Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2014-12-08 Feast
Day of the (Comments welcome here) |
December 8 is the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Even as Mary herself is conceived, she is free of sin. That this is true and necessary, can be understood when Jesus says, "Can Satan cast out Satan?" Mary, as the woman, who carried the Son of God in her womb, could not possibly have been in sin, otherwise, she could not bear the Son of God.
The Old Testament reading for today, tells us that Eve was the mother of the living. We know that while Eve may have been the mother of the children of this world, Mary, is the mother of the spiritually and eternally living children, born of the spirit of God and returning to abide with God forever. When we are baptized into Christ, we not only have Christ, but, the entire Holy Family, including Mary, as our heavenly Mother.
Mary, like Christ, is our enduring mother/sister companion on our journeys on earth. She shows us how to be faithful disciples of Christ, through her humble attitude and belief, that she is the handmaid of the Lord. The Gospel reading for today, the narrative of the Annunciation, tells us the whole of her relationship with God, when the scripture says, that Mary replied, "I am the Handmaid of the Lord, Let it be done to me, according to Thy Word." Would that we all, respond to God in like manner! Without Mary’s life and faith, we would not have Christ! As the song says, "This is the Day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it".
I refer you to the December 8th, weekday homily found on the Association of Catholic Priest website, which has a handsome commentary about Mary and this Feast Day, including a mention of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
Happy Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary! Take the time to contemplate "The Canticle of Mary", found in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter Two. Our soul and the collective soul of the Church, is intended, to magnify the Lord! Alleluia!