Pope's Encyclical:
The Joy of the Gospel

(see: need to cancel "archive" in some search results) V2Catholic.com   A voice for the poor 
Edited by Hong Kong prison chaplain Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父   

DV  A new menu 7 days a week to encourage people who are trying
 to follow the example of Pope Francis by concern for issues like these

DG - Since August 3, 2013, this website has saved many dozens of Africans from going to prison in HK. 
See "Drugs", below

V2Catholic is now on Facebook.
God bless kind FB editor  in Melbourne 

Imitating Pope Francis Francis 

 February 25

Cat at right to go with 
Pope Francis' use of 
- see below,
The Joy of the Gospel" No. 85

Today's Bible Blog -  a four-course menu:
- lack of success because haven't asked God for help?
- when no one wanted to know Matteo Ricci
- tough message for uncaring rich people

majority of people in world haven't made "First Communion"

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Ron W. Nikkel
Good News - Bad Places

I was halfway through my first visit to the prisons of Latin America and was overwhelmed by the dreadful specter of futility; I could not get the sights and sounds and smells of human agony out of my mind.  Pursued by “bad news” in the stories and tears of imprisoned men and women I found it impossible to sleep.  What could I have possibly said or done to give a sense of comfort to the anguished, or relief to the exploited and tormented, and hope to those who were deprived of freedom - suffocating under the despair and futility of their situation?

Vatican II & Renewal (1)

16 Documents of Vatican II

A Call to Action
Assn Catholic Priests Ireland

Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal 
The Swag
VII - Voice of the Church

We Are Church


Excellent articles on Mission
Hugh McMahon SSC




'It was really drug investigations 101': How Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman was captured

Comment from reader Strong comment posted by Hazel Cooper in response to Darlene Starr's Feb 23 article Pope Francis is Vatican II?

Dr Andrew Kania provides background to the crisis in Ukraine

Poor losing out in African boom, according to new report

The inability of governments to tax the proceeds of growth, either because so much is given away in corporate tax breaks, or has escaped offshore into tax havens

Scandal of Europe's 11m empty properties

Housing campaigners denounce 'shocking waste' of homes lying empty while millions cry out for shelter

Minister says Australia requested Cambodia receive refugees
(At first I thought there was a misprint. Should be "Australia accepting Cambodian refugees?  But no ....How low can we go?)

Asylum seekers opt for abortion in face of conditions in Nauru

The morality of Manus Island can no longer be avoided

Agreement on first church in Saudi Arabia, says report

Journalists march over press freedom

Ucanews report

Pope urges new cardinals to avoid Vatican intrigue and gossip

Pope Francis


Full text


85. One of the more serious temptations which stifles boldness and zeal is a defeatism which turns us into querulous and disillusioned pessimists, “sourpusses”

Nobody can go off to battle unless he is fully convinced of victory beforehand. If we start without confidence, we have already lost half the battle and we bury our talents.

 While painfully aware of our own frailties, we have to march on without giving in, keeping in mind what the Lord said to Saint Paul: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. 

Christian triumph is always a cross, yet a cross which is at the same time a victorious banner borne with aggressive tenderness against the assaults of evil.

 The evil spirit of defeatism is brother to the temptation to separate, before its time, the wheat from the weeds; it is the fruit of an anxious and self-centred lack of trust

As I left home in a bit of a rush yesterday afternoon to go to Sheung Shui for an OMI overnight meeting, I cynically thought to myself "the others are always late, you'll probably be the first to arrive as usual, even though you've left home a little late". Then as the train stopped at Tai Wai Station, I noticed something wrong with the station clock: it was showing 2.45 instead of 3.45 ....and the penny fell....I had left home an hour earlier than planned ....so I sure did arrive first!

New letter (in Swahili) from a Tanzanian inmate in a Hong Kong prison

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- with links to all letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

South America file
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
letters from South American inmates in HK prisons

Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity  Vatican II Reflection - 369

Avoid expressions, judgments and actions which do not represent the condition of our separated brethren with truth and fairness and so make mutual relations with them more difficult

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W
 My weekly article for today's HK Ming Pao newspaper      (On MP website)
Today's topic:  Hong Kong's domestic helpers - a new website
(a really important  site, with lots of disturbing info re domestic helpers)

Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Tuesday, please bless the people of South Asia

On this 25th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Ningxia
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


 February 24



Happy Birthday
Gladys Aylward

Today's Bible Blog -  a four-course menu:
- praying that Israel will make more treaties
- David believed in Heavnly healing
- Ireland and the saying "Please God"

not just fresh bread, but Living Bread

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Darlene Starrs

Pope Francis is Vatican II?

It is my contention, that to be truly Vatican II, Pope Francis must do away with the archaic belief that Christ would not call women to teach, preach, and sanctify - the duties identified with Holy Orders

This website's kind bloggers
(past and present)
with archives of articles:

Hazel C
Daniel Daring
Inigo Joachim

Brian Lewis
Judith Lynch 
Martin Mallon
Chris McDonnell
Bill Mulcahy 
Des O'Donnell
Darlene Starrs
David Timbs
Peter Wilkinson
   Harry Winter  
 John Wotherspoon

  Weekly Archive 
main page menus

Previous archives 
2013  2012  2011
2010  2009  2008

John W:
Previous Daily Blogs

A moving letter from a struggling mother                       (comments welcome here)
whose son I taught at school and whose home I visited about 1974 in Melbourne

Anglicans launch credit union network in payday loans fight

Bank bosses to get millions in share payments in bonus cap dodge

 Nine-hour tests and lots of pressure- welcome to the Chinese school system  (but see most interesting comment from mckcymru for the real reason why Chinese students learn Maths so quickly!)

SeaTac- the small US town that sparked a new movement against low wages

Visit to Lo Wu Women's Prison with Dicky Cheung and Ben Kuen 

Visit to Hei Ling Chau Drug Treatment Centre with Dicky and Ben 

University of Queensland scientists hope China's red bayberry can be commercial success in Australia

Interactive Bible Quiz - James

Based on the actual words of the Bible. 
How many times can you get 3/3 ?!

Pope Francis


Full text

No to a sterile pessimism

84. The joy of the Gospel is such that it cannot be taken away from us by anyone or anything. The evils of our world – and those of the Church – must not be excuses for diminishing our commitment and our fervour.

 Let us look upon them as challenges which can help us to grow. With the eyes of faith, we can see the light which the Holy Spirit always radiates in the midst of darkness, never forgetting that “where sin increased, grace has abounded all the more” 

Our faith is challenged to discern how wine can come from water and how wheat can grow in the midst of weeds. Fifty years after the Second Vatican Council, we are distressed by the troubles of our age and far from naive optimism; yet the fact that we are more realistic must not mean that we are any less trusting in the Spirit or less generous. 

In this sense, we can once again listen to the words of Blessed John XXIII on the memorable day of 11 October 1962: “At times we have to listen, much to our regret, to the voices of people who, though burning with zeal, lack a sense of discretion and measure. In this modern age they can see nothing but prevarication and ruin … We feel that we must disagree with those prophets of doom who are always forecasting disaster, as though the end of the world were at hand. In our times, divine Providence is leading us to a new order of human relations which, by human effort and even beyond all expectations, are directed to the fulfilment of God’s superior and inscrutable designs, in which everything, even human setbacks, leads to the greater good of the Church”.

Q: What did the spider do on the computer?
A: Made a website!

Q: What did the computer do at lunchtime?
A: Had a byte!

Q: What does a baby computer call its father?
A: Data!

World's biggest Drug Lord captured

The Mexican drug lord adept at playing the system

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- with links to all letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

South America file
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
letters from South American inmates in HK prisons

Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity  vat2-abbott.jpg (25097 bytes) Vatican II Reflection - 368

May all Christians respect each other and work for church unity

2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W   mini-Blog
 Mouse scanner advertisement at top is because I got one last Thursday and it is great.
Will save a lot of time. Can do things that my printer-scanner can't do (e.g. Scan A3 ...and ...turn a scan into text that can be edited)

Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Monday, please bless the people of Europe & North Asia

On this 24th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Inner Mongolia
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


Sunday February 23    
The Seventh Sunday
in Ordinary Time

The readings of today's Mass  

Reflection on today's Mass readings by Daniel Daring:
Where Are Those Fools?
Christianity has a rich tradition of saints who are known as holy fools, people who take the Gospel seriously and live outside of the conventional wisdom of our world. To be a holy fool or creative thinker and non-conformist requires a unique approach to life and sets of principles that see truth as being discovered, not created

This YouTube of the Pope is so moving, so beautiful, so simple. It really moves one's heart

David Timbs

Zuhlsdorf – you can’t make this stuff up, but he makes a comfortable living out of it

Pope Francis:
Thank you Holy Spirit

Inspiring photos:

Abp-Bergoglio01.jpg (24769 bytes)


2013-04-09PopeFrancisAtMass.jpg (68152 bytes)

inmates.jpg (66142 bytes)

2013-06-06pope-francis.jpg (89098 bytes)

2013-06-12pope-francis-CLAR.jpg (48571 bytes)

2013-07-29pope-plane.jpg (270817 bytes)cf

2013-11-07pope.jpg (21651 bytes)  report
01  02


Newness, harmony, mission

Engagements of Pope Francis








Many thanks for checking
 this website each day

St Paul on Metro/Tube/MTR!
paul-tube-map-final.png (66598 bytes)

Little girl telling the story of Jonah - brilliant!

Pope Francis installed 19 new cardinals yesterday

What an example for leaders! 
Usually a Pope arrives last at a meeting, and is given a warm welcome. But not this Pope. Last Thursday for his first meeting with the 100+ cardinals, he arrived first, and was at the door to welcome all the cardinals as they arrived, greeting them one by one. (source
(c.f. custom of some pastors: at door to welcome people as they arrive)

Benedict XVI attends the Consistory  - good news!

Francis' address to Consistory



Ambrose Mong OP  Dialogue under Fire:
Revisiting the Case of Tissa Balasuriya OMI
It seems that there was compromise on both sides: the Vatican’s and Balasuriya’s. Belonging to a religious congregation like the Oblates of Mary Immaculate helped much in the process of his reconciliation with Church authorities. It could be that realizing its mistake and how badly it had handled the whole affair, Rome was anxious to conclude this sordid episode without losing face

More responses to the Synod on the Family Survey: 
 Spain and Japan

Why won't the Pope treat his faithful like adults?

International church reform groups seek meeting with Pope

Please sign Amnesty petition, below, (Menu of Feb 21).   I have signed it. 
It makes me ashamed to be an Australian. 
How can Australia treat people in such a shameful way?

Pope Francis

Full text


82. The problem is not always an excess of activity, but rather activity undertaken badly, without adequate motivation, without a spirituality which would permeate it and make it pleasurable. 

As a result, work becomes more tiring than necessary, even leading at times to illness. Far from a content and happy tiredness, this is a tense, burdensome, dissatisfying and, in the end, unbearable fatigue

This pastoral acedia can be caused by a number of things. Some fall into it because they throw themselves into unrealistic projects and are not satisfied simply to do what they reasonably can.

 Others, because they lack the patience to allow processes to mature; they want everything to fall from heaven. Others, because they are attached to a few projects or vain dreams of success. Others, because they have lost real contact with people and so depersonalize their work that they are more concerned with the road map than with the journey itself.

 Others fall into acedia because they are unable to wait; they want to dominate the rhythm of life. Today’s obsession with immediate results makes it hard for pastoral workers to tolerate anything that smacks of disagreement, possible failure, criticism, the cross.

This website's Tanzania File 
 (stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

South America file
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
letters from South American inmates in HK prisons

Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity  Vatican II Reflection - 367

 Ecumenism is not an option  (...c.f. YouTube of Pope, at top of menu!)

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W
The message of the Pope in video at top of this menu had me close to tears.
Please have a look at it

p.s. Tomorrow DV  .... a mouse-scanner!

 Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Sunday, please bless the people of Africa

On this 23rd of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Guangxi
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


 February 22

Anniversary of
Sophie Scholl


Larger size of photo at right and other such photos here

 good custom: check these readings in the morning, think about them during the day, look at them again at night

Today's Bible Blog -  a four-course menu:
- many good people afraid to be leaders
- remembering past help....gives courage for future
- background of Pope's "who am I to judge (gay people)?"

millions physically hungry; billions spiritually hungry

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Please sign Amnesty petition, below, (Menu of Feb 21).   I have signed it. 
It makes me ashamed to be an Australian. How can Australia treat people in such a shameful way?

Like Australia, Hong Kong
is showing great callousness to refugees
A clear message to the poor from the rich: we're not going to help you (..like Australia..).
Maybe time for a new word: not Capitalism or Communism, but



The unjust treatment
 of Bishop Bill Morris



Tribalism lives on, for better and for worse


Manus Island violence- shocking but not surprising

praying-hands.jpg (27178 bytes) Charismatics’ neglect of the psalms indicative of deeper malaise

Rise of the right in Japan

Christian conservatism takes radical position against welfare cuts

Archbishop of Canterbury joins CofE bishops and other Churches to back Nichols in welfare reform row

Cardinal George OMI: "I'm struck by Francis' sense of freedom"

(and every good wish to new OMI cardinal today:
Orly Quevedo from Cotabato in the Philippines!)

Pope Francis


Full text


No to selfishness and spiritual sloth

81. At a time when we most need a missionary dynamism which will bring salt and light to the world, many lay people fear that they may be asked to undertake some apostolic work and they seek to avoid any responsibility that may take away from their free time.

 For example, it has become very difficult today to find trained parish catechists willing to persevere in this work for some years. Something similar is also happening with priests who are obsessed with protecting their free time. ((!))

This is frequently due to the fact that people feel an overbearing need to guard their personal freedom, as though the task of evangelization was a dangerous poison rather than a joyful response to God’s love which summons us to mission and makes us fulfilled and productive. 

Some resist giving themselves over completely to mission and thus end up in a state of paralysis and acedia  ((a new word for me! jw))

    From a reader, who is a pilot!

A priest dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans. Saint Peter addresses this cool guy, 'Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven ? ' The guy replies, 'I'm Jack, retired airline pilot from Houston.' Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the pilot, 'Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom.' The pilot goes into Heaven with his robe and staff.

Next, it's the priest's turn. He stands erect and booms out, 'I am Father Bob, pastor of Saint Mary's for the last 43 years.' Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the priest, 'Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom. 'Just a minute,' says the good father. 'That man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff and I get only cotton and wood. How can this be?

'Up here - we go by results,' says Saint Peter. 'When you preached - people slept. When he flew, people prayed.'

This website's
Tanzania File  
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

South America file  
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
letters  from South American inmates in Hong Kong prisons

Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity  Vatican II Reflection - 366

Vatican II's Vision Mission Statement about Ecumenism  

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W
Anti-welfare activity in the US, UK, HK, Australia and elsewhere, callousness to asylum seekers in so many parts of the world, the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer .....we've got a lot to pray about .... and be concerned about to the point of taking whatever action we can (...from signing an Amnesty petition to joining a demonstration)

 Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Saturday, please bless the people of Central & North America

On this 22nd of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Zhejiang
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


 February 21


Please sign Amnesty petition, below.
I have signed it. 
It makes me ashamed to be an Australian. How can Australia treat people in such a shameful way?


Today: Pope meeting with 100+ cardinals.
Theme: The Family 
Pope's opening address

Dear Holy Spirit. 
Please bless meeting of Pope and cardinals!

Today's Bible Blog -  a four-course menu:
- our sins affect not just ourselves
- remembering ...and longing...give us hope
- in politics, in the Church: jealously and ambition

need to keep fit spiritually as well as physically

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This is shocking:  Shame Australian Government, Shame, Shame, Shame!

The truth about Manus Island Detention Centre  (I have signed petition)

c.f. Australia justifies its 'white trash of Asia' nickname

and Morrison's law of intended consequences

Liturgy - New Translation

1998 ICEL Sacramentary
Misguided Missal
The new translation
Ghastly process/result

Ron Schmit:
 1962 Mass a condemnation of Vatican II




 Sacred Space 
 Daily prayer online.
Available in 19 languages

Jackie Evancho  - To Believe
to-believe.jpg (305669 bytes)

Daily prayer with 
beautiful music

Whole text of 1966 Jerusalem Bible



Previous Smiles file

Refugees02.jpg (10001 bytes)

Excellent new website: 
Hong Kong Helpers Campaign

Japanese bishops: Vatican mindset doesn't fit Asian church

This article has been added to this file:  Too Western/European 

      Pope welcomes prison inmates

Pope Francis


Full text

80. Pastoral workers can thus fall into a relativism which, whatever their particular style of spirituality or way of thinking, proves even more dangerous than doctrinal relativism.

 It has to do with the deepest and inmost decisions that shape their way of life. This practical relativism consists in acting as if God did not exist, making decisions as if the poor did not exist, setting goals as if others did not exist, working as if people who have not received the Gospel did not exist.

 It is striking that even some who clearly have solid doctrinal and spiritual convictions frequently fall into a lifestyle which leads to an attachment to financial security, or to a desire for power or human glory at all cost, rather than giving their lives to others in mission. Let us not allow ourselves to be robbed of missionary enthusiasm!

This website's Tanzania File 
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

South America file
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
letters from S. American inmates in HK prisons

On the English page of today's HK Ming Pao Chinese newspaper, the editorial discusses the recent MTR (Metro) breakdowns, and says that maybe the MTR company is trying to shunt responsibility onto others! 
(One meaning of shunt is "to switch a train from one track to another)

Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity  Vatican II Reflection - 365

Catechism of 1971 vs Catechism of 1992

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W
On a visit to a second hand book in Australia last month, I bought a copy of Healing Adventure by Anne S. White.  I'm now reading it and finding it very interesting with passages like this: "In too many cases the Church has been trying to do the work of Christ without prayer and Bible study that would enable (God's) healing power to flow freely into every need" (p. 31)

....and a smile (p 32): (people are sometimes over-critical of their pastor's sermons and) "have roast preacher for their Sunday dinner".

Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Friday, please bless the people of South America

On this
21st of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Yunnan
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


 February 20


World Day of Social Justice

Social justice with a smile


Today's Bible Blog -  a four-course menu:
- YouTube: Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
- Creator asks ok to enter our hearts
- the best way to control our tongues

YouTube: With Jesus in the Boat

Bible.jpg (10089 bytes)

Fr Harry Winter OMI (USA)

Seminarians at Vatican II, 1962-65   (Second edition)

This site's full statistics
 for December 2013 


To publish an article on this site please contact Fr John Wotherspoon omi:   jdwomi@gmail.com  

If you find a broken link in this website,
  please contact: jdwomi@gmail.com


Why I collect rubbish for Pope

Taking a stand

Navigation Aids      

  Standing up to bullies

"Reform of reform" agenda

Too Western/European 

Abortion - a true story

"Same-sex marriage": two elephants
 in the men's room

     Near Death Experiences

Globalisation of Indifference

Tale of Two Brains

John's other sites: 







China Library
 - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history


Pope may float compromise on divorce

More than 500 Indian workers have died in Qatar since 2012

c.f. Qatar World Cup- 400 Nepalese have died

  We created the Manus Island danger

Church withholding millions from victims, alleges government

Today is the anniversary of the famous American evangelist: Kathryn Kuhlman

Asylum seekers stage food protest

Previous report: Hunger strike by asylum seekers in Hong Kong

Nun, 84, sentenced to three years in jail for nuclear break-in

c.f. My Statement Before the Judge

Pope Francis


Full text


79. At times our media culture and some intellectual circles convey a marked scepticism with regard to the Church’s message, along with a certain cynicism. As a consequence, many pastoral workers, although they pray, develop a sort of inferiority complex which leads them to relativize or conceal their Christian identity and convictions.

 This produces a vicious circle. They end up being unhappy with who they are and what they do; they do not identify with their mission of evangelization and this weakens their commitment.

 They end up stifling the joy of mission with a kind of obsession about being like everyone else and possessing what everyone else possesses. Their work of evangelization thus becomes forced, and they devote little energy and very limited time to it.

As a lawyer I was defending a man accused of kicking someone and breaking 3 ribs. I decided to make a creative defense, claiming that it was my clients foot that did it and you can’t punish the whole person for a offense committed by one limb. The judge told  me he was very impressed by my logic so he sentenced the man’s foot to 1 year in prison, and added he may choose to accompany it or not. My client smiled and simply detached his artificial foot!

Last Monday at a HK hospital custodial/police section, I was told a Tanzanian man had been arrested at HK airport for drug trafficking. The first such case for more than six months. Will double check this case before updating Tanzanian file (possibly he was arrested for possession rather than trafficking)
This website's
Tanzania File 
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

South America file
(stopping S. Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity  Vatican II Reflection - 364

May all nations beat their swords into ploughshares,
and beat their military chaplains into pastors

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W
Yesterday after usual Wednesday visit to Hei Ling Chau Drug Treatment Centre, I had a meeting with several people concerned about the situation of asylum seekers in Hong Kong. Of some 5,000 asylum seekers, only 4 (four) have been acknowledged as genuine refugees ....despite overwhelming evidence of torture etc ....such is the harshness of law and life in HK

Sun: Africa           Mon: Europe & Russia          Tues: South Asia          Wed: East Asia    
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific        Frid: South America           Sat: Central & North America 
Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Thursday, please bless the people of South East Asia  

On this 20th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Sichuan 
Please join me in praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month


 February 19

Anniversary today of a Chinese
 Billy Graham: Pastor Hsi

I have read and highly recommend 
Pastor Hsi, a struggle
 for Chinese Christianity

Today's Bible Blog -  a four-course menu:
- mixed feelings after 40 years of bread and bird
- not easy to pray in a "valley of darkness"
- real religion "goes out" and helps people

something we can do when we feel helpless

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Chris McDonnell
(Wed UK blogger)

Time for a change

A few years ago, the pub near Westminster Cathedral, in London, named “The Cardinal” in memory of Henry Manning, was going to change its name to The Windsor Castle. Nichols and others led the campaign in opposition. They were successful. The Cardinal remains the name of the pub and shortly Vincent Nichols, the boy from Crosby who still supports the Reds, becomes the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. May his time in office be blessed by the Lord.

c.f. England's new cardinal shares concerns for Britain's poor

Vatican II - Renewal (2)

Hans Küng: 
Letter to bishops  

Revolution to stop authoritarianism 

Fr Joseph Ratzinger: 
Writings on Vat II 

Robert Mickens:  
Vatican Implosion

Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: 
Of Happy Memory - and Hope?

Robert McNally:  
Crisis & Criticism in the Church 

Priests 9 Masses a day
 - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being
 ordained to priesthood?




84-year-old nun who broke into Tennessee weapons plant awaits fate

Fiery rhetoric at religious gatherings becomes source of concern in Kenya

'I saw terrible things in Syria, but the first time I cried was in Lewes prison'

Francis opts to keep using his Argentinian passsport

This humble Successor of Peter continues to astound the world by acting in a very normal way.  It is but the latest instance of what in Rome has become known as 'the scandal of normality.'

Catholic Bishops' Conference of India Plenary Assembly Statement

Ensuring for our lay faithful their rightful place: Recognizing the God-given talents and potentialities of the lay faithful, we will, in the first place, listen more to their voice. Hence, we commit ourselves to establish Pastoral Councils in every diocese.

2014-02-16KKPp9.jpg (674444 bytes)

Click to enlarge
For Chinese readers: report in HK Catholic KKP newspaper about our Sunday night gatherings for the poor at St Paul's, Yau Ma Tei. Thank you Antonia for writing this article

One of several fine articles 
in the latest

The Good Oil

Gary Everett: Gatherings from the grassroots

So what might be the outcomes of the October Synod on the Family? 
Here are four possible outcomes.

Toxic politics endure as Morrison gets nosy with the Navy

Pope Francis

Full text

Yes to the challenge of a missionary spirituality

78. Today we are seeing in many pastoral workers, including consecrated men and women, an inordinate concern for their personal freedom and relaxation, which leads them to see their work as a mere appendage to their life, as if it were not part of their very identity. 

At the same time, the spiritual life comes to be identified with a few religious exercises which can offer a certain comfort but which do not encourage encounter with others, engagement with the world or a passion for evangelization.

 As a result, one can observe in many agents of evangelization, even though they pray, a heightened individualism, a crisis of identity and a cooling of fervour. These are three evils which fuel one another. 

A serious smile:
Pope's words, above, are pretty strong! 
And they will get even stronger in the next few days!

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

Francis wishes to release Vatican II's bold vision from captivity  Vatican II Reflection - 363   

Bishops of larger dioceses have very little time for two-way sharing with priests, religious and laity

  2013-01-03jw.jpg (36451 bytes)
John W
  Thank you God for 41 years !

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On this 19th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Shanxi
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Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.  胡 頌 恆 神 父   
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