Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2014-06-30 Another Vatican Document (Comments welcome here) |
The National Catholic Reporter says that the Vatican published a document about the Essentials of Life Faith. It is produced by the International Theological Commission and is entitled, Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church. Most of the document is familiar rhetoric and so I concerned myself with the last paragraph as reproduced below. The National Catholic Reporter provides a link to the entire document and reports who comprises the Commission.
Paragraph 127 concludes the document. It reads:
127. Vatican II was a new Pentecost,[144] equipping the Church for the new evangelisation that popes since the council have called for. The council gave a renewed emphasis to the traditional idea that all of the baptised have a sensus fidei, and the sensus fidei constitutes a most important resource for the new evangelisation.[145] By means of the sensus fidei, the faithful are able not only to recognise what is in accordance with the Gospel and to reject what is contrary to it, but also to sense what Pope Francis has called ‘new ways for the journey’ in faith of the whole pilgrim people. One of the reasons why bishops and priests need to be close to their people on the journey and to walk with them is precisely so as to recognise ‘new ways’ as they are sensed by the people.[146] The discernment of such new ways, opened up and illumined by the Holy Spirit, will be vital for the new evangelisation.
There are two things that I wish to draw your attention to from the above paragraph. First of all, Pope Francis admits that there are "new ways for the journey" and secondly, that there is expected a new evangelization. I say, that the "new ways" are the prophetic seeds for a new evangelization. Of course, the "new ways" might find someone excommunicated first, but, nonetheless, there might well be "new ways". Hmm, what could those "new ways" be?
A new evangelization is also expected, apparently, and this is also Good News. My comment , is that, in order for a new evangelization to happen, women who have been called by Christ, must be the preachers! I believe, Catholic Women Evangelists are the New Wine and the New Fire for a New Evangelization. They are the New Pentecost for the entire Church. Only when this happens, will you find a brand new Church. Would that be one of the "new ways for the journey"? Tell me, Pope Francis. Vatican II, if allowed to move along, will lead to a New Pentecost, because women and all the lay people are integral to that New Pentecost. Vatican II was not the new Pentecost, but, it was meant to create one.