Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2014-09-08 A Celebration of Mary (Comments welcome here) |
September 8, we remember the birth of Mary, the Mother of God. Other than the birth of Jesus, I cannot think of a more memorable birthday. Her parents, Anne and Joachim, are destined to be grand-parents of the Son of God. Even more to the point, Mary, is destined to be the mother of God. Imagine, what it would be like to be a part of such a distinguished and Holy Family. The beauty is, by being adopted Sons and Daughters of God, we, as the Universal Church are members of that Holy Family. So, smile today, and while wishing Mary a Happy Birthday, wish yourselves one too!
Feast Days of the Saints, and in particular, the Feast Days of Mary, are potentially amazing days of grace. Mary might well have words of wisdom for us individually, and no doubt for us, corporately, on this 2014 celebration of her birth. In terms of her message to us corporately, I wonder, if she might be saying, "The Universal Church needs to organize a synod about women in ministry."
Indeed, this day, September 8th, might well be a wonderfully chosen day to begin such a synod. There are all the appropriate images, "Mary", "woman", "ministry", "Christ", "birth" and "Church". Mary’s birthday, might well be, the birth of woman ministry, experienced in a brand new way…….new wine, new way.!
This requires a letter to Pope Francis! I better get busy!