Tuesday November 12 Pneumonia is the single largest cause of death in children under 5 . In 2012 , 1.1 million children under five died from pneumonia, the bulk of whom were less than 2 years old |
Today's Bible Blog:
four-course menu |
From The
Guardian - a beautiful article -
really inspiring:
Pope Francis kisses a disfigured man – and shows politicians the lost virtue of humility Is this a publicity stunt? No, because it expresses more than an empty gesture ever could |
Vatican II & Renewal (1) 16
Documents of Vatican II Excellent
articles on Mission
a school principal's wisdom and determination |
A most interesting historical
article ...note the name Ratzinger mentioned twice |
No item again today - Philippine
tragedy still having an effect
(just received text message from MSF asking for help....have sent a small donation ...using this link. One good thing about MSF: they act promptly and effectively) |
This website's Tanzania
File (which is stopping Africans
from bringing drugs to HK)
- with links to all letters from Tanzanian inmates in Hong Kong prisons |
Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity | Vatican
II Reflection 267
Recruiting students for seminary like recruiting staff for Titanic? |
John W
mini-Blog My weekly article for today's HK Ming Pao newspaper (On MP website) Today's topic: Sun Yat-sen's birthday - a school holiday? (Dr Sun born on this day in 1866) |
Europe & Russia Tues:
South Asia Wed:
East Asia On this 12th
of the month, Jesus
please bless the
prisoners of Henan |
Monday November 11 Remembrance
Day |
Today's Bible Blog:
four-course menu |
typhoon: What really alarms Filipinos is the rich world ignoring climate change (Australia is not even sending a junior minister to this week's Warsaw climate talks) |
This website's kind
bloggers Bakhita
W: |
politician detained in Sri Lanka ahead of Commonwealth meeting (good to see India might follow Canada's example and boycott the meeting) |
World must unite to save Central African Republic from catastrophe - moving Guardian article by Catholic archbishop | |||
Bible Quiz - the Acts of the Apostles |
No item today....doesn't seem
appropriate ....deaths in Philippines...Remembrance Day |
drug seizures nearly double in Hong Kong
This website's Tanzania
File (stopping Africans from
coming to HK) |
II Reflection 266
Who first used the term "the world is my parish"?! |
John W mini-Blog |
Yesterday morning I had the
privilege of being part of a team of 26 which visited Hei Ling Chau
Addiction Treatment Centre for two one-hour gatherings, each with 200 men. Leading the team were Dicky Cheung Wai Kin (one of whose songs yesterday was the beautiful "Wish You Good Health") and Ben Keung Bing Yu (who twice was an inmate at the centre, some 20 years ago). A happy experience. DG! |
Europe & Russia Tues:
South Asia Wed:
East Asia On this 11th
of the month, Jesus
please bless the
prisoners of Hunan |
10 "Water resources pay no heed to
borders. Our cooperation must be guided |
Reflection on the
readings by Daniel Daring: |
(Comments welcome here) |
As the world continues to be plagued by problems that are getting worse rather than better (climate change, corruption, illegal drugs, poverty, family break-down, harsh government policies towards the poor etc) we must avoid the trap of just complaining about how bad things are. We must try to light a candle in the darkness of our own little world ....by making a commitment to help the poor on a regular basis ....by conserving water/electricity etc ....by speaking up for human/Christian values ....by supporting people who are taking a stand on important issues ....and especially by daily contact with our Creator and Saviour through Bible study and prayer....i.e. not isolating ourselves from the world but incarnating ourselves in the world as God the Son did at the first Christmas. Pope Francis is giving a marvelous example of a positive encounter with the world. Let's follow his example - John W |
thanks for checking
ban on refugees in Hong Kong could bring danger to society
Aquino apology call reaches fever pitch with Manila sanctions vote |
President for Peace -
why Kennedy was assassinated: The second half of the article about the co-operation between Kennedy and Russia's President Khrushchev is a revelation to me. I always thought Khrushchev was a "baddie" |
China's leaders in closed-door meeting to establish direction of economy | ||||||||||||||||||
To go with today's Mass readings about an after-life: |
Death Experiences |
To go with today's readings at Mass: |
The cemetery was at the top of a steep hill above the town, the hearse got to the top and the weight of the coffin forced the back door open and the coffin fell out and slid down the hill, the footman chased it down the hill and when it got to the bottom the coffin hit a ramp in front of the chemist shop, it slid up the kerb and in through the door, at that point the footman burst through the door and said to the girl behind the counter, "Have you got anything to stop this coffin?" | |||||||||||||||||
new letter (in Swahili) from a Tanzanian inmate in a Hong Kong prison: This website's Tanzania
File (stopping Africans
from bringing drugs to HK) |
Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity | Vatican
II Reflection 265
Priests should confidently entrust to the laity duties in the service of the Church, allowing them freedom and room for action |
John W mini-Blog |
DG yesterday morning I had the pleasant duty of collecting the third English printing of "Simple Bible - Old Testament" ..... 2,000 copies in 22 cartons. Book has proved to be very popular with inmates ... easy to read. Whole book is available free here | |||||||||||||||||
Europe & Russia Tues:
South Asia Wed:
East Asia Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific Frid: South America Sat: Central & North America Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week: Jesus, today, Sunday, please bless the people of Africa On this 10th
of the month, Jesus
please bless the
prisoners of Hubei |
Saturday November 9 Nov. 9, 1989: |
Today's Bible Blog:
four-course menu |
of Values This fine article is speaking about India, but since corruption is a world-wide problem, the ideas of this article can be used in every country |
Geoff Robinson ----------------------- Please
encourage more people to see 1-10 After
reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA
vast, hidden violence on the poorest in the UK could erupt and destroy our
Fr Timothy Radcliffe's Westminster Abbey lecture on Oscar Romero and his legacy |
as Sri Lanka cancels rights experts' visas (for meeting to coincide with Commonwealth summit) |
On using the first reading of yesterday's Bible Blog, I embarrassingly remembered that an earlier printing of the reading had an interesting spelling mistake: instead of saying "Aaron made a golden calf and the people worshipped it", it said "Aaron made a golden cafe ...." | |||
This website's Tanzania
File (stopping Africans
from bring drugs to HK)
On tomorrow's menu: a new
letter from a Tanzanian inmate in a HK prison |
Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity | Vatican
II Reflection 264
The priesthood - "the best club in the world"? |
John W mini-Blog |
Yesterday I met a local Chinese man who said he had just received good news: his two year old child had just been accepted into the Norwegian International School in Tai Po. To my first question "what about learning Chinese?" he replied "will learn at home"; to my second "will it be very expensive?" he replied "not really expensive" ...which is what I just saw when checking the school's website; and to my third "why not an ordinary school?" he answered "too much pressure ...and also the NIS as a Christian school shows extra care for children" | ||
Europe & Russia Tues:
South Asia Wed:
East Asia Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific Frid: South America Sat: Central & North America Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week: Jesus, today, Saturday, please bless the people of Central & North America On this 9th
of the month, Jesus
please bless the
prisoners of Henan |
Friday November 8 |
Today's Bible Blog:
four-course menu |
Fr Harry E. Winter OMI (USA) |
Probably most would agree that his election, his thousand day presidency, and assassination did make it easier for Americans of all kinds to work together to lessen racism, poverty and ignorance. How long that attitude endured is another question |
Liturgy - New Translation 1998
ICEL Sacramentary Ron
Schmit: ------------------------------------------ Spirituality Sacred
Pray-as-you-go.org Whole
text of 1966 Jerusalem Bible
Previous Smiles file |
DG for Pope Francis! | Pope's compassionate embrace for severely disfigured man He took the man’s face in his hands, kissed him, and gave him a blessing | ||
Medjugorje ? | Vatican
directs faithful not to host Medjugorje 'seers' Until the Vatican renders a final judgment, the CDF has asked for acceptance of a statement issued in 1991 by the bishops of what was then Yugoslavia, who said: "On the basis of the research that has been done, it is not possible to state that there were apparitions or supernatural revelations." |
grave facts and political calculation collide
From 2007, in less than a single term of government, we watched a neat double play, first Howard, the climate agnostic who feigned respect for the facts of science in order to meet political necessity, and next Rudd, a prime minister prepared to abandon belief for precisely the same reason. |
Congar, My Journal of the Council, Part IX
Nothing decisive can be done until the Roman Church
has emerged COMPLETELY from its seigneurial and temporal
pretensions. ALL OF THAT must be DONE AWAY WITH;
to Australian Prime Minister on asylum seekers - from a most impressive coalition of religious groups (..excellent..!) We write to voice our objection to the Australian Government's recent decision to refer to asylum seekers who enter Australia by boat as "illegal maritime arrivals". |
On tomorrow's menu DV |
A really beautiful Diwali reflection on the way for nations to overcome corruption |
clean courts needed Only a clean Judiciary can rid the courts of the kind of officers who allow (the big fish) to go scot free This website's Tanzania
File (stopping Africans from
bringing drugs to HK) |
prisoner in jail receives a letter from his wife: "Dear husband,
I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When is the
best time to plant them?" |
Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity | Vatican
II Reflection 263
Priests are not a bishop's altar boys or servants or branch managers (just as bishops are not the Pope's branch managers) |
John W mini-Blog |
Yet another Super Typhoon is
on the move....due
to hit Philippines today Then where will it go? To Vietnam or Hong Kong? It should soon on this HK tracking map (not the black line ...that one went to Vietnam a few days ago...this is another one that should appear in purple) Dear Lord, please protect the world from typhoons/cyclones/hurricanes! |
Sun: Africa
Europe & Russia
South Asia Wed:
East Asia |
Thursday November 7 |
Today's Bible Blog:
four-course menu |
Cozzens, the bishop who was nearly aborted
“You’re carrying a deformed foetus, and you need to
not continue with the pregnancy |
site's full statistics
To publish an article on this site please contact Fr John Wotherspoon omi: jdwomi@gmail.com
Why I collect rubbish for Pope "Same-sex
marriage": two elephants
support for wars underpins collection for military archdiocese
Only one Catholic bishop, Bishop John Botean of the Romanian Catholic diocese of Canton, Ohio, can be given credit for teaching his people the moral consequences of participating in an unjust war. In a pastoral letter read from every Romanian Catholic pulpit in the country, he wrote, "Beyond a reasonable doubt this war is morally incompatible with the Person and Way of Jesus Christ. With moral certainty I say to you it does not meet even the minimal standards of the Catholic just war theory. Thus, any killing associated with it is unjustified and, in consequence, unequivocally murder" |
University students sitting at table in
park next to McDonald's. Uni students to old woman: "why
aren't you eating anything?" |
targeted after drug murder in Goa Politicians linked the violence to the illegal drugs trade in the popular tourist spot
This website's Tanzania
Africans bringing drugs to Hong Kong) |
Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity | Vatican
II Reflection 262
Priests should gravitate to the poor, not the rich |
John W mini-Blog |
Yesterday I visited three Motor
Neuron Disease patients in a Hong Kong hospital. May there soon be a
discovery of healing treatment/medicine for this terrible disease. Then I went to another hospital, to its custodial ward, and visited about 10 male inmates/patients. One good thing about HK's correctional services set-up: ill inmates receive top medical care in two excellent hospitals |
Europe & Russia Tues:
South Asia Wed:
East Asia On this 7th
of the month, Jesus
please bless the
prisoners of Hebei |
Wed November 6 |
Today's Bible Blog:
four-course menu |
is International
Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War |
Vatican II - Renewal (2) Hans
Küng: Robert
Mickens: Robert
McNally: Priests
9 Masses a day
Hurley says asylum debate shaped by ignorance
The Bishop of Darwin, Eugene Hurley, says Australia's asylum debate has been largely shaped by ignorance. Bishop Hurley says asylum-seekers are misunderstood, demonised and all too often labelled as queue-jumpers and terrorists |
From John W: due to extra work for asylum seekers and hospital patients - in addition to full time prison ministry - I need to cut back on the time I give to this website. In future the site will be much simpler. I have asked the site's kind weekly bloggers - Chris, Darlene and Martin - to change to "occasional" instead of "weekly" mode. All their previous articles can be accessed at links on right side of this page. I have also encouraged C, D & M to try posting on other sites which might give them a wider readership than this site. When Chris published an article on PrayTell not long ago, it attracted more than 70 comments. In future v2catholic will also focus more on the poor, and will encourage readers to increase concern about issues like these | |||
Africa and US worry the frayed edges of international criminal justice | |||
massacre of Christians in Syrian conflict
(Let's pray each day: Jesus, please give peace to Syria ....and please protect Christians in dangerous places) |
John W -
A computer story that might save
someone you know a lot of trouble So, if you know
anyone using Windows 8, please encourage them to Google "Windows 8.1
problems" if they are thinking of upgrading to 8.1 ! |
made doctors torture suspected terrorists
Shame, USA. Shame, shame, shame |
Windows 8.1 ....What a joke! | |||
deadly genius of drug cartels Up to 100,000 people died in drug-related violence in Mexico in the last 6 years This website's Tanzania File (stopping Africans from bringing drugs to HK) - with links to all letters from Tanzanian inmates in Hong Kong prisons |
Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity | Vatican
II Reflection 261
Good for priests to pray in the church, rather than in the presbytery
John W mini-Blog |
Yesterday was a very trying day with computer
problems. There's nothing like a computer problem to test one's patience! And when one realises that if one had been more careful in the first place there would not have been a problem .....patience is even more sorely tested! |
Europe & Russia Tues:
South Asia Wed:
East Asia Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific Frid: South America Sat: Central & North America Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week: Jesus, today, Wednesday, please bless the people of East Asia On this 6th
of the month, Jesus
please bless the
prisoners of Hainan |
This website was launched
in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011
- the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching
held on the Gold Coast, Australia,
on January 20, 2012
Map and Flag Counter began Feb 11, 2012. Previous visits 4,932.
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