Darlene's previous articles Darlene's background 2013-08-11 Darlene Starrs (from Canada now in Ireland)
One momentous speech by Pope Francis
The National Catholic Reporter provided the text of the speech of Pope Francis to the Brazilian Bishops. This was/is a jaw dropping speech…..Read the following link. http://ncronline.org/news/spirituality/pope-francis-ecclesiology-rooted-emmaus-story
If Pope Francis is sincere about all that he says in this address to the Brazilian bishops, then, indeed, we will see revolutionary change. What Pope Francis speaks about is not just relevant for Brazil, he gives direction to the entire Church. I would say without hesitation "By George, I think he’s got it." Pope Francis directly and indirectly spells out the meaning and trajectory of Vatican II change. Yes, I know that he still insists women are not called by Christ to preach, teach, and sanctify, but, perhaps, the Lord is permitting his stance only because as Pope Francis has said, "Clericalism is a problem" Do we women really want to create more clericalism?, because, that is, what would happen, if we were ordained and added to the ranks of the clergy.
Two statements grabbed my attention in particular and they are worth giving long thought about. I think the two statements are inextricably linked…Pope Francis says, "Perhaps the Church is a prisoner of its own rigid formulas." And "By losing women, the Church risks becoming sterile" Since we are holding fast to certain theological assumptions, we are held prisoner, in terms of addressing the Church’s ministerial needs. i.e. We can’t have women priests because Jesus only chose men…..I have said on this blog site before…..that if women are denied the vocation given unto them by the Lord, the Church risks rendering itself…..spiritually impotent! The pope says…"Losing women, could mean the Church becomes sterile" I’d say, Pope Francis and I are in agreement about that!
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