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  2014-01-17 Darlene Starrs (Canada)

What of Church Reform?
Complete a Survey for Catholic Church Reform

(Comments welcome here)


Is there still a need to push for reform in the Catholic Church? 

I ask this question, as I suspect that with the glowing work of Pope Francis, there has probably been a relaxation of the urgency for reform,  an urgency, that existed prior to his election.  It appears to many that  Pope Francis is a much needed breath of fresh air and that he will orchestrate the many changes that are needed, curial reform, just being one of them.  I caution, that all of the positive light around Pope Francis might create a screen to what remains a problem and in need of reform and renewal.  An example of this, would be the recent UN report to the Vatican, regarding their conduct, in relationship to child sex abuse by Roman Catholic clergy.  The Vatican’s response to the correction of the UN was hardly conciliatory. The UN pointed out to the Vatican that they have more and more to do about correcting this situation.  Will the Vatican listen and act accordingly?  In terms of the role of Pope Francis, many would say, that he has not done enough visa-vis, the child sex abuse scandal.  I do wonder,  however, if we, as a Church, will ever recover from this horrendous scandal.

I like Pope Francis as much as the world and the rest of the Church, but, I am concerned about further reform being delayed or deleted.  Therefore, it was heartening to see that there is today, a global effort with the organization CATHOLIC CHURCH REFORM to bring to the Pope’s attention reform issues.  Visiting their website, catholicchurchreform.com , I found many interesting articles, videos, and a survey to fill out regarding the Church. Their list of well-known theologians as supervisors for the website and the organization is impressive.

I believe the origin of the CCR was a global teleconferencing that took place last year among leading reform organizations.  They have recently organized a letter that was open for the Catholics of the world to sign.  Unfortunately, there were only a little more than 2,000 signatures.  Considering the size of the Universal Catholic Church, this letter with such few signatures is probably nothing more than a drop in a grand bucket. Hence, my observation that the issue of reform has become too relaxed and even obsolete, with the exception of the UN report.

I highly recommend and encourage you to go to this website and complete a survey for Catholic organizations and individuals. I found it under their newsletter section.  Why fill it out?  There remains hot button issues to be addressed and resolved.  Issues such as closure of parishes, the shortage of priests, more sexual abuse cases, the role of women, and the decentralization of Rome.

Let us continue to see the full implementation of the spirit and goals of Vatican II!  The Pope cannot do it alone!  I know that Father Tony Flannery in Ireland, the priest who is denied his right to practise ministry, is touring Ireland and England with a reform lecture, so the need is still prevalent!

Praised Be God, Who In Jesus Christ, Always Leads Us In Triumphal Procession!......2Cor, chapter 2, verse 14

