2013-07-19      John W                    John W's previous articles

People who are following Pope Francis' example
An update of earlier file, Bishops who are following Pope Francis Example



Bishop Michael C. Barber, S.J., was ordained and installed as Bishop of Oakland on May 25, promising to follow Pope Francis' emphasis on caring the poor and the suffering.

“I would like to do for Oakland what Pope Francis is doing for the whole Church,” Bishop Barber said in his remarks at the end of Mass at the Cathedral of Christ the Light.

“My vision is this: the priests take care of the people. The bishop takes care of the priests. And we all take care of the poor, the sick and the suffering – those suffering physically and spiritually,” he said to a filled cathedral.

- from this report

Barnes said the pope’s approach has influenced him. Every year, a diocesan fundraising dinner honors Barnes. Traditionally, the bishop wears what Barnes called a “regal kind of formal outfit that I don’t particularly care to wear. But that’s supposed to be the dress for this.” As he was preparing for the most recent dinner, on April 6, Barnes chose to put on the same type of simple black suit that parish priests wear.

At the dinner, “a few people said, ‘Is this because of Pope Francis?’ They assumed it. There was no order, ‘You shall not wear these kinds of things.’ It’s the example. And what example are we giving?”

Here are additional excerpts from the interview:

Q: I understand he (the pope) eats with …

A: The people who work there: Maintenance people, landscaping people, housekeeping people.

Q: What message does that send to the church? Not only forgoing the “trappings” of being pope. But also in his daily life having dinner one-on-one with maintenance people …

A: He’s doing what we’re all called to do. That’s the life of the Lord. Jesus ate with everyone. He didn’t have his private place.

What the pope is saying is, our ministry, as unique as it is, should not, cannot separate us from the people. We’re not supposed to be removed from the people. We’re there for and with the people. I think that’s what he is modeling for us.

- from this report


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