English students:  
six new recordings with text each day
See below
The Book Blog, Laudato Si, The Joy of the Gospel

Use to/from school/work ! 

V2Catholic.com   A voice for the poor 
Edited by Hong Kong prison chaplain Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.  胡 頌 恆 神 父    jdwomi@gmail.com    
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DV  A new menu 7 days a week to help people keep up to date with what is happening in the world and in the Church, with a special hope that English students and sick friends will find The Book passages a source of extra help and encouragement

DG - Since 2013, this website has saved many dozens of Africans from going to prison in HK.  See "Drugs", below.

V2Catholic on Facebook
  God bless kind FB editor in Melbourne 

Archive of articles + other items: bottom of this page

2015-04-02washing-feet01.jpg (47055 bytes) 
Imitating Pope Francis

Tuesday September 22

Dear God, please give Francis 
a safe trip to Cuba and USA!

In this short video

   "Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

84.  Our insistence that each human being is an image of God should not make us overlook the fact that each creature has its own purpose. None is superfluous. 

The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God. 

The history of our friendship with God is always linked to particular places which take on an intensely personal meaning; we all remember places, and revisiting those memories does us much good. 

Anyone who has grown up in the hills or used to sit by a spring to drink, or played outdoors in a neighbourhood square; going back to these places is a chance to recover something of their true selves.


Francis went “Pope Unplugged” for the afternoon, discarding his prepared speeches (to the chagrin of journalists and editors everywhere). He instead spoke from the heart on poverty, disability, and faith to clergy and young people.

“Richness impoverishes you; it takes away from us the best we have. It makes us poor in the only richness which is worthy: trust in God.”

- from this report:
Pope meets Fidel Castro

Pope Francis Visits Cuba & US: 
Live Updates  (scroll down)

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Numbers 21-22 (a)

As the Israelites continued their journey, a number of kings did battle with them.

One of these was Og, king of Bashan.

God said to Moses: "Do not be afraid of him, for I have given him into your power".  Israel then easily defeated Og and occupied his land.

Lord, thank you for helping me when life has been difficult

My recording of this reading


Click to enlarge 
this image of today's readings from Acts

early_christians_coloured_by_fenixflower-d3ditt3.jpg (99406 bytes)

Psalm 118 (a)

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love has no end.

Let the sons of Israel say: "His love has no end."

Let those who honor the Lord say:
"His love has no end."

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.

Lord, please increase my trust in you



Today's Gospel



Acts 2.37-47

The crowd was deeply moved by Peter's words, and asked "What should we do?"  Peter replied "You must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then you too will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". That day about 3,000 people were baptized

These remained faithful to the teaching of the apostles, to a life of sharing and caring, to the Breaking of Bread, and to prayer

Many miracles were worked by the apostles, and this made a deep impression on everyone. Each day the Lord added new members to their group

Jesus, please help me remain faithful to the Christian way of life


Recommended: check these readings early morning, think about them during the day, check them again at night. This habit gives us extra energy, courage, motivation, peace and compassion for each day

Mark 3.1-6

Jesus again went to a prayer hall on the Sabbath. In the hall was a man with a withered hand.

The religious leaders were watching Jesus to see if he would heal on the Sabbath, hoping for something to use against him.

Jesus said to the man with the withered hand "Stand in the middle of the hall".  Then he said to the religious leaders "Is it against the law on the Sabbath to do good?"

They remained silent. Grieved that they were so obstinate, Jesus looked angrily round at them, and said to the man "Stretch out your hand".

He stretched it out and it was healed. The leaders left and began to plot how to get rid of Jesus.

Jesus, don't let my heart become obstinate


by a HK reader

Amazing video: (has had 500,000 views)
Little Syrian girl speaking about love and forgiveness

China's economic problems should be put in perspective, says George Osborne

Fr Jerry Novotny O.M.I.

Who Are We? - re abortion, Planned Parenthood:
What the Nazis did in secret, our U.S. government does openly,  and even creates laws to protect and justify their criminal actions

Recording of 122

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

122 (c): Each portion of the people of God, by translating the gift of God into its own life and in accordance with its own genius, bears witness to the faith it has received and enriches it with new and eloquent expressions

One can say that a people continuously evangelizes itself”.  Herein lies the importance of popular piety, a true expression of the spontaneous missionary activity of the people of God. This is an ongoing and developing process, of which the Holy Spirit is the principal agent.


My regular article in today's Ming Pao newspaper
with the topic: Memo to media: stop propagating suicide
is on Ming Pao website - click "Australian in HK".
Free access to article with recording today from about noon to 8pm HK time. Text without recording

Obama will see Pope
Obama will see Xi
but will Xi xi Pope?
Xi-Pope.png (81510 bytes)

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Tuesday, please bless the people of South Asia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
22nd of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of Zhejiang

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 22nd of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Boko Haram 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


 Monday September 21

Dear God, please give Francis 
a safe trip to Cuba and USA!

Yesterday's Mass in Cuba. White beard next to Pope belongs to US Cardinal O'Malley ... no doubt preparing Francis for US. Pope looked and sounded very tired?
(...very hot day ....after long flight...)

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation


Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si


83. The ultimate destiny of the universe is in the fullness of God, which has already been attained by the risen Christ, the measure of the maturity of all things.[53]

Here we can add yet another argument for rejecting every tyrannical and irresponsible domination of human beings over other creatures. The ultimate purpose of other creatures is not to be found in us. Rather, all creatures are moving forward with us and through us towards a common point of arrival, which is God, in that transcendent fullness where the risen Christ embraces and illumines all things. 

Human beings, endowed with intelligence and love, and drawn by the fullness of Christ, are called to lead all creatures back to their Creator.


Pope Francis Visits Cuba: 
Live Updates  (scroll down)






This week Xi Jinping and the Pope are arriving in the US on the same day! They will be in Washington on the same day! Xi can watch Pope's Congress speech on TV!?  Lord, by some sort of miracle, may they meet!!!

Xi Jinping's schedule in US 

Pope's schedule in US

Xi will be following in Pope's footsteps for meeting with Obama, then speech to Congress, then speech to UN. 

Pope Could Put Xi in Shade

If Pope Francis Were To Meet President Xi...


The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

c.f. readings for Feast of St Matthew

Isaiah 51-52

Pay attention to me, you peoples.
Listen to me, you nations.

The islands put their hope in the Lord. They put their trust in his strength.

How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of one who brings good news, who proclaims peace and salvation, and tells Zion "Your God is king!"

Break into shouts of joy, you ruins of Jerusalem, for the Lord is redeeming his people.

All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

Lord, may more and more people in more and more countries
know you and love you.

My recording of this reading

Psalm  117  

O Praise the Lord, all you nations.
Acclaim him, all you peoples!

Strong is his love for us.
He is faithful for ever.

May all the nations love and praise you, Lord


Today's Gospel

Ephesians 4.1-16

I implore you to lead a life worthy of your vocation

Bear with one another charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience

If we live by the truth and in love, we shall become more and more like Christ

We are parts of the Body of Christ. Christ is the head. Each part must do its bit to keep the Body healthy and growing in love

Jesus, help me understand how the Church is your Body




Matthew 9.9-13

One day when Jesus was walking past a customs house he said to a tax collector  named Matthew "Follow me". Matthew got up and followed Jesus.

Matthew invited Jesus and Jesus' friends to a dinner in his house.
Some tax collectors and  "bad" people sat at Jesus' table.

Religious leaders saw this and complained to Jesus' friends "Why does your master eat with tax collectors and bad people?"

Jesus' answer was "It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick.

Go and think about the Bible words 'What I want is mercy, not sacrifice'. I have a special concern for rejects and down-and-outs."

Jesus, please help religious leaders in today's world to care more about people who are rejected by society


Darlene Starrs (Blogger from Canada)

Happy Feast Day of St. Matthew
Just as Jesus called Matthew to follow Him, you could be called today too!

Cuba: ‘I hope Pope Francis can promote peace among us’

Recording of 122

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

122 (b): Being human means “being at the same time son and father of the culture to which one belongs”. Once the Gospel has been inculturated in a people, in their process of transmitting their culture they also transmit the faith in ever new forms; hence the importance of understanding evangelization as inculturation. 

Mark Twain: 

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Monday,  please bless the people of Europe & Russia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
21st of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of Yunnan

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 21st of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify ISIS 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


Sunday September 20

Often each day this week, let's pray "Dear God, please protect Pope Francis as he visits Cuba and the US". 

I know of some dear friends in HK who are fasting these days in prayer for the Pope's protection - given the danger of guns etc, especially in the US

Let's add our prayers each day this week

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si
- on care for our common home

82. Yet it would also be mistaken to view other living beings as mere objects subjected to arbitrary human domination. When nature is viewed solely as a source of profit and gain, this has serious consequences for society. 

This vision of “might is right” has engendered immense inequality, injustice and acts of violence against the majority of humanity, since resources end up in the hands of the first comer or the most powerful: the winner takes all. 

Completely at odds with this model are the ideals of harmony, justice, fraternity and peace as proposed by Jesus. As he said of the powers of his own age: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant” (Mt 20:25-26).

Dear God, please give Francis 
a safe trip to Cuba and USA!

Pope Francis Visits Cuba: 
Live Updates


Full schedule of Pope's visit
 to Cuba and USA  Sep 19 - 27

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Readings are from Simple Bible
 (which has Chinese translation available)

c.f. Readings for "Sunday 25"

Wisdom 1-2

Love virtue, honesty and simplicity, since God is found by people whose hearts are seeking goodness.

Selfishness, dishonesty and bad habits, these close the door of our hearts and prevent Wisdom from entering.

Bad people persecute good people, since the lives of good people are a reproach to bad people.

Lord, please help me to be a good person

My recording of this reading


Psalm 54

O God, save me by your name; by your power, uphold my cause.

O God, hear my prayer; listen to the words of my mouth. For proud men have risen against me, ruthless men seek my life. They have no regard for God.

But I have God for my help. The Lord upholds my life.

I will sacrifice to you with willing heart, and praise your name for it is good.

Lord, please protect me in time of danger


James 3.16-17

Wherever you find jealousy and ambition, you find disharmony and evil practices

On the other hand,  wisdom from heaven is good and peaceful and kindly and considerate. It is full of compassion, and does good.
There is no trace of partiality or hypocrisy in it

Jesus,  give me wisdom. Make me peaceful 


Daniel Daring: 

Who is the greatest?
Jealousy and selfishness prevent us from understanding the hidden wisdom of the Cross, the power of sacrifice of one’s life for others       
 Chinese text    

Mark 9.30-35

Jesus and his disciples made their way through Galilee. Jesus told his disciples ‘The Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of men; they will put him to death; and three days after he has been put to death he will rise again.’ But they did not understand what he said and were afraid to ask him.

They came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house he asked them, ‘What were you arguing about on the road?’ They said nothing because they had been arguing which of them was the greatest. So he sat down, called the Twelve to him and said, ‘If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all.’

Jesus, please help me want to serve rather than be served


Gerard O'Connell 
In China, Fear of Faith

 Fidel Castro, the prophet: Debunking the Pope and Obama legend

Vatican parish takes in Syrian refugee family

Recording of 122

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

122 (a): We can see that the different peoples among whom the Gospel has been inculturated are active collective subjects or agents of evangelization.

 This is because each people is the creator of their own culture and the protagonist of their own history. Culture is a dynamic reality which a people constantly recreates; each generation passes on a whole series of ways of approaching different existential situations to the next generation, which must in turn reformulate it as it confronts its own challenges.

Hour of Love  HK radio program 9.05pm HK time each Sunday night
- with messages about African inmates in HK prisons (c. 9.25pm)

 Fun facts and more about life aboard the papal plane

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Sunday,  please bless the people of Africa

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
20th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 20th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please bless all Muslims in my own country 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


 Saturday September 19  

Dear God, please give Francis 
a safe trip to Cuba and USA!

Full schedule of Pope's visit
 to Cuba and USA  Sep 19 - 27

     "Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

81. Human beings, even if we postulate a process of evolution, also possess a uniqueness which cannot be fully explained by the evolution of other open systems.

Each of us has his or her own personal identity and is capable of entering into dialogue with others and with God himself. 

Our capacity to reason, to develop arguments, to be inventive, to interpret reality and to create art, along with other not yet discovered capacities, are signs of a uniqueness which transcends the spheres of physics and biology. 

The sheer novelty involved in the emergence of a personal being within a material universe presupposes a direct action of God and a particular call to life and to relationship on the part of a “Thou” who addresses himself to another “thou”. 

The biblical accounts of creation invite us to see each human being as a subject who can never be reduced to the status of an object.


The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Numbers 20

The Israelites arrived at Kadesh in the desert of Zin. They had no water, and complained bitterly to Moses and Aaron.

Moses and Aaron pleaded with God for help. God told Moses to hit a rock with a branch, and in this way, order the rock to give water.

Water did in fact flow when Moses hit the rock, but through lack of faith, Moses hit it twice.

So God said to Moses and Aaron:
"Because you did not fully trust me, therefore you will not lead the people to the promised land".

When the Israelites moved on from Kadesh, they asked the Edomites for permission to go through their land. But the Edomites refused this request.

Later, on Mount Hor, Aaron died 
and was succeeded as High Priest by his son Eleazar

Dear God, please increase our trust in you

My recording of this reading

Psalm 116 

I love the Lord for he has heard the cry of my appeal. He turned his ear to me in the day when I called him.

They surrounded me, sorrow, distress and the snares of death.
I was helpless, so the Lord saved me.

Calm down my soul, for the Lord has been good. I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.

How can I repay the Lord for his goodness to me? The cup of salvation I will raise to thank the Lord.

O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faithful. Lord, you have loosened my bonds. I am your servant.

Thank you, Lord, for all your goodness to me




Acts 2.22-36

Peter said to the crowd "You know that Jesus of Nazareth was a man from God. You know all about the miracles he worked

This same Jesus has been raised from the dead by God. There are many witnesses to his resurrection

Jesus has been taken up to God's right hand. He has received the Holy Spirit from the Father. He has poured out the Holy Spirit on us

Know for sure that Jesus whom you crucified is the Messiah and he is Lord"

Jesus, Messiah Lord, please pour your Holy Spirit into my heart


Mark 2.23-28

One Sabbath day Jesus and his disciples were walking through a cornfield.  The disciples were hungry. They picked some ears of corn and ate them.

Picking corn on the Sabbath was regarded as unlawful by the Pharisees.  So the Pharisees said to Jesus "Your disciples are breaking the Sabbath law".

Jesus replied "Don't you remember what King David and his followers once did when they were hungry? They ate the Temple bread which only the priests were allowed to eat.

Go and learn the meaning  of these words 'What I want is mercy, not superficial external offerings'.

I am Master of the Sabbath."

Jesus,  please help me understand
 that love is more important than law.


The other side of the coin - bad refugees:
Third World Invasion: Eyewitness Description, September 5, 2015

Bishop Fritz Lobinger

Teams of Elders - allow married men to be ordained priests:
As the bishop of the diocese, I would visit Mmusong once a year, listening to the community and solemnly blessing its leaders. Each time I went home with the same painful question in my heart: “Why can I give only a blessing to those leaders? Why can I not ordain some of them? When will the day come when I can ordain the proven leaders of our communities?”

Oriental Daily report (in Chinese) of music "bash" Sep 9 in aid of our Sunday night gathering for the poor

Background photos

Recording of 121

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

121 (b): In your heart you know that it is not the same to live without Jesus; what you have come to realize, what has helped you to live and given you hope, is what you also need to communicate to others.

Our falling short of perfection should be no excuse; on the contrary, mission is a constant stimulus not to remain mired in mediocrity but to continue growing.

 The witness of faith that each Christian is called to offer leads us to say with Saint Paul: “Not that I am already perfect; but I press on, because Christ Jesus has made me his own”.


10 years ago
 on this day

2005-09-19 BINGO English at Xinqiao and Ng Chuen Primary Schools

As the funeral went through town, someone forgot to close the back door of the hearse. Before long the precious cargo had fallen out and went rolling down the street. It rolled into a chemist shop and the corpse sat up and asked: "Have you got anything to stop this coffin?" 

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Saturday,  please bless the people of Central & North America

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
19th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of Shan

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 19th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of S

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify the Taliban


Letter (in Swahili) from Tanzanian inmate in a HK prison

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Friday September 18    

Over the past two weeks I've helped two inmates get out on bail .... and next week nine (!) more. But three nights ago I was responsible for local policemen arresting someone: a drug user with a dangerously swollen arm who couldn't/wouldn't go to a  doctor. Best/safest place for such a person is detention, with its excellent medical care. Only problem: today I'm due to visit that guy's prison hospital. I wonder how he will receive me?!

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation


Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

80 (b): God is intimately present to each being, without impinging on the autonomy of his creature, and this gives rise to the rightful autonomy of earthly affairs.[50]

His divine presence, which ensures the subsistence and growth of each being, “continues the work of creation”.[51]

The Spirit of God has filled the universe with possibilities and therefore, from the very heart of things, something new can always emerge:

“Nature is nothing other than a certain kind of art, namely God’s art, impressed upon things, whereby those things are moved to a determinate end. It is as if a shipbuilder were able to give timbers the wherewithal to move themselves to take the form of a ship”.”.[52]

 Dear God, please give Pope Francis a safe trip to Cuba and USA!

Story of China - and Sudan's oil

Chinas-Silent-Army-114.jpg (227907 bytes)    Chinas-Silent-Army-115.jpg (249378 bytes)    Chinas-Silent-Army-116.jpg (255109 bytes)    Chinas-Silent-Army-117.jpg (162347 bytes)

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Numbers 19

God's words to Moses:

"Burn a red heifer and mix its ashes with water to make holy water for special blessings in cases of uncleanness."

Dear God, thank you for holy water.  May it protect and cleanse us

My recording of this reading


Psalms 114-115

When Israel came out of Egypt,
Jacob's descendents from an alien people,

Judah became the Lord's temple,
Israel became his kingdom.

Descendents of Israel, trust in the Lord. He is our help and our shield.

To you may the Lord grant increase, to you and all your children.

May you be blessed by the Lord,
the maker of heaven and earth.

Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings





Acts 2.11-18 

When people heard the apostles' group speaking in many different languages, some said the apostles were drunk

Peter stood up with the Eleven and said to the crowd: These people are not drunk. It's only 9am .... too early to drink. What is happening is what God said through the prophet Joel:

'I, the Lord, will pour out my spirit on all peoples. They will prophesy and see visions. I will pour out my spirit on everyone'

Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on all peoples, all nations


Today's Gospel

Mark 2.13-17

Jesus went again to the Sea of Galilee. Many people came to him and he taught them there by the sea.

Near the sea he saw a tax collector Levi (Matthew) working at the customs house. Jesus said to him "Follow me". He got up and followed him.

Levi gave a dinner in his house for Jesus. Sitting with Jesus were some tax collectors and "sinners".
In fact Jesus' followers included many tax collectors and "sinners".

Some religious leaders asked Jesus' disciples "Why does he eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"

Jesus himself answered them: "It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. I did not come to call the virtuous, but sinners."

Jesus, thank you for being a friend of people who are rejected and despised


Hong Kong business magnate Li Ka Shing ‘runs away’. Chinese netizens ask, why shouldn’t he?

Can 'smart malls' save China's failing shopping centres from collapse?

I wouldn't invest in China now- Goldman Sachs boss

Recording of 121

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel      Full text     

121 (a): Of course, all of us are called to mature in our work as evangelizers. We want to have better training, a deepening love and a clearer witness to the Gospel. In this sense, we ought to let others be constantly evangelizing us

But this does not mean that we should postpone the evangelizing mission; rather, each of us should find ways to communicate Jesus wherever we are. All of us are called to offer others an explicit witness to the saving love of the Lord, who despite our imperfections offers us his closeness, his word and his strength, and gives meaning to our lives. 


Abraham bought himself a fancy new computer. He was showing it to Isaac one day.
"Look at all the wonderful programs it has on it. And look at all the neat things it can do..."

Isaac was impressed, but a little concerned..."But dad, I don't think your computer has enough memory."

Abraham said "Don't worry son; the Lord will provide the RAM."

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Friday,  please bless the people of South America

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
18th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 18th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of
Ivory Coast

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, on this Muslim day of prayer, please bless all Muslims!

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


 Thursday September 17 

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

80 (a): Yet God, who wishes to work with us and who counts on our cooperation, can also bring good out of the evil we have done.

“The Holy Spirit can be said to possess an infinite creativity, proper to the divine mind, which knows how to loosen the knots of human affairs, including the most complex and inscrutable”.[48] 

Creating a world in need of development, God in some way sought to limit himself in such a way that many of the things we think of as evils, dangers or sources of suffering, are in reality part of the pains of childbirth which he uses to draw us into the act of cooperation with the Creator.[49] 


The Pope's favourite English translator

On yesterday's menu I mentioned how I had the job of finding accommodation for 9 soon-to-be -granted-bail elderly foreign inmates who claim to have been tricked into carrying drugs.

Well, yesterday I made a booking for the G9 at a guest house near my home. I have promised them a beer (or whatever) at my home to celebrate their bail. 

None of the 9 has any friends in HK, so if anyone would like to meet them and give them a meal ... just let me know: jdwomi@gmail.com 

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Numbers 18

God's words to Aaron:

"You and your sons will be priests. You will lead the liturgy and carry out the duties of your priesthood.

You will have no portion of the land as your own. I myself will be your portion.

When your sons receive the people's tithes, they must give you for a special offering - a tithe of the tithes."

Dear God, please help priests to be good and not greedy

My recording of this reading

Psalm 113

Praise, O friends of the Lord,
praise the name of the Lord. May the name of the Lord be blessed
both now and for evermore.

From the rising of the sun to its setting, praised be the name of the Lord.

Who is like the Lord our God,
above the heavens his glory.

From the dust he lifts up the lowly, to put them in the company of royalty.

To the childless wife he gives a home, and gladdens her heart with children.

May the Lord be praised from sunrise to sunset


Mark 2.1-12 (a)

After some time Jesus returned to Capernaum. Crowds quickly gathered at the house where he was staying.

While he was preaching inside the house, four men carried a paralytic on a stretcher to the front door.

They couldn't get in, because of the crowd, so they went up on the roof, took off some of the roof covering, and lowered the stretcher in front of Jesus.

Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic "Your sins are forgiven".


Mt09.01-08b.jpg (36470 bytes)

Mt09.01.jpg (18708 bytes)


Mark 2.1-12 (b)

Some religious leaders present in the crowd  thought to themselves "Who does this man think he is? Only God can forgive sins".

Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he asked them "Which is easier? To say 'Your sins are forgiven' or 'Get up and walk'?

But to show you that I have authority to forgive sins I now say: get up, pick up your stretcher and go home."

The man got up, picked up his stretcher and walked out in front of everyone. The crowd said "We have never seen anything like this".

Jesus, please heal my friend .....(name)....who is a paralytic


The Thai woman in this video - sent by Nigerian Drug Lord - smuggled heroin to Hong Kong 3 times and on her hast trip she was arrested

2 Filipino women arrested at HK airport - drugs in luggage  (video)

Famous Chinese Christians

Zhang Boling (1876-1951)

Why India should reject China's obsession with bigger, denser megacities

Recording of 120

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

 120 (b): Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are “disciples” and “missionaries”, but rather that we are always “missionary disciples”. 

If we are not convinced, let us look at those first disciples, who, immediately after encountering the gaze of Jesus, went forth to proclaim him joyfully: “We have found the Messiah!”. The Samaritan woman became a missionary immediately after speaking with Jesus and many Samaritans came to believe in him “because of the woman’s testimony”. So too, Saint Paul, after his encounter with Jesus Christ, “immediately proclaimed Jesus.”  So what are we waiting for?


10 years ago today

2005-09-17 CAS start of semester Mid-Autumn Festival dinner for staff at Dynasty Hotel

Baby having nails cut

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Thursday,  please bless the people of S.E. Asia & Pacific

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
17th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 17th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Al-Qaeda

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Wednesday September 16       Positions vacant: not much training needed - see 120, below 


Where does Pope go for glasses?

Pope sharpens his focus

     "Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

79. In this universe, shaped by open and intercommunicating systems, we can discern countless forms of relationship and participation. 

This leads us to think of the whole as open to God’s transcendence, within which it develops. 

Faith allows us to interpret the meaning and the mysterious beauty of what is unfolding. 

We are free to apply our intelligence towards things evolving positively, or towards adding new ills, new causes of suffering and real setbacks.

 This is what makes for the excitement and drama of human history, in which freedom, growth, salvation and love can blossom, or lead towards decadence and mutual destruction. 

The work of the Church seeks not only to remind everyone of the duty to care for nature, but at the same time “she must above all protect mankind from self-destruction”.[47]

Last Friday I helped bail out a Gambian refugee from Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre. Yesterday that good man did the same for a local Chinese inmate: he took bail money (from me) to a local court, then took court's authorisation letter to Lai Chi Kok, then waited for the man to be released, then gave him a little present from me. Very sad: bail cases on release are usually penniless, no money to even get a bus or train. 

Speaking of bail: the nine older foreigners accused of drug trafficking, are due to be given (free) bail leave on Sep 23 ...and I have the job of helping them find a place to stay. Latest plan is to have them all stay together, initially. Which means paying for rent. So far one kind offer of help. Thank you. Anyone else like to obtain shares in this work of compassion? 

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Numbers 17 

Once again the people complained against Moses and Aaron.

This time through Moses God told the leaders of the 11 tribes to bring 11 branches and plant them with Aaron’s branch.

The next day Aaron’s branch had blossomed and produced fruit.

Aaron’s branch then became a sign to the people that they should stop complaining

Dear God, please help me not to complain so much

Psalm 112

Happy are people who love and honor the Lord, who take delight in his commands. The children of such people will be blessed.

Such people are a light in the darkness for others. Such people are generous, merciful and just.

They take pity and help those in need. They conduct their affairs with  integrity.

Open-handed they give to the poor. Their justice and goodness will never be forgotten.

Lord, please help me do more for the poor



Acts 2. 1-4

About ten days after Jesus' ascension to heaven was the Feast of Pentecost. Jesus' 12 apostles, his mother, several other women, and his brothers were together in one room

Suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind. Tongues of fire appeared and came to rest on the head of each of them

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages

Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on me. Fall afresh on our world


Mark 1.40-45 

A leper came to Jesus and on his knees pleaded "If you want to, you can heal me".

Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him and said "Of course I want to heal you. Be healed!"

The leprosy left him at that moment and he was healed.

Jesus told the man not to tell people what had happened (in case people misunderstood Jesus' spiritual mission and tried to use him politically).  But the man told everyone.

Soon Jesus could not go openly into any town (for fear the crowds would become unruly) so he stayed in remote places.

Even so, people from all around the district would come to him.

Jesus, please heal people who are lepers


Chris McDonnell (Wed UK blogger) 

Give me to eat

Still they come, knocking at the door of Europe , men, women, children, dishevelled and tired.

John Allen:
Pope warns religious orders- Take refugees, or pay taxes
Francis issued a blunt warning to religious orders in Europe that spurn his call to open their doors to refugees because they want to make money off their properties instead

It’s not the Chinese economy that’s on life support

John Allen: 
A media guide to Pope Francis’ trip to America

Questions from a Ewe:
Dear Pope Francis, regarding mercy and forgiveness...and the new rules about marriage annulments

Last Monday in the HK High Court a drug mule from Kenya was sentenced - 27 years ... before cut ...will have to serve about 12 years

Recording of 120

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

120 (a): In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples. All the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelization, and it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelization to be carried out by professionals while the rest of the faithful would simply be passive recipients.

 The new evangelization calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptized. Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love.

To go with today's Gospel:

(lepers...not leopards)

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Wednesday,  please bless the people of East Asia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
16th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 16th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Al-Shabaab 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Tuesday September 15   

"Increase our appreciation of nature" - Laudato Si

YouTube: 2 minutes
Amazing Bird's nest construction

   "Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

78. At the same time, Judaeo-Christian thought demythologized nature. While continuing to admire its grandeur and immensity, it no longer saw nature as divine.

In doing so, it emphasizes all the more our human responsibility for nature.

This rediscovery of nature can never be at the cost of the freedom and responsibility of human beings who, as part of the world, have the duty to cultivate their abilities in order to protect it and develop its potential.

If we acknowledge the value and the fragility of nature and, at the same time, our God-given abilities, we can finally leave behind the modern myth of unlimited material progress.

A fragile world, entrusted by God to human care, challenges us to devise intelligent ways of directing, developing and limiting our power.


10 years ago today

Visit to Zhaoqing poor areas and CAS by crew from Hunan TV
with 15 minute YouTube video of TV report

Sound: Putonghua
Picture: Everyonehua

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Readings for Feast of Mary of Sorrows

Hebrews 5.7-9

During his life on earth, Christ offered up prayer and entreaty, aloud and in silent tears, to the one who had the power to save him out of death, and he submitted so humbly that his prayer was heard.

Although he was Son, he learnt to obey through suffering; but having been made perfect, he became for all who obey him the source of eternal salvation.

My r
ecording of this reading


Psalm 31:

In you, O Lord, I take refuge. Let me never be put to shame. In your justice, set me free,  hear me and speedily rescue me.

Be a rock of refuge for me,  a mighty stronghold to save me, for you are my rock, my stronghold.

Into your hands I commend my spirit. It is you who will redeem me, Lord.

I trust in you, Lord. You are my God. My life is in your hands, deliver me from the hands of those who hate me.


A traditional prayer on this day: The Stabat Mater

At the Cross her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, close to her Son to the last


Luke 2.33-35

As the child’s father and mother stood there wondering at the things that were being said about him, Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘You see this child: he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is rejected – and a sword will pierce your own soul too – so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.’


John 19.25-27

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala.

Seeing his mother and the disciple he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son. 

Then to the disciple he said, ‘This is your mother.’ And from that moment the disciple made a place for her in his home


O dear Mother, fount of love.
Touch my spirit from above,
make my heart with thine accord:

Make me feel as thou hast felt;
make my soul to glow and melt
with the love of Christ my Lord.

Archbishop of Brisbane offers to take in 100 Syrian refugee families


How Europe can learn from the hard lessons of HK's Vietnamese refugee crisis

Cuba pardons thousands of prisoners ahead of Pope's visit

Prison inmates tour Vatican Gardens and Sistine Chapel

Americans are ready to hear Pope Francis – but will they listen?

God Calling: Sep 13

My Name is the Power that turns evil aside, that summons all good to your aid.  Spirits of evil flee at the sound of "Jesus."  Spoken in fear, in weakness, in sorrow, in pain, it is an appeal I never fail to answer.  "Jesus."

Use it not only when you need help but to express Love. Uttered aloud, or in the silence of your hearts, it will alter an atmosphere from one of discord to one of Love. It will raise the standard of talk and thought.  "Jesus."

Fifty shades of Xi – China’s confessional politics of dominance

Recording of 119

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

119. In all the baptized, from first to last, the sanctifying power of the Spirit is at work, impelling us to evangelization.

 The people of God is holy thanks to this anointing, which makes it infallible in credendo. This means that it does not err in faith, even though it may not find words to explain that faith. The Spirit guides it in truth and leads it to salvation.

 As part of his mysterious love for humanity, God furnishes the totality of the faithful with an instinct of faith – sensus fidei – which helps them to discern what is truly of God. 

The presence of the Spirit gives Christians a certain connaturality with divine realities, and a wisdom which enables them to grasp those realities intuitively, even when they lack the wherewithal to give them precise expression


Australia: old and new prime ministers

Abbott-Turnbull.jpg (36209 bytes)

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Tuesday, please bless the people of South Asia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
15th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 15th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Boko Haram 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


HK readers might like to join me in praying each day for one group of HK prison inmates:  Sun: Lo Wu    Mon: C.I.C., Siu Lam, Tai Lam     Tue: Stanley   Wed:  Hei Ling Chau    Thu: Lantau       Fri: Lai Chi Kok       Sat: Hospitals, Pik Uk & other centres

Pope Francis:
Thank you Holy Spirit

Inspiring photos:

Abp-Bergoglio01.jpg (24769 bytes)


2013-04-09PopeFrancisAtMass.jpg (68152 bytes)

inmates.jpg (66142 bytes)

2013-06-06pope-francis.jpg (89098 bytes)

2013-06-12pope-francis-CLAR.jpg (48571 bytes)

2013-07-29pope-plane.jpg (270817 bytes)

2013-11-07pope.jpg (21651 bytes)  Links
01  02

2014-02-23to-Evangelicals.jpg (107190 bytes)

2014-03-11retreat.jpg (9338 bytes)

2014-03-10Bergoglio-Mass-in-streets.jpg (14759 bytes)

2014-03-16jokes01.jpg (31311 bytes)

2014-03-26homeless-Jesus-sculpture.jpg (49038 bytes)

2014-05-25security-wall.jpg (45994 bytes)

2014-06-03charasmatic-gathering.jpg02.jpg (19951 bytes)

2014-06-08Presidents05.jpg (27009 bytes)

2014-07-25cafeteria.jpg (306847 bytes)

2015-04-02washing-feet01.jpg (47055 bytes) Link

Newness, harmony, mission

Engagements of Pope Francis

Zenit.org - reports from Rome

This website's kind bloggers
(past and present)
with archives of articles:

Hazel C
Daniel Daring
Inigo Joachim

Brian Lewis
Judith Lynch 
Martin Mallon
Chris McDonnell
Bill Mulcahy 
Des O'Donnell
Darlene Starrs
David Timbs
Peter Wilkinson
   Harry Winter 
  John Wotherspoon

This website tries to stop "tanks"
(war, global warming, exploitation of the poor, globalisation of indifference, liturgical "reform of the reform" & other anti-Vatican II forces, "same-sex marriage" juggernaut etc)

  Weekly Archive  of main page menus

Previous archives 
2013  2012  2011 2010  2009  2008

Previous Bible Blogs of this website

Previous Smiles file

John W: Previous Daily Blogs

The unjust treatment
 of Bishop Bill Morris

Hans Küng:  Letter to bishops  

Revolution to stop authoritarianism 

Fr Joseph Ratzinger: 
Writings on Vat II 

Robert Mickens:
Vatican Implosion

Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: 
Of Happy Memory - and Hope?

Robert McNally:  
Crisis & Criticism in the Church 

Priests 9 Masses a day
 - need to ordain married men

Why are women not being
 ordained to priesthood?

A Call to Action
Assn Catholic Priests Ireland

Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal 
The Swag
VII - Voice of the Church

We Are Church

Excellent articles on Mission

Hugh McMahon SSC

Imposter Priests
- refusing to pass on the teaching of Francis' The Joy of the Gospel

My Islam File

Political leaders who live(d) a simple life style and care(d) for the poor

HK Democracy File - essential reading

HK Asylum Seekers File

IS (ISIS) File - Essential Reading

Gaza File - essential reading


1998 ICEL Sacramentary

Misguided Missal

The new translation
Ghastly process/result

Ron Schmit:
 1962 Mass a condemnation of Vat II


 Sacred Space  Daily prayer online.
Available in 19 languages

Jackie Evancho  - To Believe
to-believe.jpg (305669 bytes)

Daily prayer with beautiful music

Whole text of 1966 Jerusalem Bible

The Last Supper -  Bohdan Piasecki 
Last-Supper-Piasecki.jpg (69304 bytes)
(click to enlarge)

The Lord's Day (Pope John Paul II)


Bob Welsh - My Christmas Eve

 A Tale of Two Brains

The Story of Jonah 
as Told by The Cutest Little Girl
(gets even better as it goes along)

YouTube from KLM!

North Africa refugee boat - Link
refugees03.png (2697912 bytes)

Abortion Survivor’s Letter
 to the Abortionist

Tribalism lives on, 
for better and for worse

Video: Sydney Peace Prize Lecture by Julian Burnside  

16 Documents of Vatican II

This website's 
Reflections on the 16 documents
 of Vatican II


Be careful of junk reading re Pope:
Chancery report in English
Chancery report in Chinese


Why I collect rubbish for Pope

Taking a stand

Navigation Aids      

  Standing up to bullies

"Reform of reform" agenda

Too Western/European 

Abortion - a true story

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy
 and sexual abuse

Same-sex marriage": 
two elephants in the men's room

     Near Death Experiences

Globalisation of Indifference

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day

This site's full statistics
 for August 2015

To publish an article on this site please contact Fr John Wotherspoon omi:   jdwomi@gmail.com  

If you find a broken link in this website,
  please contact: jdwomi@gmail.com

John W's other sites: 







China Library
 - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history

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Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.  胡 頌 恆 神 父   
 Email:   jdwomi@gmail.com  
     Hong Kong mobile  (852) 6709 5674
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Mail address: PO Box 74013 Kowloon Central Post Office, Kowloon , Hong Kong

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Prisoners         Oxfam       FairTrade        MSF    
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