In My First 100 Hours!


If I were Pope Darlene and given the keys to the Kingdom, what would I do?

I would be creating a mechanism to meet with and listen to the person in the pew!

I would agree to engage the reform groups of the Church.

I would be realistic about how many cardinals and bishops are necessary.

I would be preparing "institutes/councils/conventions to discuss the hot button issues of the day.

I would be inviting feedback about the pros and cons of a clerical/hierarchical form of Church.

I would be making it my priority to know what theologians are saying and contributing to the discussion about reform and renewal.

I would be setting straight the wrongs of the CDF.

I would be restoring the Liturgical books to their Vatican II texts....

I would be creating all avenues of participation for the laity in ministry and in the governance of the Church.

I would be calling upon the reworking of sacramental theology with the laity in mind as the ministers.

I would be developing the strategies and structures for a "New Pentecost" proclamation of the Word, a proclamation that must empower the woman apostle.

The things I would do as Pope are not arranged in any prioritized fashion. They are the "things" that must be done!.........And that's just in my first 100 hours....


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