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            Darlene Starrs (Canada)         


Peace Be With You
 Says Jesus Christ

(Comments welcome here)

  Darlene's background



To believe that Jesus Christ is WITH YOU is the starting point of Faith. Jesus’s disciples journeyed many a Palestinian mile with Him and after all of the miraculous event, Jesus dies on a cross, seemingly, the end had come not only for Jesus, but, for His disciples and followers. However, God the Father raises Jesus from the dead and takes Him to His heavenly home. Jesus Christ as He is known, once He is risen, does not just disappear into the divine abyss, but, promises to be with His disciples, His followers, His believers, and Us, His present Church for always. Though they did not see Him any longer in the flesh 2000 years ago, and just as they were challenged at the beginning of Christianity to believe that Jesus Christ was risen and with them, so are we. That is where Faith Begins.

As we approach the Feast of Pentecost, I pray that You have a renewed trust that Jesus Christ is with you!
