Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2014-06-09 Celebrating a New Release of the Spirit, Pentecost (Comments welcome here) |
Assuming there has been a new release of the Holy Spirit at this Pentecost, what does that mean for the Universal Catholic Church?
We must be sowing the Word, again and again, but, we need to be doing that, with conviction, dedication, intelligence, wisdom, faith, courage, hope, love, strength, peace, fervour, and above all with the power and grace of Jesus Christ. You might say, that has been done….well…it hasn’t been done with Roman Catholic Women Evangelists . There is fire in the Church, especially with the untapped gifts of Catholic women, and rather than that fire being expunged, a New Pentecost and a New Evangelization requires the inexhaustible flames of the Holy Spirit ministering through Catholic women on fire with the "Joy of the Gospel" and the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly to preach, but, also to teach and build new Christian communities.
Pope Francis, once said, that "God is a God of Surprises". May there be many, many divine surprises for the entire Universal Church as a gift of Pentecost. Maybe one of those surprises, will be the spread of the fire of empowered Catholic women evangelists!