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Darlene Starrs (Canada)      


Jesus Christ
 is the Cornerstone

(Comments welcome here)

  Darlene's background


Today the Gospel presents to us that infamous phrase:  "The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone."  This lesson was the teaching that Jesus was rejected by the religious leaders in particular, but, Jesus, was in fact, the person on whom the entire Jewish faith was built.

Does this phrase then, only apply to the Jewish religious leaders and Jewish people? Not really. Jesus Christ as the cornerstone is what Christianity is based upon.  I propose to you that we have a different problem than our Jewish brothers and sisters.  Very often our RC Church  appears to accept the cornerstone but wants to "control" it.  There are a number of issues that this is evident, but, I'll refer  only to the question of whether women may be ordained.

Jamie Manson has an article this week in the National Catholic Reporter in which she discusses the relationship between Pope Francis and women.  She says that the reason why Pope Francis cannot entertain the ordaining of women is because of his "Theological Imagination." (paraphrased) This theological imagination consists of the belief that only males can represent Jesus Christ.Women are anatomically incompatible with imaging  Jesus Christ  as preacher and presider.

My reasoning is the following:  Jesus Christ ceased to be a male mortal when he resurrected and NOW Jesus Christ exists as pure spirit.  In the NOW, Jesus Christ may fully manifest himself in a male or female person, depending on the will of the Father.

Perhaps, it should not come as such a surprise to me, that what seems so obvious theologically, should confound Pope Francis and the Vatican, as it was said last year at the Synod, that so many of the Bishops and Cardinals did not know how to do inductive theology, which requires adhering to the Holy Spirit in the NOW.

How is this controlling the cornerstone?  It is the thinking of men that has determined the fate of women's ordination and not the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ most certainly has called women and hopefully, the "men" of the RC Church will be divinely corrected, so that no female vocation will be lost.
