Sun: Africa
Europe & Russia Tues: South
Asia Wed: East
Asia Thurs:
S.E. Asia & the Pacific
Frid: South
America Sat: Central & North
America Please join me in praying for one part of
the world each day:
Jesus, today please bless the people of
South East Asia & the Pacific
Thursday August 23, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
Yesterday I went as usual for my weekly visit to Hei Ling Chau Island drug treatment centre
has been in the news lately
(Many thanks to kind reader who sent
this article)
be honest, staff at Centre have impossible job.
Locking up people to cure them of drugs
is like locking up people to cure them of alcohol or gambling
are totally dedicated, facilities are good, food is good,
but only One Thing/Person is strong enough to break the power of drugs
...and that One is missing from the program (....unlike Christian drug centres...which
have the One...and have real success in helping people stay off drugs)
fact, the main conversation at the centre among the men is drugs
...."all they talk about is drugs" as one man put it....past
experiences, how to get drugs when you get out etc etc
Pressure on staff to get good results in such a setting is totally unreasonable
would do well to privatise such centres as much as possible
....give them to groups like St
Stephen's Society who get genuine, not false, results
As usual each Thursday, my Calendar:
Aug 24, Frid:
Lai Chi Kok
Detention Center
Aug 25, Sat:
Aug 26, Sun:
3pm Healing Meeting at Yau Ma Tei St Paul's. Everyone of any faith most
especially people suffering from big sicknesses like cancer.
6pm gathering at Yau Ma Tei St Paul's for ex-inmates. Other friends most welcome
Aug 27, Mon: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
Aug 28, Tues: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
Aug 29, Wed: Hei Ling Chau Drug Treatment Centre
Aug 30, Thur: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
Recent photos - see link below ("Recent HK photos")
On this
23rd of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Guangxi
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
God bless all on my sick list, in HK,
Australia, China and other places,
- especially dear friends battling cancer.....
Today's English editorial in the Ming Pao newspaper (HK),
The Education Bureau Should be Responsive to Public Opinion
and my recording of same,
be accessed here from midday today HK time to mid-evening
tonight HK time
My Bible Plan for today = Please join me in using these readings for courage and energy for today
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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