Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2014-07-14 The
Lord’s Word (Comments welcome here) |
Yesterday's readings are a selection of my best loved and they are the readings to do with God’s Word never returning empty. Just a reminder from yesterday's liturgy:
My Word Shall Not Return To Me Void
But Shall Do My Will
Achieving The End For Which I Sent It
Naturally, we think of Jesus as THE WORD that will return to God having fulfilled His will. However, this is the expectation of us all who are disciples of Christ and adopted sons and daughters of God. I would like the above quote from scripture inscribed on my headstone.
The disciples of Christ and the sons and daughters of God, generally, gather in Christian communities, as this life with Christ, is not a solitary one, but, a Church experience.
I sometimes find all the discussion surrounding the Church and particularly, the Church Institution, dizzying, disheartening, and frustrating and SO returning to the Word and the Lord’s promises is not only reassuring, but restores my psychic and emotional well-being.
Once I have basked in the Lord’s Word, I know that ALL WILL BE WELL, with me, and even in the Church, eventually, in GOD’S TIME. God’s Perfection in God’s Perfect Time, that is what I long for. See in the rose image, (above), found on Holy Hill in County Sligo, the very example of God’s Perfection in God’s Perfect Time.