2013 Articles  - February


Feb 28

The Shape of the Church to Come
Maybe, as the church elects a new pope,  we will glimpse again the greatness of the church’s mission

Elephants in the Living Room
Discussing what needs to be  discussed in the Church

Too many priests preaching  the truth but living a lie
Re Cardinal O'Brien case

c.f. Elephant in the room
Homosexuality in priesthood and religious life

Feb 27

Passion    Crucifixion   from Stained Glass Inc

Pope sacked "2 bishops a month"
(one of them was Bishop Bill Morris who has a book due out soon on his sacking and other issues. See below for many items re Bp Bill's sacking)

Benedict a Shadow Pope? Hans Kung
If the next pope is clever, he will appoint a cabinet that will allow him to lead effectively.  Unless there is an introduction of a functioning, central church administration as well as curia reform, no new pope will be able to bring about change and progress

Feb 26

Congo: historic peace accord Let's keep Congo in prayers!

Magisterium & theologians 10 laments

I believe (prayer) is the necessary dimension Christianity adds to pagan prayer, or to Hindu and Buddhist prayer. 
It opens up an already beautifully prayerful people, opens them up to God, to humankind, and to creation. Paganism is a closed and fatalistic system. What we are asking them to believe, in their prayers, is not that the laws of the universe are being suspended, but that creation is open-ended and continuing
Vincent Donovan, p. 102 Christianity Rediscovered  

Feb 25

US  has 70 million Catholics & 13 cardinals at conclave. Philippines has 75 million Catholics & 1 at conclave.
Asian websites/blogs very unhappy: 
e.g. Anura Guruge

The 2005 conclave had 29 Italian cardinals, same as from Africa/Asia combined.  Italy  had 55 million Catholics, A/A more than 200 million  (America)

2013 conclave - same ratio:
61 are European, (21 are Italian),
 19 Latin Americans, 14 North Americans, 11 Africans, 10 Asians and one from Oceania 

When Paul VI was nearing the end of his life in 1978, an international committee of lay people prepared a book of dossiers to help the cardinals better know each other!
See p. 10 of this 1978 paper - includes a review of the book by
Andrew Greeley

How many conclave cardinals have used 1962 Mass? 12 (comment)

Why can/can't women be priests?
Questions from a Ewe 

Spirituality & the stages of life: One size doesn't fit all
Ron Rolheiser OMI
(Talk given in US Feb 23)

Successive popes have transformed Vatican into absolute monarchy

The program for the young churches, outlined by Vatican II, presents a carbon copy of the mature church in Europe and America, a church afflicted with serious, if not mortal, ills and weaknesses. The authors can't imagine a church different from their own   - Vincent Donovan
Christianity Rediscovered p.97

Feb 24

UK Card: next pope should allow priests to marry

A moving new book which is helping prevent suicide:
Life, In Spite of Me Kristen Jane Anderson

The world within is the real world Joseph Girzone
 It is such a joy to rediscover the dream that Jesus had of what he had wanted so much for us, a world of humble shepherds, showing us how to live and love and care for one another, not ruling over us by decrees and endless laws and human customs that have long ago lost their meaning, and wandering around in robes  people wore 700 years ago

2,600 year old Cyrus Cylinder - see comment Feb 23, "JohnHu"

Grapevine: On Feb 28  Pope will give cardinals some light reading matter for the conclave:
a personal copy of
this 300 page report

Feb 23

Interpreting Vatican II Today: The Question of Continuity
Bishop Peter Elliott
Imposing a political spectrum on the Church of Jesus Christ is wrong. This mistaken approach has reduced the interpretation and application of the Council to secular political positions
(Bp Peter and I were ordained together 40 years ago this week, about which we have been in happy contact. I invited him to post something on this website and he has kindly recommended above Kairos article, already on internet - jw)

Tablet Papal Audit: we need a pope willing to live in the world we live in

Tablet Letters Extra: See post by Margaret Callinan

A Retirement Judith Lynch
Maybe Pope Benedict’s resignation will be the catalyst for a few other traditions to bite the dust

UK bishops want next pope to reform Church governance

Feb 22

A powerful DVD about Sophie Scholl who died on this day in 1943

Australia abuse crisis:
Open letter to lay Catholics

Stifling or releasing the Spirit?
Use internet to choose pope!

Social aspect of human work
Joseph Girzone

Fridays of Lent:   Stations
The Iona Passion Play Stations

Feb 21

A responsible response to the climate change threat
I believe
Jesus would be leading the way to save Mother Earth if his  ministry was in 21st Century

Feb 20

Pope fires parting shot
The next pope may bring with him an invigorating connection to the Southern Hemisphere, a media magnetism or better leadership skills than the shy and cerebral Benedict. But whoever he may be, the 266th pope will inherit a gerontocracy obsessed with turf and Italian politics, uninterested in basic management practices and hostile to reforms.

Having more or being more? Sr Clare Condon SGS
(who is giving up TV for Lent!)

Conclave shouldn't start early! Dr Paul Collins (Catholica)

Jesuits give Chinese lessons

Reflections on our journeys into the mystery of human love
(Gary Everett, CathBlog)

Secrets of the Rich George Monbiot
Tobacco company tactic: stay hidden and use others

Feb 19

Next pope from "global south"?
Naming a leader from Latin America, Africa, or Asia  would  reflect a new, and to many a long overdue, pragmatism within the institution

Radical Benedict Michael Mullins (Eureka Street)
If a pope can resign, compulsory celibacy can be consigned

Very few Christians have heard of him, but he was an extraordinary evangelist, a Chinese Billy Graham. He died on this day, Feb19, 1896.    I have read and highly recommend 
Pastor Hsi, a struggle  for Chinese Christianity

Philippines: Super Typhoon an ominous climate change warning

Swiss bishop: Reform Curia

Feb 18

Reactions to new translation Questions from a Ewe
"Dewfall" is a time of day!

Wed UK blogger Chris McDonnell has a post re new translation 
Tablet's Letters Extra

New Pope. Same Church?
Last week I ran into the worldwide head of one of the oldest religious orders in the church. He was positively bubbling. He confessed that in 2005, when he saw Joseph Ratzinger step out on to the papal balcony as Benedict XVI, he was deeply depressed, adding that it took some time for him to overcome his negative feelings about the new pope. Now he and many others hope that the resignation can change some of the ground rules, making it possible for the church to reconsider its position on myriad issues

Benedict's resignation
If we continue to think that the pope is the only viable source of authority within the Church we will be doomed to a see-saw of polarised conservative vs. liberal personalities. Perhaps this is the God-given moment for us to follow the Spirit’s wisdom expressed in the Council, dismantle the very recent ‘tradition’ of a strong, centralised papacy and follow Newman’s line in consulting the faithful in matters of doctrine, including that of church governance.

Feb 17

New pope - Scottish perspective

Exit signs: reform papacy

May the next pope not be A control freak

 50 years after Vatican II Fr Gerry O'Hanlon SJ

Vatican vs Fr Flannery: Dean  resigns in protest

Why don't we care about drones?

Song for 1st Sunday of Lent  "Jesus fasting in the desert"

On this day in 1826, Pope Leo XII approved the Oblates of Mary Immaculate as an international congregation
Message for Feb 17 from  Fr Louis Lougen

Feb 16

Not just a new pope  - a new Church

Lent - a time to prepare Judith Lynch

Pope's resignation: We should have seen it coming

In any action taken in the name of the church today, one of the key criteria to measure the fitness of what is being done is the Bible. "Is it biblical? Is it evangelical? Is is scriptural?" are questions that must be asked time and time again.  (p. 26)
There is something definitely temporary about Paul's missionary stay in any one place. There is something of a deadly permanence in ours.
(p. 28)
For the cultures outside of Christianity, the earth is complete once and for all, and the world is not going anywhere in particular; everything is chaotic and directionless. People of those cultures are trapped in the terrilbe dilemma of a fatalistic world vision - empty of the notion of continuing creation and personal responsibility and opportunity. (p. 37)
Vincent Donovan  in
Christianity Rediscovered 

Feb 15

Philippines: Midanao peace deal God bless the peacemakers! 

Two experiences & one overriding concern about Vat II
Fr George McLean OMI

Healing be damned
Australia abuse inquiries update

Feb 14

Church should reclaim Valentine!

Like this - with bubbly! St Valentine's Day Mass  - tonight, Christchurch, NZ

And this from Australia: St Valentine's Day Liturgy

Pope's dreams didn't come true

Resignation of a teacher-Pope

No longer a job for life

We don't have a Pope

Feb 13

National Council of Priests of Australia supports Fr Flannery

Ricci beatification update

Benedict resigns Many articles

Catholica has a record number of posts re the resignation

Jesus was accused of doing the Devil's work Joseph Girzone
I came to realize that these clergy’s love was the powerful, triumphant Church that they were focused on, and not Jesus.... Jesus  has been replaced by the Medium he established ....And he has become a stranger to many of his own clergy

Feb 12

Walk out during homily! 

New translation: Lent prefaces have problems
Offensive use of "disordered"?

Lent: Many excellent articles at latest BBI  E-News

Lent a good time for Downsizing: What one couple did!

New file: Near Death Experiences
We should not base our faith on such books, but these books are a great encouragement for our life of faith.
These books are especially an encouragement for families who have recently lost a loved one - as one comment on the site of Mary Neal says:
I recently lost my 23 year old son and I cannot express how much hope and comfort your book gave me. 

Feb 11

Pope's message for 2013 World Day of the Sick

 Fufilling the Unrealized Vision of Vatican II  (YouTube)
Richard Gaillardetz
Professor of Catholic Studies  at the University of Toledo 
- explains how Vatican II's call for a permanent standing synod of bishops with a deliberative voice was turned into the present anaemic structure

A hole in the dam:
Comments by
Anthony Ruff OSB
on Tablet survey re the new translation:
"We now have someone from within the Vatican structure saying openly that the new Missal texts are abstruse and pretentious"

Harassment and Bullying in the Church
(Questions from a Ewe)
Laypeople can be harassed or bullied because Canon Law grants few rights to laypeople and little to no recourse for holding clergy accountable when bullying occurs  (c.f. above YouTube video...mentions how new Canon Law code is deficient re laity)

Eugene Kennedy  re Gomez - Mahony bout

Feb 10

Shining a light on the Chuch's dark secrets
Sophia Bodegon, Manila

"Salvation is not a magic formula produced by a secret mixture of sacraments and church membership.
It is the result of love of God and grace and holiness and goodness"
 - Vincent Donovan on p. 42 of
Christianity Rediscovered 

Feb 9

Tablet survey results: New translation after one year

A fisherman's story Judith Lynch
Peter, with his tangle of bluster, impulsive generosity and what he called his sinfulness, is a great role model for we twenty first century disciples.  He reminds us that God works with who we are just as long as we work with what we have been given 

In Christianity Rediscovered Vincent Donovan says how he was influenced by Frederick Lebbe. This short summary of Lebbe's life shows how he stood up to unreasonable church authority of his time...and was eventually vindicated by the Vatican 

Philippines: Crazy Oblates
These rugged men live in the most treacherous parts of the country.  Four of their brother priests have already been killed, some tortured.  Yet instead of getting scared, they’re emboldened to serve God even more. 

Feb 8

Abbot Martin re Church reform 

Have faith, be healed

Vatican vs Fr Flannery: Radio interview with Fr Flannery

The wisdom of forgetting everything you know !

Philippines: Happy 65th Birthday Mindanao Cross!

Australia: Climate change petition

Feb 7

 G. Weigel re Card Martini Garry Everett
GE says GW missed the point....

China's burning bed

There is a growing chorus of anger, both within China and across the world, 
over the impending execution of Li Yan after she killed her abusive husband

China: Price of 3rd child

Ireland: Magdalene laundries

Feb 6

Magisterium needs to be seen in its historical context

It is in the cultures of the world, and not in the church, that the possibility of salvation for most of the human race is to be found. God enables every people and nation to reach salvation through their cultural and tribal customs and traditions. In this regard we should remember the words of Jesus: "I did not come to do away with the Law (the Jewish culture and religion) but to fulfill it".
Therefore a foreign form of Christian liturgy and spirituality should not be enforced on a local culture, but rather each local culture should be allowed, within reason, to work out its own enfleshing of the Gospel message.
- adapted from pp23-24 of Christianity Rediscovered 
by Vincent Donovan  

Feb 5

Do you have a critical spirit?
"Those who wish to retain good emotional and mental health, 
should learn to free themselves from a negative and critical attitude"

Climate change and Australia's weather on steroids
Paul Collins (Eureka Street)

CC: Qld, Jakarta, Beijing  

Feb 4

How does ancient Greek medicine impact the Church today? (Questions from a Ewe)
Ancient Greek’s incorrect understandings about sexuality, gender roles, biology and psychology pervade Catholic theology. The church loses many youth because the average high school graduate accepts scientific advancements made since the 4th century B.C. while the bishops do not.  In response the bishops focus on turning Catholic schools and youth groups into ideological institutes, trying desperately to retain some youth who will inhabit a 4th century B.C. world with them.

If you are concerned by the shortage of priests  - Married Priests Petition
Tony Hoey (UK)
How many decades have we now being praying for more vocations?  Perhaps God wants us to act ourselves.  I believe that it is time that the laity found their voice.  For that reason I have set up the website:

Made in heaven - but redefined by politics Tablet editorial 
re UK same-sex marriage bill

Feb 3

Early offering for Valentine's Day: Balthasar on Love
The women in the conversation were brainstorming ways in which a wife can maintain a certain “mystery” in the mind of her husband. When she came home, my wife asked me if I still found her “mysterious.” Little did she know that I had been contemplating this precise thing from my reading of von Balthasar (which meant that she was in for a dissertation rather than a simple yes or no, which I suppose is part of my own mystery in her mind)

Vatican can't see real scandal

Parable of twin brother & sister Joseph Girzone

Feb 2

The Continuing Relevance of Roland Allen
by his grandson Hubert Allen.
An absorbing article -  relevant to the Church in every country:
 (Many remote areas) seldom if ever have access to an ordained priest. A couple of years ago the synod of the Anglican Province of New South Wales  called for lay presidency at the Eucharist to be permitted in such circumstances, but the Archbishop of Canterbury's office ruled this out, basing arguments largely on the writings of Bishop Gore and Dr. Moberly,  precisely the two theologians whose views Roland set out to refute. Meanwhile the Lutheran church in Alaska and northern Canada has gone ahead with these ideas, so that some Anglican and Catholic churches have been handed over to them, since neither of those churches can themselves provide the sacraments under their existing rules

On p. 25 of  his classic Christianity Rediscovered, Vincent Donovan C.S.Sp. acknowledges the strong influence of Roland Allen:
"The insights and questions of this remarkable man are as valid today as they were when they first stunned and disturbed the Church of his day"

Feb 1

Martin Mallon's Jan 29 article re St Therese's longing to be a priest has attracted some most interesting comments!

To my shame, I am only now reading this classic:
Christianity Rediscovered
by Vincent Donovan C.S.Sp.
See one Amazon comment:
A young person learned from Donovan and said this about serving and leading a people on the move:
"Do not try to call them back to where they were,
and do not try to call them to where you are, as beautiful as that place might seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have ever been before"

Totally agreeing with the above work are the most important articles of
Fr Hugh McMahon SAC 

Habitat - Global Village Looking for volunteers to spend time overseas

The fear of fear Garry Everett (CathBlog)

A beautiful way to pray:
Jesus is by your side & in your heart all day long Joseph Girzone