Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2014-06-23 What is in the Mind of God? (Comments welcome here) |
I find myself pondering the question: What is in the Mind of God Regarding the Roman Catholic Church of 2014?
I know His Ways and His Thoughts are not My Thoughts and My Ways, so, taking even the smallest liberty to suggest anything, is probably futile.
Does God have it in mind to renew the Church? Does God have it in mind to reform the Church? Does God have it in mind to tear the Church down and rebuild? For many people, none of these are correct, as many people would say, God has it in mind to keep the Church as is.
Some indication about the building of the Church comes to us from the scriptures. The Lord says, "I will build, YOU, my living stones, into a spiritual house." (paraphrased)
We just cannot know and say, how that spiritual house will look in the physical, if it is to radically change in the future.
I repeat and ponder, "What is in the Mind of God?"
We may have known what was in the Mind of God for the Church, if we believe absolutely that St. Francis was directed by the Lord to "Repair the (My) Church". I wonder if the message is different in 2014. Perhaps, the message is, "Rebuild My Church". I do believe, Vatican II was and is in the Mind of God, but, we have discovered there is so much yet to sprout from that wondrous ecclesial event.
There is much to contemplate and discover and so I say again, "What is in the Mind of God for this Church?