Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2014-09-15 Who is the Pope really listening to? (Comments welcome here) |
Certainly Pope Francis must be listening to his ideas, otherwise, he wouldn’t have stepped out unto the balcony after his election, with changes already obvious. Pope Francis has been DOING many things and very uniquely. The universal impression is that, he is leading the church in reform and renewal.
The Synod on the Family will be a testing to see if Pope Francis is listening to other voices of reform, or if he is out to maintain his agenda of change, but, not really, intending to accommodate any other presented reforms.
I question, whether he is really listening to anyone else, but himself. If he is only listening to himself and his agenda, then, we are not really going to see substantial reform and renewal.
If Pope Francis, is doing, doing, doing, but, not really listening to anyone else, but his own ideas and plans, then, how is that going to work or not work for the Universal Church, in the days, weeks, months, and years to come?
My blog was inspired by an article by the journalist, John Allen in the National Catholic Reporter, who is questioning whether Pope Francis is really accountable. Certainly, someone cannot be accountable, if someone is not listening. I would hope Pope Francis does not end up being a "flash in the pan", but, I suspect, there is danger of that happening.
Let us pray that Pope Francis hears and understands and is very accountable, so that, the Universal Church grows, heals, and matures.
I am seeing holes in his papacy! The religious sisters of the U.S. continue to be brow beaten by Cardinal Muller and the C.D.F.; no one is talking to the ACP and the Irish Church; excommunications go uncorrected; the universal church remains saddled with an imposed Roman Missal; and women and the laity continue to be kicked to the curb, when it suits a local bishop. See below where I speak of a situation in Rochester, New York.
We have a Pope who is not really doing anything extraordinary. He is doing what a pope or pastor is supposed to do. We must remember the Lord saying, "Why would I reward you for the things, you are supposed to be doing?" (paraphrased) You and I have seen the "Martha" in Pope Francis, always doing, but, where is the Mary? In Pope Francis’s prayer and contemplation, is he listening and hearing the voices that challenge his theology or maybe just don’t fit his agenda? I suspect not. Listening is essential for the leadership of this Universal Church, particularly, the leadership of the pope. As Hans Kung put it, let’s hope, it is spring in the Church, and not another winter.
What would make Pope Francis extraordinary? The answer….listening to the voices of reform, listening to those who have been seriously insulted by the CDF, and by considering real innovations, like a Synod on Women in Ministry. I know I’m missing a lot from the list, but, my point is that, there is much listening to be done and action that truly brings about the "overhaul" of the Universal Church. I was aghast to find out that the current bishop of Rochester, New York, wiped out the practise of lay preaching that had happened in parishes for 40 years, a practice endorsed by the previous bishop and who, as it is reported, orchestrated the lay preaching at Sunday services, so as to not contradict liturgical rules. Yes, clericalism is a problem….something claimed by Pope Francis, and you know what, that claim, in my estimation, remains, his single, most insightful, and innovative assertion. If he followed up on this claim, he would truly be extraordinary, indeed, prophetic. I wrote a letter to Pope Francis 2 weeks ago, requesting him to write a thorough paper on why clericalism is a problem. Do you think I’ll be listened to? We need that reflection to move forward, especially, since, we have thousands who would support married priests and a male and female diaconate. As an aside, yes, I want women to be able to do the ministries previously denied them, but, I am not necessarily encouraging women’s ordination. Are we not supposed to be promoting the laity to be central to the Church? Are we more faithful to Vatican II by promoting the laity or maintaining and supporting the clerical system? If Pope Francis took on this issue, then, we might see the extraordinary! Clearly this can only be done by listening and contemplating like Mary. Which Mary? All the scripture Marys. The Church, and that includes the Pope, should be Mary at the feet of Jesus and listening. Then, real change has a chance, and there is no way, that the Pope would be a "flash in the pan." It would be obvious who else he is listening to…..and repeating myself, we might see the pope doing something extra-ordinary.
Pope Francis is demonstrating exemplary pastoral behaviour but, he must dig deeper and wider, to truly lead us through reform and renewal, to create that "over-haul" of the Church, that he, himself, referred to. As it is, the make-up of the appointees to the Synod on the Family, is stacked with cardinals and bishops, and that is a continuing behaviour for the Vatican to keep power and control. I thought that the synods might be the opening of a Pandora’s box on many, many, issues, but, I see the Vatican, has planned to secure that box!
Bishop Diarmud Martin of Ireland has an appointment at the Synod. He wrote a homily when he was first bishop which said, "that the Church must be a listening and humble Church". Perhaps that is only those of us appointed to the pew!
Who is Pope Francis listening to?