Pope's Pentecost homily:
Newness, harmony, mission

Best viewed in Internet Explorer because of Microsoft-Google war!   counter for tumblr 
(see: need to cancel "archive" in some search results) V2Catholic - A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II 
Edited by a Hong Kong prison chaplain Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父   

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the example of Pope Francis 
in implementing the vision of Vatican II by service of the poor, by a simple life style, by simple liturgy,
by concern for Ecumenism, climate change, renewal of the Church, illegal drugs, prisoners,
by support for family life - all underpinned by a rededication to the Bible.
Two particular concerns: 
The New Translation   and  "Reform of the reform" agenda

Imitating Pope Francis




Tuesday  August 13

 Today's Bible Blog has four themes:

- caring about the minor players
- our deepest trust is not in "princes"
- parents/pastors/politicians can be just booming gongs
- don't let money play an unhealthy role in our lives 


Martin Mallon     Tuesday Ireland blogger
Theology of Women

I believe Francis wishes theologians to highlight what is obvious; there is no theological reason why women cannot be ordained. Let us pray that the theologians now do their job as requested by Pope Francis, and they need not fear the CDF as Francis has also made clear

A Nearly Forgotten History: Women Deacons in the Armenian Church

Vatican II & Renewal (1)

16 Documents of Vatican II

A Call to Action
Assn Catholic Priests Ireland

Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal 
The Swag
VII - Voice of the Church

We Are Church


Excellent articles on Mission
Hugh McMahon SSC



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Tanzania's The Citizen is not letting up...another excellent article 
(also referring to Drug Mules posted on v2catholic.com July 21):
Tanzanian farmers and drug dealers ...which makes a really strong point about all the drug coverage in recent weeks: the government's silence is deafening

And this editorial: We must not become a nation of drug dealers

Irish Times:
Eminent theologian Seán Freyne dies

Videos of Sean Freyne’s Final Lectures

Galilee, Jesus and Christology

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Africa at the crossroads:
50 years to give corruption cultural status, another 50 to make it genetic?
White colonialists have been replaced by equally ruthless black colonialists

Dozens of US prisoners still on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

Update by The Guardian: 'Each minute has been torturous' 
(check the terrible ..."let 'em rot" comments)

Update: Day 35                         Previous articles re the strike

Asylum seekers

Six Egyptian migrants drown on 20-metre swim from boat to Sicily beach

John Allen

Looking toward the 'Francis revolution' still to come

Australia - Asia

Australian backpackers in Asia phone home to scam their compatriots

A Texas tragedy: ample oil, no water        What is "fracking"?!

Fracking boom sucks away precious water from beneath the ground, leaving cattle dead, farms bone-dry and people thirsty

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 179
Terrorism will not be defeated by bombs and guns

John W - Blog - August 13
Photo report from last Sunday night



Monday  August 12

   Today's Bible Blog has four themes:

- tithing (10%) ...should churches practice it?
- sums everything up: thank you for your love
- spiritual as well as physical climate change
- the Son will appear like the sun


David Timbs

Another Africa Story: The reflections and observations that follow derive mainly from personal experience as a secondary school teacher and part time English language literacy tutor. In the main, they concern the South Sudanese

2010 photos of South Sudanese in Brisbane - last 3 photos of 2nd row

Africa dads and kids camp - Victoria

Sudan refugee ordained priest in Brisbane   c.f. Deacon's mum secures a visa

This website's kind bloggers
(past and present)
with archives of articles:

Hazel C
Daniel Daring
Inigo Joachim

Brian Lewis
Judith Lynch 
Martin Mallon
Chris McDonnell  
Bill Mulcahy 
Des O'Donnell
Darlene Starrs
David Timbs
Peter Wilkinson
   Harry Winter  
 John Wotherspoon

More bloggers,  more tank people, wanted from all parts of the world, to take a stand against tanks from left and from right

Please email:

  Weekly Archive 
main page menus

Previous archives 
2013  2012  2011
2010  2009  2008


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New leader Xi Jinping opens door to reform in China  (Guardian)
Under the new leadership of President Xi Jinping, a quiet process of reform is under way in China. If successful, it will transform the country's politics and the way it approaches the world

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US fast-food workers in vanguard of growing protests at 'starvation' wages
McDonald's and KFC employees, struggling to support families, lead protests at pay and conditions spreading across America.
c.f. Paid via Card, Workers Feel Sting of Fees

drugs.jpg (12713 bytes) Tanzania The Citizen Newspaper report: Confession of a drug trafficker.
Following a leaked letter (posted on v2catholic.com) by a Tanzanian drug courier imprisoned in Hong Kong in which he listed reported drug barons and warned youth against joining the trade, The Citizen on Sunday traced Juma who gave an account of how youth were recruited and hooked into the trade.
(Thank you, The Citizen, for continuing to follow up this story! ...jw)

Tanzania Journalists failing their nation  
- re death of anti-drug campaigner Amina Chifupa (..Hong Kong Tanzanian inmates say her death resulted from her anti-narcotics campaign...inmates say her husband was/is involved in drug trafficking)

Three of many Tanzania blogs which have re-posted Drug Mules 
(from v2catholic.com of July 21, 2013):
Frank Makange        Hassbaby      Udakuspecially  (...the more the better...to spread the message that bringing drugs to Hong Kong means a long prison sentence)

Interactive Bible Quiz - 1 Kings

Based on the actual words of the Bible. 
How many times you can get 3/3 ?!

Hundreds of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

Ongoing Hunger Strike Adds to State Corrections Dept. Woes 

  Update: Day 34         Previous articles re the strike

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Vatican II  Reflection 178

It just takes one member to be "non-peaceful"
for a whole family to lose its balance and unity

John W - Blog - August 12
Pope Francis having an effect on HK



 August 11

John Henry Newman died on this day
 in 1890

   Today's Bible Blog 
The best way to be ready
 to meet Jesus 
at the end of our lives
 is to try
die in his love 


Darlene Starrs Sunday blogger (from Canada, now in Ireland)
One momentous speech by Pope Francis

If Pope Francis is sincere about all that he says in this address to the Brazilian bishops, then, indeed, we will see revolutionary change. What Pope Francis speaks about is not just relevant for Brazil, he gives direction to the entire Church. I would say without hesitation "By George, I think he’s got it."


Pope Francis:
Thank you Holy Spirit

Inspiring photos:

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2013-04-09PopeFrancisAtMass.jpg (68152 bytes)

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2013-06-12pope-francis-CLAR.jpg (48571 bytes)

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Engagements of Pope Francis












Many thanks for checking
 this website each day


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Can anyone verify this? Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, is said to be a follower of Jesus. Not easy to believe after reading this Wikipedia article.
Peng also said to have made a video recording of the Alleluia Chorus from Handel's Messiah, and to be involved in helping AIDS patients.
If anyone has any info ...please email me: jdwomi@gmail.com 

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Another letter from a Tanzanian inmate in a Hong Kong prison 
Anti-narcotic war: Are Politicians Real?
"The president's oldest son, Ridhiwani, is a drug lord. I worked with him"

Excellent new article from Tanzania's
Citizen which is pursuing the drugs story:
Big cloud hangs over drug cases 
(..how do you spell "corruption"?...)

And this Citizen article, confirming claims of HK inmates:
Nzowa sheds light on drug barons

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Why one child is simply not enough

The deaths of children in China are even more painful
because of the cultural importance of descendents

Vatican Insider

U.S. priests are introverts, new British study finds
They are more interested in the ministry in the strict sense
and less involved in the social dimension of the apostolate

Hundreds of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

Mediators Talk with Prisoners as Hunger Strike Reaches One Month

  Update Day 34         Previous articles re the strike


This week's smile




vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 176
Christians' involvement in politics

John W - Blog - August 11
Wonderful example of humility by Nigerian pastor in HK


Saturday August 10

Feast of Saint Lawrence
Martyred (roasted alive?)
on this day in AD 258

After he had suffered pain for a long time,  he made his famous remark, “I'm well done. Turn me over!” From this derives his patronage of cooks and BBQs

    Today's Bible Blog 
 for the Feast of St Lawrence
 has the theme
 of a seed dying
 in order to produce a harvest


Huff Post 

Five Things Christian Fundamentalists Just Don't Get

Bishop Geoff Robinson
 and Bishop Bill Morris:

to Pope Francis
to stop sexual abuse 
and to reform Church
- & calling for a new 
Ecumenical Council !
(John W has signed petition)


Please encourage more people to see 1-10
  re Bishop Bill Morris:

1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters

5: Summary re Rome
6: Frank Brennan's update

7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page for many articles re Bishop BM, the most recent being talk of March 26, 2013:
  Reclaiming the Spirit of Vatican II



Breaking the stained-glass ceiling    Female roles in worship
 (One way to open "the closed door" re women's ordination:
women's diaconate.  c.f.  Unlock the door by Gerald O'Collins SJ)

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Full text of Pope's 80 min interview on plane from Rio to Rome

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Johannesburg at end of 2012 had 23,400 dollar millionaires

South Africa's sole black billionaire donated half his fortune to charity

drugs.jpg (12713 bytes) EDITORIAL : The reputation of our airports in jeopardy
(The Citizen, TanzaniaJohn W's comment at this article was deleted a few seconds after posting. A second attempt also failed.  The censored comment:
This excellent editorial is linked on the August 10 menu of my website www.v2catholic.com which is trying to inform people in Tanzania that bringing drugs to Hong Kong means a long prison sentence.
Same menu has a new article from a Tanzanian inmate in Hong Kong which names three drug lords in Tanzania. Hope The Citizen can follow up on this story.  Fr John (a prison chaplain in HK)

Letters from inmates in Hong Kong prison
- new letter added today...names three Tanzanian drug lords:
two businessmen and a lady pastor (!): Gertrude Lwakatare 

The Hong Kong Catholic Biblical Association has invited Rev Ludger Feldkamper to speak at a Bible study workshop from 20 to 22 September 2013. More info and application forms here in English and in Chinese.  Rev LF is a former Secretary General of the Catholic Biblical Federation


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Cardinal Roger Mahony: 
After Lampedusa - Lessons from Pope Francis on caring for migrants

Pope Francis’ homily that day challenges people everywhere to drastically reconsider our conversations about the immigrants living and working in our midst. There is only one valid focus for us disciples of Jesus Christ: the human person created in the image and likeness of God. That is the principal lens through which we must view our immigrant brothers and sisters

 Hundreds of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

 Guards are treating hunger strikers extra harshly   

  Update Day 33         Previous articles re the strike

New Saints

Saint G.K. Chesterton

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America’s Real Racism
Boys of color are referred for special education services at a rate far exceeding their peers, punished more for bad behavior, drop out before high school graduation at alarming rates, and are less likely to enjoy a college education than any other person in the United States

Church abuse - Australia

Church adviser says insurance company dictated protocol on how to treat victims of clerical abuse

vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes)    2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes) Vatican II  Reflection 176
Amazing how the thought of political leaders sends one to sleep!?

John W - Blog - August 10
What do you give someone who likes Shakespeare?



Friday August 9

 Happy National Day Singapore !

    Today's Bible Blog  has four themes:

- The land of Canaan is the land of the Poor
- Happy the people whose God is the Lord
- the best of all good gifts

- sometimes leave yourself short to help the poor


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Pope Francis: When You Help the Needy, Your Heart Grows Bigger

Liturgy - New Translation

1998 ICEL Sacramentary
Misguided Missal
The new translation
Ghastly process/result

Ron Schmit: 1962 Mass a condemnation of Vatican II




 Sacred Space 
 Daily prayer online.
Available in 19 languages

Jackie Evancho  - To Believe
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Daily prayer with 
beautiful music

Whole text of 1966 Jerusalem Bible

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Great map - click to enlarge

"Bakhita" - Africa blogger   Letter to the Pope: Invitation to Africa!
The purpose of this letter is to invite your Holiness to Africa . We welcome you with open hearts and assure you that our home is your home. We ask that you come and bless this land that was once considered the Garden of Eden, because you can see that God made it in a wonderful way, with the largest of most of the God given features

Catholic Religious Australia

Call for politicians to strive for justice

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China and the Catholic Church  - both under new management since March 14, 2013:
For China and the Catholic Church, moral leadership is an inseparable part of all leadership. The world needs more of it. Society cannot be organized purely on the basis of law and the operation of the market

Michael Kelly SJ

Between the Dalai Lama and McKinsey's
Serene Pope Francis is bringing in hard headed management

Ken Hackett

New US ambassador to Vatican - former president of Catholic Relief Services
(What a good choice ....and is he not the sort of person who should be a bishop!)

Huff Post

Catholic Right, Traditionalists Lament Pope Francis Papacy
And see Anthony Ruff OSB: 2013 a referendum on Benedict?

drugs.jpg (12713 bytes) DrMwakyembe.jpg (43563 bytes) Tanzania Transport Minister blasts airport security standard
"Our airport has become a free gateway for drug traffickers"
- article refers to v2catholic.com article of July 21: Drug Mules
To access article: put into Google:

c.f. a new letter from Tanzanian inmate in a Hong Kong prison

And a new file: Tanzania 2013

Ingenuity and elegance in ancient African alphabets
From simple alphabets to secret symbolic languages, graphic designer Saki Mafundikwa celebrates the many forms of written communication across the continent of Africa. He highlights the history and legacy that are embodied in written words and symbols, and urges African designers to draw on these graphic forms for fresh inspiration

 Thousands of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

How Solitary Confinement in Pelican Bay Almost Drove Me Mad
(please read ....and feel very sad/angry...then pray for end to this torture)                 

  Update Day 32         Previous articles re the strike

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Vatican II  Reflection 1

It is legitimate for people to defend their rights against the abuse of authority

John W - Daily Blog - August 9
Prison ministry ....and Tanzanians


Today or tomorrow is 
Eid al-Fitr,
a celebration at the end of Ramadan

Wishing all dear Muslim friends
a Happy Eid Mubarak!

Thursday August 8

Feast of Saint Dominic

Feast of Saint Mary MacKillop (Australia)


    Today's Bible Blog  has four themes:

- Pope Francis: a new Tower of Babel?
- a prayer for when we are in big trouble
- the source and summit of our faith

- Pope to religious leaders: dress more simply


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Chris McDonnell (UK blogger):
This Feast of Light
- a reflection on the common date of the Transfiguration and Hiroshima


This site's full statistics
 for June 2013 


To publish an article on this site please contact Fr John Wotherspoon omi:   jdwomi@gmail.com  

If you find a broken link in this website,
  please contact: jdwomi@gmail.com

   Taking a stand 

Next pope:  load of rubbish

Navigation Aids      

  Standing up to bullies

Too Western/European 

Abortion - a true story

"Same-sex marriage"  two elephants
 in the men's room

     Near Death Experiences


John's other sites: 







China Library
 - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history



Daniel Daring  Thursday blogger
Reflection on August 11 Sunday readings: Do not be afraid, little flock:
Ask yourself what the topics of your conversations are, how you allocate your time, what you are passionate about. Is God’s kingdom somewhere on your list? Jesus says that “where your treasure is, there your heart will also be”  and it is your heart that reveals the truth about your priorities, concerns, and desires


 Australia's human dumping ground - Nauru
The vulnerable nation has many legitimate needs; turning it into a place of exile for hundreds, potentially thousands, is a shameful quid pro quo for development aid. In the words of Amnesty International, Australia has created 'a toxic mix of uncertainty, unlawful detention and inhumane conditions'


 Tanzania: many Tanzania bloggers have used material from the July 21 v2catholic article Drug Mules 
- e.g. this website ...which is good...the message is spreading:
don't be tricked into being a drug mule


Questions from a Ewe:  What is a "theology of women?"  
The church without women would quite simply be non-existent.  Men cannot bear children.  So, a church without women would be extinct.  How long will women continue to enable a small, male minority of the church to dictate and define who God calls them to be?   

   Thousands of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops

(Huff Post): California Prisoners Starve Themselves to Show Us the Emaciation of Our National Character                  
Update Day 30         Previous articles re the strike

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Vatican II  Reflection 174
How to have good politics in a nation!

John W - Blog - August 8
Praying for California prisoners on hunger strike


Wednesday August 7

On this day in 1582,
Matteo Ricci arrived in Macau
from Europe and India.
The commemorative statue
(first photo on 4th line
- Kevin Rudd?!)

  Today's Bible Blog has four themes:

 - the rainbow
God is like someone on top of a very high mountain
 - Receiving Communion means I should be .....
 - love for God means love for the poor


Pope in Brazil: two things that no one has mentioned

A Pentecostal church in the favela is located in front of the place the Pope spoke to the people. This church lead a vigil the whole night before the visit making a lot of noise and pestering the neighbours as a form of protest and resistance against the Pope's presence in the community. When the Pope arrived, he saw the church and said "let's go there to salute them". He went to the church, praised the pastors, prayed an  Our Father together with them saying that we all who follow Christ are His children. The church then opened its building offering water, the bathrooms and shelter for those who were attending the Pope's meeting

In Campina Grande, on the day of the final Mass, a Pentecostal couple entered a Catholic church asking to baptise their children and themselves into the Catholic faith. The astonished priest asked "why?". The answer from the couple were two words: "Pope Francis".
As a Brazilian, I say that I expect more to come

- comment from Latin American 1234 at  A revolution underway with Pope Francis  by John Allen


Chris McDonnell     Wednesday UK blogger
A contraceptive mentality?

To imply that acceptance of artificial contraception has a direct link with the gay marriage issue is mind-blowing. There is no connection

Vatican II - Renewal (2)

Hans Küng: 
Letter to bishops  

Revolution to stop authoritarianism 

Fr Joseph Ratzinger: 
Writings on Vat II 
(link gone...anyone able to find it?)   

Robert Mickens:  
Vatican Implosion

Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: 
Of Happy Memory - and Hope?

Robert McNally:  
Crisis & Criticism in the Church 

Priests 9 Masses a day
 - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being
 ordained to priesthood?



 New website
 of former blogger
Bill Mulcahy

Index of Bill's articles
on v2catholic.com 
Update from Bill:
Just letting you know that I am heading back to Uganda in early October for a two week mission. I will be staying at a convent and the 12 days  include meeting Life Teen youth, women from the alternative income projects, daily mass at the cathedral, family visitations to poor Village families, supervising my next water harvesting project, and visiting several villages where projects have happened. We all need to be a 'voice for the poor'. Will keep you informed of my trip.

Tanzania: President Kikwete’s son - heat back on re graft accusations 
This 2011 article has relevance in 2013, since HK inmates (and some Tanzanian bloggers) say the president's son is involved in drug trafficking. 
More about this in a few days, probably on the menu of August 10
If above link doesn't work, please put into Google:
"president kikwete's son heat back on graft accusations"

From St. Beuno's Outreach, Wales:
Reflections on the readings of this coming Sunday, August 11

What might being ‘dressed for action’ with ’lamps lit’ entail for me in my present situation?

Thousands of US prisoners on hunger strike - supported by California bishops.

Update Day 30      Just discovered website: Solitary Confinement

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Vatican II  Reflection 173

An encouragement to Christians who fight for justice and peace

John W - Blog - August 7
Daily prayer for prisoners in one part of China


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Table shows location of readers:
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This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
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Map and Flag Counter began Feb 11, 2012.  Previous visits 4,932.
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