Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2014-10-20 At
Synod’s Conclusion (Comments welcome here) |
As of Monday, October 20, the Synod on the Family has concluded. I’m writing this on Thursday, October 16, so, I hope I will not miss any major event, as the Synod winds down. Yes, just as I was writing this blog, a news entry in the National Catholic Reporter, suggested that the Synod, has already revised its’ earlier document and particular comments about welcoming homosexual Catholics. It would appear that the synod decided they were a little too "open" with the gay community.
It had been the highlight of the Synod and pleasing for many Catholics, that the Vatican took a compassionate tone towards gay and lesbian Catholics and Catholics living together, outside of marriage.
It is heartening to me, that the Vatican, is making some "gradual movement" into the reality of contemporary societies, to address and include aspects of life, and people that, until now, they have either ignored or shunned.
There is a glimpse of daylight at the Vatican! It is a glimpse though, as the English translation of the Synod document, "Relatio Post Disceptationem" now says….."Providing for Homosexuals", as opposed to the previous words, "Welcoming Homosexual Persons". The welcoming of homosexuals, I imagine, presented too much acceptance, which would ultimately, give support for blessing same-sex marriages in the RC Church. Oops! ….It seems that revising their words, is what the Vatican has tried to do…..However, the horses are out of the barn, as they say….What will transpire? We will wait, watch, and listen! I suggest, we now have a Pandora’s box!
Well, as the Vatican steps in the direction of becoming modern and relevant…there could be a number of Oops