Darlene Starrs (Canada) 2015-06-29 The
Solemnity of (Comments welcome here) |
Today, we celebrate the lives and ministries of St. Peter and St. Paul. St. Peter is referred to as the "rock" on which Jesus would build His Church. Indeed, the foundation of the Church is with Jesus Christ and Peter. As well, St. Paul is responsible for the formation of the Eastern Church. My words cannot possibly do justice in describing how momentous an occasion is their Feast Day.
I truly wish we had another Peter and Paul to reset the Church on a prayerful and fruitful course. Pope Francis is doing his best, as I’m sure many, many, Catholics are also doing their best, every –day, around the globe.
St. Peter and St. Paul were responsible for the preaching of the "Kerygma". Truly, the Churches, not only the RC Church, and the World, forever need the "preaching of God’s Holy Word". I pray for the preachers, and I pray, that the Word finds a home with you and with all who would listen.
Happy Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul