previous articles Jesus reveals who He is….. (Comments welcome here) |
Today’s Gospel has Jesus reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Jesus stands up in the synagogue where He was raised in Nazareth and He proclaims the words of Isaiah as if He, Himself were the one "anointed and sent to bring Good News to the poor, bring sight to the blind, set the captives free and so on. While the people in attendance were amazed at His speech, they did not accept Jesus’s reference to Himself as the Prophet rejected by His own people. They ran Jesus out of town, and were intent on running Him off a cliff. Would you say that they were just a little annoyed?
The passage speaks to who Jesus is specifically, however, we also see what happens to most anyone who speaks the truth. The rejection of the truth and the truthful person, or prophet occurs frequently in secular and church life.
We need to be vigilant in our prayer for the Church, that the truth is heard and our prophets supported.