Sun: Africa
Europe & Russia Tues: South
Asia Wed: East
Asia Thurs:
S.E. Asia & the Pacific
Frid: South
America Sat: Central & North
America Please join me in praying for one part of
the world each day:
Jesus, today please bless the people of
South East Asia & the Pacific
Thursday October 4.., 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
Hong Kong is still in a state of shock at the tragic loss of 38 lives in Monday night's ferry collision
thing I have learned from Ming Pao editorial below:
children on HK ferries are supposed to wear a life jacket at all times
In all my years in HK, I have never seen a child wear a life jacket on a HK ferry
Logic would suggest that everyone, not just children, on a ferry should wear a life jacket....just like people in cars using seat belts. Not convenient, but seat belts save many lives and prevent many injuries, and maybe many if not most of the above 38 might have been saved if wearing life jackets
Guardian report
As usual each Thursday, my Calendar:
Oct 5, Frid:
7.15am Chinese Mass, St Paul's YMT; Lai Chi Kok
Detention Center
Oct 6, Sat: 7.15am & 7.30pm
Chinese Masses, St Paul's YMT
Oct 7, Sun: 10am Chinese Mass, St
Paul's YMT; 3pm Mass Lo Wu Prison;
5.45pm gathering for ex-inmates, St Paul's YMT - visitors welcome
Oct 8, Mon: 7.15am Chinese Mass, St Paul's
YMT; Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
Oct 9, Tues: 7.15am Chinese Mass, St Paul's
YMT; Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
Oct 10, Wed: 7.15am Chinese Mass, St Paul's YMT; Hei Ling Chau Drug Treatment Centre
Oct 11, Thur: Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre
Recent photos - see link below ("Recent HK photos")
On this
4th of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Guangdong
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
God bless all on my sick list, in HK,
Australia, China and other places,
- especially dear friends battling cancer.....
Today's English editorial in the Ming Pao newspaper (HK),
A Lesson to Learn
and my recording of same,
be accessed here from midday today HK time to mid-evening
tonight HK time
My Bible Plan for today =
for Feast of St Francis of Assisi
to pray for his simplicity in following Jesus
on this day, in 2005, my dear mother went home to heaven.
Her funeral service was held the next day, at the Capuchin Franciscan parish of
Guardian Angels in Brisbane, where Mum and Dad were loyal parishioners for many
Mum and Dad's grave (their favorite song, which Mum loved to play on the
piano, was HGTA)
God bless!
John W
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